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October is in full swing, and classes are picking up speed. Sirius and I, although rocky and awkward at first, are doing well. Sirius is sitting on the couch, lazily burning and reparing things in the common room. I jump over the top of the couch, landing on his lap. "Guess what?" I say excitedly. He looks at me, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "What's up, baby girl?" "There's going to be a Halloween dance!" He looks confused. 

"So we have to dress up in costumes and stuff?" I nod. "Doesn't that sound like fun?" He smiles, kissing my forehead lightly. "If you're happy, I'm happy." I grin, shimmying down and resting my head on his lap. "What are you going to dress up as?" He asks softly, twirling little strands of my hair. "I don't know. What do you think I should dress up as?" I reply, gazing up at him. He shrugs.

"Maybe you could be a princess." I look at him. He smirks. "Oh wait. You already are one." I blush, waving my hand. I flip over and stare at the fireplace. "Maybe...." He trails off, thinking for a minute. "Well, you don't actually have to dress up as anything. You could just get a dress and a mask and leave people wondering who you are." He suggests. I turn to look at him. "That's actually not a bad idea." He grins. "Do I get a kiss for that wonderful idea?" I roll my eyes, kissing his cheek lightly. I hop off his lap and start running over to the girls dorm. "HEY!" He exclaimed, looking at me accusingly. I turn around on the stairs, a smile playing on my face. He glares playfully at me. I run up the stairs, calling Lily's name. 

"When are we going shopping for the Halloween Ball?" I ask, flopping down on her bed. She shrugs, carefully placing her bookmark in between her pages. "When ever there's a Hogsmeade visit next, I suppose." I think about this for a minute. "Yeah, but we don't want to shop at the same places everyone else is shopping. We need to be different." She sighs. "Where else would we be able to shop? It's not like we can go to a Muggle town....." I wiggle my eyebrows at her. She groans, throwing a pillow at my face. "We are NOT sneaking off to Muggle London. No way." I throw the pillow back at her. She ducks, and it hits the wall. "Come on! Live at little!" She groans again, rubbing  her face with her hands. "I'll owl Mum and tell her to get send us dress magazines."

I clap my hands together. "We're going to be the prettiest belles at the ball!" She laughs, hopping off the bed to find some parchment. She starts digging around in a drawer, shoving her hair behind her ear impatiently. "Tale as old as time..." I start singing softly, jumping up and spinning her around. She laughs again, singing along with me. 

"True as it can be

Barely even friends

Then somebody bends


Just a little change

Small to say the least

Both a little scared

Neither one prepared

Beauty and the Beast."

I spin her one more time as we finish our little dance. We both burst out laughing. "Now that's sure to be a showstopper at the dance." She wheezes in between laughs. I nod, grinning. "KYS! CHARMS!" Sirius calls up the stairs. I catch my breath, looking at Lily. We both start laughing again. "KYLIE! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE! NOT THAT I CARE, LIKE WE COULD TOTALLY SPEND THE PERIOD SNOGGING IN A BROOM CUPBOARD BUT I KNOW YOU DON'T LIKE BEING LATE!" I finally stop laughing, blushing at Sirius's antics. Lily starts tearing her room apart, searching for her Defense book. I bound down the stairs, grabbing my bag from the foot of the couch. 

Sirius throws an arm around me lazily, and we walk down to Charms together.  "So this Ball thing." Sirius starts, scratching his head. "Yeah." I reply, looking down at my feet. "Is this like a thing you need dates for, or......." I shrug. "I mean, I think so. You don't have to have a date to get in though." He looks at me teasingly. "Did you just friend zone me?" I laugh. "Yeah, we should go together. Just as friends though." I reply sarcastically. He grins. "Damn. Just when I thought I got the girl." I laugh at him again, shoving his shoulder. 

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