chapter nine; it was all for you

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Lucas jumped in front of Maya right as the gun went off.



"What do we do!?"

"This is all your fault, Charlie."

Lucas's vision was blurred, and their voices were fading away.

"Charlie! What the hell!" Maya yelled at him. "Why did you even try to shoot me? What did I ever do to you!" Charlie threw the gun on the ground and glared at her. "Alot of things." "Guys! Stop yelling at each other and come help!" Maya glared back at Charlie and rushed over to her lover. Maya shook him. "Lucas! Lucas!" "It's no use, Maya. We have to take him to a doctor." Maya's eyes widened. "What?! Every town is on the hunt for us!" "Wonder why." Charlie mumbled under his breath. Maya stood up and walked over to Charlie. "You guys didn't have to come with me, so don't blame this on me." Maya snarled at him. "Well, Lucas wanted to come with you! And we weren't leaving him behind!" Charlie growled. Farkle stepped between the two of them. "Would you guys please cut it out! It's not Maya's fault, it's all of our faults!" Charlie and Maya backed away from each other, still glaring at the other. "We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for her!" "Me? Oh you little-" Maya walked towards him, fist raised in the air, but was stopped by Farkle. "Stop it you two! God, you are like children!" Maya continued to glare at Charlie as she walked back over to Lucas. "It's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay." Maya said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Why would you even try to shoot her." Farkle asked Charlie. "Because I wanted to get rid of her, obviously." Charlie snapped. "Why? You know how much Lucas loves her." "And he's the reason we're in this mess. If Lucas hadn't gone and fallen in love with her, she would be in prison right now. Where she belongs." Farkle sighed. " can't blame Maya for this." Charlie shot out of his seat. "Why are you defending her? She's killed hundreds of people!" "I know, Charlie. I'm not saying she's a good person, but not all of this is her fault." "Whatever. I'm leaving." Charlie said as he grabbed his bags and head out the door. "Where are you going!" Farkle yelled after him. "Back to Berkton." Charlie yelled as he hopped onto his horse and left. Farkle stormed back into the house. "He's gone." "Good." Maya replied. "Now he can't hurt us anymore." Farkle sighed. "We need to get him to a doctor, Farkle." "I know, come on." Farkle picked Lucas up and threw him over his shoulder as Maya followed quickly behind him. Farkle and Maya hopped onto his horse while Maya was holding Lucas so he wouldn't fall. "How long till we get there?" "Probably a day or two." "Lucas could die in a day or two, Farkle!" Maya huffed. "I know, Dot is going as fast as he can." Maya sighed and looked at Lucas. "It's gonna be okay, love. We'll get you fixed up." Maya said to him as she ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you so much, cowboy."


Lucas's eyes opened. "What the-" Lucas stood up and looked around. "Where the hell am I?!" Lucas had no idea where he was. One minute he was getting shot by Charlie, then the next he saw Maya running over to his side, now, he had no clue where he was. "Hello?" Lucas called out. "Is anyone here? Where am I?!" Lucas yelled. But he got no answer. "Ugh," Lucas fell to the floor and sighed. Then, someone answered. "Hello, young child." A voice called out. Lucas shot back to his feet and looked around, trying to see where the voice was coming from. "Who are you?" "An angel." The voice replied. "Why can't I see you?" Lucas asked, curious. "You don't need to." Lucas raised an eyebrow. "Why not?" "It's not important, child." "Well, can you at least tell me where I am?" "Your are on the bridge between life and death." Lucas's eyes widened. "What?" Lucas couldn't believe it. "I'm dying?" "Yes, child." "W-what! No, I can't die! I have to stay alive- for Maya, I need Maya and she needs me!" Lucas yelled. "That's what we need to talk about, child." "What?" "Your lover, Maya has killed a lot of innocent people." "I know this." Lucas looked down. "But, I know how much you love her and how much she loves you. She needs you very much." Lucas looked back up again. "So, I've purposed a deal for you." "What? What is it? I'll do anything!" "Take good care of Maya, and I'll let you live longer." "Of course I will. I have been." The voice paused. "You left her once." Lucas frowned. "That's only cause she wanted me too." "Child, we both know that deep down she didn't want you to." Lucas sighed. "Your right. I'll do better. I'll be there for her, whenever she needs me." The voice laughed. "Good. Thank you, child. I shall let you live." Lucas smiled. "Thank you." "Be on your way now."

Lucas's eyes finally opened.

He was awake.

For real this time.

"Lucas!" He heard Maya scream and she hugged him. "Don't ever do that again." Lucas smiled and put his arm around her waist. "Don't worry, I won't." Maya pecked him on the lips. "Good."

A few hours later

"Why did you do it, Lucas?" Maya asked him. "Because I wasn't going to let you die." Maya frowned. "Why? I deserved it. I shouldn't have killed all of those innocent people." Lucas grabbed Maya's hand and squeezed it. "Don't say that. I know you were going through a hard time." Maya smiled at him. "I would do anything for you, Maya. I would die for you. Everything I do is all for you, Maya. It's all for you." Maya grinned at him as tears escaped her eyes. "I love you so much, Lucas." "I love you so much more." Lucas brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. The doctor walked in and smiled. "Sorry for interrupting, but I just came to tell you that everything is fine, Mr. Friar. You're good to go." Lucas smiled. "Thanks, Doctor." The Doctor nodded and walked out of the room. "So, what adventure awaits us next?" Maya curiously asked. "Who knows, we'll see where the road takes us." At that moment, Farkle barged in the room. "HEY GUYS! Lucas! I'm so glad you're okay!" Farkle said as he ran over to Lucas and hugged him. Lucas laughed. "Thanks, Farkle." Riley walked in the room after Farkle and smiled. "Good to see you two again. I'm glad your doing well, Lucas." Lucas smiled at her. "Thank you, Riley." Riley smiled back at him. "No problem, Sheriff." "So, now wha-" Farkle was interrupted by another person coming into the room. A person that no one wanted to see at the moment. "Hey guys.." Charlie said, quietly. "Charlie.." Lucas frowned. "What are you doing here?" Lucas asked him. "Did you come to finish me off?" Maya said as she glared at him. Charlie sighed. "No. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to shoot you Maya. It's all my fault that Lucas got hurt, I should've known he would've tried to save you." Lucas have Charlie a small smile. "It's okay Charlie, we forgive you." "We do?" Maya said, shocked. "Yes Maya, we do." Maya sighed. "Fine, I forgive you. But next time you try that again, your a dead man." Charlie smiled at her and raised his hands up. "I won't, I swear." "Good." Maya replied. "I'm glad we're all friends again." Farkle said as he smiled and put his arm around Riley. "How bout we go have some fun?" Everyone looked at each other. "I'm fine with that." Maya said as everyone agreed. "Let's go." Lucas said as he got up and followed everyone out the door.

We're getting close to the end, guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated much, I've got two tests and a quiz tomorrow that I have to study for. But I decided to get this chapter out of the way. I hope you all enjoyed! If you did, please vote & comment. Thanks! Love you all.

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