Trouble with Pirates - Chapter 4

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Few things first:

- I want to thank anyone who has left me a review. You have no idea how happy that made me. The same for every person who Favorited or is following me. I LOVE it!

- Still not a quick writer. Sorry for falling of the map this December. But I really had no time, working in a restaurant in December could kill you (although I kinda loved every minute of it).

- I Don't own Naruto or One piece, they belong to Kishimoto and Oda. (if I did own them, Asuma, Jiraiya and Ace would still be alive, also Jimbei would already have joined, cause he is awesome!).

- The story is set two years after the war in Naruto and after defeating Kaidou in One Piece. Some characters may seem different, that's because I have trouble to really nail them down. That is also a reason why I did a time skip. I want to thank everyone who has favorited and is following this story. I get happy every time a new person decided they wanted to follow me. So again, thank you.

- Again special thanks and honor goes to RisingNight for betareading this chapter, Making it superduper absolutely better and cooler.

- I have a warning, there are three added OC's in this story. They are almost impossible to distinguish because I lacked inspiration when it came to naming them. I am really thankful that I use the Naruto and One Piece characters. It would have been a disaster otherwise, you'll understand when you see it.

- And please leave reviews. For one they really make me happy and I actually like to know what you think.

Reading Guide

"Gaki" Biju talking

'Gaki' Biju thinking

"Hello" Person talking

'Hello' Person thinking

"Gaara stared up at the half full moon" Flashback

-Elemental Countries - Place

(30 Minutes Before) Time

Chapter 4

- Jihiro's home -

"I'm bored!" Luffy whined.

"Well, you could help Franky fix the ship," Chopper offered.

"Better not," Franky interjected, "Luffy doesn't have the SUPER skills I have. He couldn't tell a hammer from a drill to save his life."

"You may accompany Zoro Sanji and myself to Kumo," Robin offered.

"Why're you going to Kumo again?" Luffy asks.

"I want to learn more about the history of this 'island,' or at least do more field research while we're here anyway. I can always take books with me when we leave," Robin answered.

"Are you going to leave soon?" Suki asked, with a slight glint of hope.

"We'll leave when we can and when we know how," Luffy responded.

"Will we ever see you again?" Isamu asked sadly.

"You will, but only after I've achieved my dream, then I'll take a journey back. I'll visit all of my friends, and your one of my friends, right Isamu?" Luffy asked with a big grin. Isamu nodded happily, sporting a grin that could rival Luffy's own.

"Yosha, let's go," Luffy exclaimed.

The small group had walked through the door when they heard a small voice calling out. "While you're still here, can I come with you?" Isamu asked.

"Sure!" Luffy answered.

The group with the small addition walked further until they vanished from the sight of those staying behind. Everyone went back to what they were doing at that point. After a couple of minutes of peace, Suki started looking around frantically. "Has anyone seen Isamu?"

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