Chapter 6

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Few things first.
- I am sorry that I have taken this long for the next chapter. I was just so stuck, I didn't know what to write. I guess I had my first experience with writers block, kind of excited about that.
- I decided to just roll with what I had written down in the outline I had prepared, but it might still be disappointing to you.
- I did write down another small part of the epilogue, that happens when you force it. You think of other things to write. Anyways, here goes nothing.

Reading Guide

"Gaki" Biju talking

'Gaki' Biju thinking

"Hello" Person talking

'Hello' Person thinking

"Gaara stared up at the half full moon" Flashback

-Elemental Countries - Place

(30 Minutes Before) Time

Chapter 6

- Jihiro's home -

It was a little while later at the fire place, that most felt like hitting the sack, so they can hit the road early tomorrow. Ino was still busy with the interrogation of the triplets but said she didn't mind it so much. Her body was resting anyway while she was wandering around in the thoughts of the scum.

The next morning everyone gradually started to wake-up when the sun was rising. If the light didn't wake them, it was Sanji's wonderful cooking that did the trick. He used the leftovers from last night to prepare a seemingly new breakfast, nobody could recognize the previous meal from their breakfast. While they waited for the food to get ready, the ninjas started to clean up where they had slept. They left almost no trace of having been here in the first place.

After breakfast, they had the scum in the circle now and Ino was relaying the information she had found out.

"These guys that were following Sayuri-san, were rather new to the crew. They are part of Blackbeard's newer fleet. They have a few leads and things that could be worth knowing to us." Ino announced while pointing towards the triplets.

"How trustworthy are the words of thugs who sell out their captain so easily? How true are the words when they were spoken under torture?" Zoro asked still a little doubtful towards the ninja and their skills.

Ino was a little ticked off, normally she wouldn't have to say what she did, they know about the powers of the Yamanaka clan. Even though she knows that these pirates have no information on any of them or this land, she can't help but a little insulted.

"I think, you are understating the things I can do. It wasn't easy but they couldn't have lied. I don't get their answers and information from their mouths but from the very source itself, their mind. You shouldn't question our capabilities when you know nothing yourself." Zoro gave her a whatever look and mumbled something about typical woman reaction, luckily the women present didn't hear him.

"Shitty swordsman, never question the word of a beautiful lady. They don't have to lie to get what they want, so they would never dream of doing this. Nami never lied to me." Sanji said, looking lovingly at Nami. Nami smiled while thinking what a gullible fool he was, as most of the crewmembers did.

"Moving on," Ino continued. "Blackbeard doesn't have any more powers, he hasn't gained more, but he helped his crew gain more. The top two commanders have two devil fruits, all not as powerful as the ones Blackbeard has. These are the most loyal commanders in the whole fleet, so Blackbeard doesn't worry about them mutinying. All of his commanders have either a devil fruit or a powerful skill including haki, whatever that is…"

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