chapter six; the end?

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Lucas's gun went off.

Charlie and Farkle arrived at the barn. "Shit!" Charlie cursed. "Lucas!" Farkle yelled. They ran towards the barn. "Shit, where's the entrance?!" "Over here!" Farkle yelled. Charlie ran over to Farkle. "Help me push this thing out of the way." Farkle said. Charlie and Farkle pushed the piece of wood out of the way and went inside the barn.

Lucas shot Maya's shoulder.

Maya smirked.
"Nice try, cowboy."

Maya walked closer to him.
"But your aim seems kind of off."

Lucas glared at her.
"It doesn't matter, I'm still gonna stop you once and for all."

Maya walked closer to him. She was right in front of him. Maya bit her lip. "You're so handsome, Lucas." Maya said as she kissed his neck. Lucas's eyes widened in shock. He dropped his gun. Maya smirked. She bit his earlobe. "I like you, pretty boy." Maya said as she trailed a finger down his chest. Lucas closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure. Maya leaned closer to him and kissed him. Lucas wasted no time in kissing her back. His hands wrapped around her waist as he deepened the kiss. Lucas broke away for a second. "I want
you." He said with lust in his eyes. "I want you more." Maya said as she bit his lip. she drew blood. "Shit," Lucas mumbled. Maya kissed him again.

"Hey!" Charlie yelled with a gun in hand. "Back away from him!" He yelled. Maya stopped kissing him and rolled her eyes. "Aw, we were about to get to the good part." She said as she frowned. Charlie glared daggers at her. Maya quickly grabbed her gun and aimed to shoot him. But Charlie was one step ahead. He shot her in the side. "Agh!" Maya gasped. "Charlie!" Lucas yelled. "Why would you do that?!" Charlie looked at him in confusion. "What are you talking about, Lucas? She's a criminal!" Lucas growled. He grabbed Charlie's gun and threw it on the ground then punched him. He ran to Maya and carried her to his horse.

"What the hell!" Charlie yelled as he wiped the blood from his nose. "What happened?!" Farkle asked, running to his side. "Lucas punched me! He was protecting Maya!" Farkle furrowed his eyebrows. "No.." "Yes, he was.
He's definitely losing his job." Farkle sighed. "I think he has feelings for her." "Yeah, me too."
Charlie said in disappointment.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asked her, worriedly. "Why did you save me, cowboy?" Maya asked in confusion. "Because I really like you, I know I shouldn't, but I do." Maya smiled. "Me too." Lucas smiled back. "Let's get you out of here." Lucas said as they galloped away.

Lucas set her down on the couch. "Is this your place?" Maya asked. "Sorta. It's kind of my hideout. No one knows I'm here." Maya smirked. "Oh, I like that." "Let me go get my first aid kit." Lucas said as he walked off. Maya groaned in pain. "Ugh," She tried to sit up, but
failed. "Okay, I'm back." Lucas said as he sat the first aid kit down. "Um, you might have to take your shirt off." Lucas said. "Alright, no problem." She said as she took her shirt off. Lucas grabbed the things that were needed. He got the bullet out of her shoulder and side. He grabbed some bandages and wrapped up the wounds. "Good to go." Lucas looked up at her and smiled. "Thanks, how could I ever repay you?" "It's no problem," Lucas told her. "Okay," Maya said. Lucas helped her get up. "Be careful." Maya smiled at him. "I'm fine, Lucas." "Are you sure?" Lucas asked. "Positive." Lucas nodded. "Okay. I'll go make us some food."

"So, I guess you're a criminal now?" Maya said as she twirled her fork. "Well..not a criminal. But, I'm definitely losing my job for this." Lucas sighed. "Well, you could always join the darkside." Maya smirked. Lucas chuckled. "I don't think so." "Oh come on, two lovers causing crime? We could be like Bonnie and Clyde." Maya suggested. Lucas shook his head.
"I don't know, Maya. I don't think I can hurt innocent people." Maya sighed sadly. "Fine," "Maybe you could join the good side." Lucas said. Maya laughed. "I don't know about that one." "You'll feel much better about yourself." Maya rolled her eyes. "We'll see."

The Next Day

"Thank you for everything, Lucas. But I've got to be on my way now. But I promise we'll stay in contact. I could never forget about you." Maya said. "I could never forget about you either, Maya." Maya smiled. "I want you to have this." Lucas said as he handed her a letter. Maya took the letter and put it in her pocket. "Read it whenever you get to some place safe." Lucas said. "I will," Maya assured him. Lucas kissed her passionately. Maya kissed him back. After a few minutes, they pulled away. "I'll see you around, pretty boy." Maya winked at him. Lucas smiled. "See you, Hart."

A Few Days Later

"Shit!" Maya yelled as she ran from a grenade being thrown at her. "Get back here, you murderer!" Someone yelled at her. Maya ran as fast as she could. Someone tried to shoot her, but she dodged the bullet. Maya hid behind an old building, breathing heavily. "I'm so screwed." She said to herself. Maya grabbed her gun and ran. A lot of people were shooting at her, but she managed to dodge every bullet. She ran towards her horse and hopped on it.
"C'mon girl!" Maya yelled as they galloped away from the awful place.

Maya found an old warehouse and decided to rest there. She laid down on some hay and sighed. "My life is such a living hell," She said to herself. She reached in her pocket and grabbed Lucas's letter. She never got a chance to read it, ever since she left Berkton, and got to a town a couple miles away, people recognized her and she was chased ever since.
But she finally got away. Maya opened Lucas's letter and began to read it.

Dear Maya,
I know your leaving in a couple of days and our time together has been short, but I just wanted to let you know that this has been the best 2 weeks of my life. I care about you so much, Maya. Your the prettiest thing I've ever seen. You've made my life so much better, even though your a criminal, that won't stop me from loving you. I love you, Maya.

Maya set the letter down. She had tears in her eyes. Lucas loved her. He was all she ever wanted in life, and she would die for him. She was so happy. Maya looked up at the sky and smiled. "I love you too, Lucas."

Is that the end? Maybe, maybe not. If you guys want this story to continue, please vote & comment. Thanks. Love you guys.

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