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"Miss Evans." Someone's shaking my shoulder. Is it Sirius? No. Sirius's hand is bigger, rougher, warmer. This hand is thinner and daintier. I'm holding Sirius's hand. "You've been here all night, Kylie. Why don't you get some sleep?" She says kindly. I yawn, rubbing my eyes. "Thanks, Madame Pomfrey, but I'm not leaving. Not now." She sighs. "Then at least lay down on a spare cot. Merlin knows you could use some rest." I hear her muttering things under her breath as she disappears into her office. I look at the clock, squinting with my old contacts in. 6:17. I sigh, running a hand through my hair. 

I look down at Sirius. His chest is fully covered in bandages and there's tiny cuts on his arms. There's a gash on his face. I trace it with my fingertips. They come away red. I sigh heavily again, gently moving his body over so I can slip next to him. I takes hand in mine, holding it tightly. "Come back to me, Sirius. Come back." The tears start to fall slowly and I wipe them away angrily. Slowly, but surely I start to fall back asleep. I never REALLY sleep again, just drift in and out of the land between consciousness and sleep. Every time I close my eyes, the vision of Sirius bleeding on the ground appears in my head. 

I wake up again to see Miss Pomfrey standing over us with her hands on her hips. "That was incredibly foolish, Miss Evans." I sigh, blinking a couple times. "He could've fallen off, injured YOU. You could have ripped one of the scars!" She scolds me gently, helping me up and out of the bed. "I just couldn't leave him." She looks at me kindly. "Honey, I think he'd be okay if you slept a couple feet away from him. Now, go get some food! I know for a fact Sirius wouldn't want you wasting away by his bedside." She ushers me outside and I take one last glance at Sirius before she slams the door in my face. "You'll tell me if anything changes?" I yell. "ALWAYS, HONEY." She calls back. I can almost imagine her hustling around, taking temperatures and replacing bandages. 

I drag myself down the corridor, running a ragged hand through my hair. My clothes are still bloodstained from the night before, and I'm sure I look like hell. I sigh heavily again and walk down the steps in the Great Hall. James stands up as soon as he sees me. "Anything?" He says. The bags under his eyes tell me he got about as much sleep as me. I shake my head. "Still unconscious." He hugs me tightly before leading me over to the Gryffindor table. "Let's get you to eat something." 

I shake my head. "I'm not hungry." Lily rolls her eyes and pushes a bagel towards me. "Kylie, eat something." Remus leans forward. "You were there all night? Tell us what happened." I sigh, taking a small bite of my bagel. "We were going to go to Hogsmeade. He wanted to go through the shack for some reason instead of the witch. He transformed, tried to hit the knot, and got hit. He was thrown on the ground. I got him to transform back, screamed my head off, and McGonagall came running out." I pause for a second, trying to swallow the big lump in my throat.

"They wouldn't let me in when she was healing him. As soon as I was allowed to see him I went inside and his whole chest was covered in bandages. I didn't leave since." Remus looks worried. "We're here for you, Kylie. He will get better." I attempt a grateful smile. "Thank Rem." Lily looks at me. "I'll get your work today." I thank her, throwing my bagel back on my plate. I push it away from me, standing up. "I'm going back. I can't go to classes today." James looks at me with his eyebrows raised. "Don't you want to change?" I look down at my bloody stained clothes. "I'll do that first." 

I walk alone to the portrait hole. I walk into the familiar Slytherin common room and inhale the familiar salty smell. It's only then that I let the tears fall, collapsing into an arm chair. My whole body shakes and I curl myself up into a ball, taking short and quick breathes. I cry until there's no tears left, none at all. I rest my head up against the pillow, looking out into the common room blurred by tears. My whole body ached of exhaustion. I find myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

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