chapter one;

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Lucas Friar was currently in his office polishing his shoes, when his deputy sheriff Farkle Minkus busted through the door with a newspaper in his hands. "Lucas! Lucas! We've got a problem!" Farkle shouted. Lucas turned from his shoe polish and looked at Farkle. "What is it, Minkus?" "She's killed another." Lucas sighed. "Let me see." Farkle handed him the paper. Lucas read the title.'Red Hot Hart has killed yet another victim, Leslie Williams.' Lucas put the paper down and ran his hand through his hair in concentration. He has to do something about this. He's got to stop her and bring justice to her town. "Farkle, there's only one way to stop her." Lucas said. "How?" Farkle replied. "I've got to go there." Farkle's eyes widened. "YOU? going to BERKTON?" Farkle exclaimed. Lucas nodded. " know that's not the best town...especially for you out of  all people." "Farkle, it's the only way." Farkle looked at Lucas and sighed. "Okay, fine. But when are you leaving?" Lucas thought for a moment. "In 2 days." Farkle nodded. Lucas smiled. "I'll be alright, Farkle. Thanks for worrying about me." Farkle nodded again and smiled. "No problem. That's what best friends are for." "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow?" "Uhm..about that.." "Farkle, what is it? Did you do something? Oh god I swear if I have to clean up more of that-" "No, Lucas you don't have to clean up anything. It's just, me and Riley were gonna go on a date tomorrow.." Lucas smirked. "Ohh...Riley Matthews?" Farkle blushed a little. "Yeah.." Lucas grinned. "Finally glad to see you going out with your dream girl, buddy." Farkle smiled even wider. "Thanks, but what about you, Lucas? There's someone out there for you." Lucas looked off in the distance. "I sure hope so."

Maya Hart currently was hiding out in her secret spot. Where she knew no one would find her. After she killed that Leslie girl, people have been all over looking for her. Maya knew she had to hide. "Oh, Dusty what are we gonna do?" Maya looked over at her horse. "We can't keep running." Maya climbed up the ladder and headed towards what one would call 'their room' Maya opened up her chest and took out pictures from when she was little. From when her parents were still alive. Maya cringed at the memories. She missed her parents so much. All she wanted was for them to be with there with her, right beside her. Maya set the pictures back in the box and wiped her tears that were threatening to spill. Maya walked past a window and saw someone in front of her 'house' Maya bit her lip when she realized it was the sheriff. Her least favorite sheriff. Sheriff Gardner. Maya and Charlie had a wild ride back in the day. They used to be best friends. They were so close, they're bond was unbreakable. Until, of course, a new girl came in town and Charlie took quite a liking to her. But it's too bad she moved 5 miles away. It really wasn't that far, but Charlie's parents told him he was never allowed to leave town. No matter the circumstances. Maya bent down and ducked under the window listening to Charlie's conversation with some older man. "Excuse me sir, but have you happened to seen Maya Hart, aka 'Red Hot Hart', around anytime soon?" The man put his finger up to his chin and thought. "No sir I haven't, if I have I'm sure I wouldn't be alive right now.." Charlie smiled a little. "Oh. Well if you do give me a holler." "Oh I definitely will." The older man responded. Charlie was looking for her. She had to stay hidden. She heard Charlie's horses feet getting closer and closer to where she was hiding. She heard knocking at her door. Crap. "I'm screwed." Maya whispered. The knocking grew louder. "Hello? Is anybody home?" Charlie shouted and knocked again. "Hmph, guess not." Maya heard Charlie get on his horse and ride away. She sighed a sigh of relief. Thank god Charlie hadn't found her. If he did, well..she'd definitely be a goner. Maya got up and climbed down the ladder again. She looked in her food basket and noticed she didn't have much food. "Crud..I'm running out of food again.." If she went anywhere, she most likely get caught, so she'd have to go undercover. Maya grabbed one of her wigs and put it on, and changed clothes and put a little bit of makeup on. Maya looked in the mirror and smiled. "Good." Maya headed for the door and left.

Lucas was at home packing, getting ready to head for Berkton, when he heard a knock at his door. "Come in." Lucas said without looking up. "Lucas.." Lucas looked up. "Mom." "Why are you packing?" "I'm going to Berkton, to solve this case and capture Red Hot Hart." His mother looked at the floor. "What is it, mom?" Lucas said as he walked over to her. His mom looked up at him. "Lucas you know how dangerous she is." "I know, mom." "Just promise me you'll be careful?" Lucas held onto his mothers hands. "I promise." "Have you even asked Sheriff Gardner if it was okay if you could come down there?" "Why do I need his permission?" "Lucas he's the sheriff of the town." "And?" His mother gave him a stern look. Lucas sighed. "Fine. I'll call him in a few." His mother smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Good. I'll leave you to your packing now, be careful." Lucas smiled a bit. "No need to worry mom, I will." His mother nodded her head and closed his door. Lucas looked at his half packed bag and huffed. "I've got a long way to go." He said as he continued packing.
~2 hours later~
"Thank god. I'm finally done." Lucas said as he closed his bag. Lucas walked out of his room and headed for the telephone in the kitchen. It's time for him to call Charlie. Lucas went over to the telephone and dialed the number. It rang 3 times before he answered. "Hello?" He heard Charlie's voice. "Hey." Lucas answered. "Friar?" "Yes, that'd be me." Charlie snickered a bit. "Why are you calling me, Friar?" "Well...I'd like to investigate and try and hunt down Red Hot Hart." He heard a bunch of laughing on the other line of the phone. "Friar, you're crazy!" Lucas bit his lip. "Well it just looks like you would need all the extra help you can get, since you don't have any tracks or signs of her yet." Charlie growled a little. "We have Friar, we don't need your help." "You sure, Gardner? Cause it looks to me like you do." Charlie sighed. " can help us...when are you coming down?" "Tomorrow." "Alright, I'll see you then." The phone line went dead. Lucas smiled. He finally had a chance to hunt her. He's gonna find her and bring her to jail if it's the last thing he ever does.

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