Chapter 6 - Rachel

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Monday, and I was stopped once again by the wonderful sheriff of Melrose. Right on time, too. This time, he leaned back in his seat, resting his head waiting for me to go on like usual.

This time, I didn't. My lips were sealed. Why? I'm not sure. A lot on my mind.

Messaging Xavier wasn't nothing I worried about, and we had a few long conversations which were great. Something about him just screamed out that I could trust him. And maybe I was being a fool, but I did. Nothing ever looked, or seemed, off kilter. Nothing seemed fishy.

I read those messages and emails over and over seeing if I could see, or catch, something that told me otherwise. Everything always was perfect. There wasn't anything off.

Right off the bat, he told me he knew nothing of farming. In our last conversation, he mentioned he was researching things about what I do. Honestly, not one of the guys I met, the horrible dates that I've been on, had any of them gone as far as to researching to see what I essentially did for work.

Still, I told myself to watch out. The last guys I had the pleasure of meeting were, to say the least, turned me off meeting anyone I didn't already know. So, why couldn't I stop thinking about this one?

It would be different if I knew what he looked like, but I don't. After his call a couple days ago, I now know what his voice sounds like. Just like I hoped it didn't.

Deep and dreamy with a southern charm and accent to it. And when he called me sweetheart, everything in my body tingled. My heart fluttered. It fluttered in my chest so hard, I had to suck in as much air as I could to get it to calm down.

"Miss Amburry, I am rather shocked." Tagus's smooth voice rolled out of him as he shifted in the seat to retrieve his treats for Zeke. "Five minutes and not a word. What's got your tongue today?" 

Should I tell him? I could ask. He did have the means to search up anyone I asked him to. Though, I didn't know him that well to ask him to do me such a stupid favor. Hell, I shouldn't even be playing around with someone I never met, someone who was on a dating site. I knew better.

"I'm just hungry." Hungry? Was I for real? Yes, I was hungry. It was Monday and I always stopped in to see Gail on Monday for a burger and fries.

Not to talk to Tagus was making the guilt fill up in my stomach. Why, though? Clearly, I didn't have a crush on him, for some strange reason. You would have to be blind not to. I just never looked at him as more than a friend. Though, he sure did like to pull me over a lot, and most of the time, it was just to say hello. Could Travis be right about him having a crush on me? Travis was a guy, and guys knew these things.

Why me? I was nothing. I smelled like farm three-quarters of the time. And the other quarter of the time, I was just immune to the smell, so I was used to it. I could still probably stink.

"Now you are beginning to scare me." Reaching through the windows, he passed over the large milk bone for Zeke, and the dog happily obliged by sitting on my lap to accept. "Do you need my assistance for anything?" 

A layer of molten lava filmed over my eyes. Why was I just now freaking out about Tagus? Sure, I knew how Laurie was, and I was still scared of her since the bank take-down, but Tagus has never made a move, never said anything to make me nervous of him, or to think anything different than him just wanting to be friends.

Could this possibly be anything to do with Xavier? Now that we graduated to talking on the phone, did that open the door to seeing a lot more? Was I uncomfortable with Tagus now because I was starting to truly like this guy I never met, who lives is Texas and no where close by?

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