Three Years Prior

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Cold. Clammy. Musty. The room made my skin crawl. And I couldn't leave until they found the evidence, my innocence, they needed in order to see I wasn't the one who kidnapped her. She was my damn fiancé. Why would I want to do anything to her?

But, I was seen at our place that night. Me.

I was in Spain for some meetings. How in the hell could I have flown back when I had a late meeting overseas just to kidnap her, and do who knows what seeing as no one has seen her since?

I am not a monster. I know I am not. Right?

What if something clicked and I did do something to her before I left and I can't remember anything? What if I did hurt her?

But, I had dinner with my parents, came home, packed, and flew out that night. She hadn't been home, and I waited for as long as I could to say goodbye.

"I have to say, somehow we have surveillance video from the hotel you claim to have been at for your so-called meetings." The darker toned man took a seat at the table across from me, a folder placed in front of him that probably contained the camera stills from the hotel in Barcelona. His dark hazel eyes shifted slightly.

The heavy wooden door opened and another agent poked his head in, "Agent Romano, a word please."

With the summons, Agent Adolph Romano stood and walked out of the room leaving behind his folder. I knew I better not reach over and look at what the contents held because they were watching through the glass window. Like normal interrogation rooms, they can see in, but I can't see out. Just myself.

The dark circles around my eyes from my late meeting and quick flight home just to be surrounded at my condo by a handful of FB agents. I wasn't about to resist, and look even more guilty. Hearing Monique Rossi was missing sickened me. And we hadn't been having the best relationship as she wanted me to marry her, but I wasn't ready yet. That wasn't saying I wasn't going to marry her. I just didn't see our relationship there yet. Not with her home and away for her modeling career, and mine with the constant work.

"Mr. Lucas," Adolph stepped back in with three other agents. 

"Please, Xavier." I swallowed hard. What had they found? Did they find Monique, and I had to identify her body? Could I identify her if I was the one who was getting locked up over her disappearance? My heart started beating as all eyes were on me. This time, those eyes didn't hold any anger, or speculation, but something different, like worry.

"We were able to turn up some evidence, and you are free to go. However, there is something you need to know." He released his breath and motioned for me to follow the group.

Whatever this was, wasn't going to be good. What in the hell was going on? 

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