𝙽𝚘 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜, 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕- 𝙳𝙰𝙼𝙼𝙸𝚃

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|| Percy Jackson ||

Ah, finally. A day off from fighting the cursed monsters. So here we are, ready to have a monster-free day of chilling. So me, and the Seven are allowed to be here. Chiron let us have the weekend off, mainly after the whole Gaea thing. 

I know some of you guys are like, Hey! Admit it!

 Fine, I admit it. I almost ended the world with a nosebleed. Almost.

And Gaea woke up, and had to be put to sleep like a sick puppy. Now, my life is back to normal. But my definition of normal is 'being regularly chased by monsters'. Gods, it's annoying to always have someone on your tail.

Leo wore his magical toolbelt, why, I don't know. But I'm not gonna criticize his fashion choice, I've seen gods with worse. Mr D for instance, wore loud shirts alot. The girls were chatting like dolphins. 

It's nice to be by the beach. I really think my dad is keeping the ocean peaceful for us to have a great day. 

"Head's up!" Leo threw a small bronze coloured machine and it expanded. Somehow it became a beach ball.

The ball bounced off the sand and tumbled away, Leo chasing it. We were just a motley crew of demigods who are very experienced at saving the world, yet very playful and childish as Annabeth put it.

We settled dow under the shade of a nice tall tree. Annabeth spread the beach towels and Piper pulled out a Tupperware of delicious sandwiches. I found it sad we didn't have any blue cookies. Or cookies in general. 

"Percy, doesn't the view look amazing?" Annabeth asked.

"Beautiful, but not as beautiful as you," I pecked her cheek.

"Aww.. Seaweed Brain!" She cooed. 


"Wanna join us for a game of volleyball?" Piper shouted, full of enthusiasm.

"I'm up!" Annabeth rushed over to Piper's side. 

"Hey! Me too!" I cupped my hands over my mouth and shouted. I jogged to the opposite of the girls. Jason, Leo and I were on the same team. I feel bad for Frank, but I have a feeling he'll play referee.

"Go!" Piper tossed the ball upwards and hit it towards Repair Boy. 

He jumped and slapped it towards Annabeth's direction, who quickly hit it towards me. I wasn't good at volleyball. So I did the rational thing, I copied what Piper did earlier. The ball flew past Piper's head and fell out the what do you call it, field? I'm not sure. 

"OUT!" Frank shouted. 

"Good game, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth held out her hand for me to shake, which I did.

"You played well, Pipes," Jason complimented his girlfriend.

"You make me blush."

"Heyo, Commander Tool Belt, here!"

Not far from where we were a group of colourful haired people were hanging out. A boy had white hair,  there were two girls, one with pale blue hair and another with pink hair. The girl with pink hair made me curious because she had moving cat ears and tail. A couple under the shade of an umbrella had wolf ears and tails. Werewolves? I'm scared. Why here, why now? I sighed.

"Is there something wrong, Percy? You seem scared," Annabeth put a hand on my shoulder. Her grey eyes fierce yet concerned.

"I think we have werewolves on the beach. See those two?" I pointed at the couple with wolf ears and tail.

"I see them. And also a girl with cat ears and tail? That's new. I'd know if they are apart of Greek mythology, maybe Roman myth?"


"Thinking about it, I don't think so. They look friendly compared to monsters. Especially the werewolf pair," Annabeth twirled a strand of blonde hair in her fingers.


"What'cha talking about? You two look tense. Calm down, we're here to relax!" Leo butted in. "What are you looking at?"

"Do you see them?" Annabeth asked calmly.


"The three with animal ears and tails. They look suspicious.." Annabeth added.

"The pink one's cute."

"Don't you think there's something up with them?"


I ran my fingers through my shock of black hair. "Let's lighten up." 

"Hey!" Leo yelled.

I grabbed Annabeth's arm and I ran towards the crystal waves. I dove in, dragging Annabeth with me. She gasped for air but I silenced her with a kiss. I willed an air bubble around us both. After awhile we broke our kiss. She clung to my arms and I propelled myself upward, resurfacing the both of us. I was completely dry while Annabeth was soaked. 

"I hate you!" She playfully splashed some water on my face, giggling madly. 

I attacked her with a small wave which made her laugh harder. Naturally she tried to head for shore, but I splashed her some more. We swam to the shore. Annabeth was wet and cold so when Piper saw her, she came rushing. She draped a towel over Annabeth's shoulders. 

"You 'kay?"

"As great as ever! Percy, that was fun!"

"Was it, now?" I smirked.

"I still wonder.." Annabeth gazed towards the strange group of people.

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