Chapter 11 - Rachel

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Standing by the sleek, black fancy car, my heart was racing so fast, I could barely stand still. My meeting Xavier was supposed to be at my request and not as horrifying as it was. At least, he was kind enough to give me his other shirt that, I hated to admit, probably cost more than my whole wardrobe. It was soft and silky against my skin and smelled like a soft, manly cologne that I could just get drunk on.

"I will let you go back to your game and I will be on my way back to the city seeing as it's already nine-thirty and I am guessing I missed my dinner. I didn't want to meet like this, but I'm glad I finally go to see you." His lazy, sexy smile came out as he reached down scratching Zeke's head.

"Seeing as you missed your dinner, you might as well stay for a bit. There's plenty of people here so it would be a good place to talk and throw some shoes. We're just playing for fun." We met already so why not? And Tagus was out back so it was even better seeing as Tagus had followed up on his promise not finding anything on Xavier. Plus, maybe Laurie would stop her constant scowl at me if I had another guy there.

"Sure. If you don't mind. Or I can just go back and work." Blonde short hair that was kept nice and neat, just as I hoped he would be. And he was hotter than I even imagined though. Why would he even want me when he looked to belong in the city where he couldn't get dirty? All this, dreaming of this man I've been talking to for about a month, just to have him turn and walk away after really seeing what I looked like. And this was my good day, the day I actually dressed up in something other than jeans and a tee shirt. But I guess jean shorts and a cute little farmer shirt wasn't much different, but it was a little dressier than what I usually wore.

"Just come out back and relax a little. I am tonight. And tomorrow, I might pay for it, but at least it's Saturday so I can catch a nap in the barn after milking. We only milk on the weekend just because Pops said that we needed some time to ourselves so he made the rule about nothing more than milking on the weekends unless something major came up. Most of the time it doesn't." And there I was going on again. I just needed to stop talking and not scare him away yet. I wanted to at least have some mort of chance, but who was I kidding? One sight of Kyra or Kendra and he would be drooling over those girls. Most of the guys had when we were all in school. How could they bypass them for me? They were almost as pretty as Laurie was. Me? With my different colored eyes, most guys just walked away saying I was too freaky to be around.

Leading him around the corner, I felt his hand brush against the small of my back as we went through a crowd of people standing around talking. Going to the far back, I found Tagus waving his arm waiting for me to throw. His eyes darted to the man behind me, the man who was a little shorter than him, but taller than me by eight inches. Xavier was stockier though, more muscle to him than what Tagus had, the broader chest and the thicker arms.

"I thought you ran away." Tagus handed over the set of red painted horseshoes and straightened his shoulders.

"I just ran into someone and he was kind enough to give me a shirt because mine got a little... Kendra was coming out of the bar with a tray full of drinks and I turned around too fast and ran right into her. Then, I fell and got soaked and I realized that I knew the man I was talking to in the bar while I was waiting for your beer, which I forgot to grab, but I needed to get out of there because I was showing off a little more than intended-"

"Does she ever stop talking?" Laurie snarled from her glass of fruity concoction before she took a drink. Her eyes shifted over to Xavier as she cocked her right brow.

"I'm sorry. I just am a little nervous because this is Xavier." Pressing my lips together, I looked up at Tagus as his shoulders tightened as he held out his hand to the blonde man.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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