𝚆𝚎 𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚘𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚜

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||Percy Jackson||

I had no idea who to call, my favourite satyr, my G-Man, was extra busy. Coach Hedge is off in LA with his wife, the cloud nymph. Mel? Melissa? Mellie? I think her name was Mellie. They're parents now, proud parents of a sweet, mixed martial arts kicking baby satyr. Small guy already doing roundhouse kicks.

I rushed back to the guys and Jason nearly tackled me with a concerned face, "You guys just ran off! You sure you don't need backup?"

Leo sat his hands ablaze, "I'd like to torch their monstrous faces back to Tartarus." His eyes gleamed dangerously. I don't think he's the same anymore after using the physician's cure. But he's still our friend, so it can't be that bad.

"Nah, I have something to do alone," I picked up my pace as I power-walked to behind some palm trees and bushes speckled with beautiful pink flowers. The Demeter kids could go on about plants, and cereal of course. The wheat is sacred to their mother.

It was a beautiful border, away from plain sight. A small mirage image, resembling that of a rainbow hovered above the surface of the calmly lapping waves. I hoped it was an actual rainbow, one capable of sendng Iris-messages.

I tossed a golden drachma in, "O Iris Goddess of the rainbow, show me Woodrow."

The drachma disappeared in a thin layer of fog and the fog thickened to form an image in front of me. Had the fog been there?

The Iris-message showed Woodrow, seated on the stump of an oak tree. He looked like he was cleaning his panpipe.

"AHH!" He screamed jumping away, throwing his panpipe away in surprise. "Percy?"

"Uh, hello, Woodrow. I need your help."

"Help with what? Aw.. my panpipe," He went over and picked it up, brushing it with the hem of his camp t-shirt. "I thought you're at the beach? Didn't Chiron give ya guys a day off?"

"I think we found some demigods. Annabeth's digging for more info."

"Sure.. I can come over and help them get back here. How many are there?"

"I dunno.. Seven? Yet, no sign of monsters. Probs legacies with not much godly blood," I suggested.

"Woah woah woah. Hol'up. Seven? And no monsters? Not even a sign? Unbelievable!" His eyes widen and he lowered his panpipe. "And I thought three well-trained demigods on a quest was already a magnet for monsters. Seven? How'd they survive?"

"Woodrow, man, I have no idea. But fetch Marcus and Jay. They can help you get these demigods to camp safely."

"Sure, where are ya anyway?"

"Oh, I completely forgot, Manhattan Beach."

"Cool, be there in the camp's van. See you, Percy," He waved his hand, disconnecting us.

Now that's settled, it's time I go check on Annabeth. I've heard of the blemmyae Leo speaks of. The whole thing of Apollo being a mortal is over. Calypso decided to stay back at camp and tend to the plants, the Demeter kids were excited to have a gardening session with someone not common there. Meg too. For once, the girl Apollo described as 'fierce, cheerful and sad' was actually cheerful all round.

Did I mention Apollo visited Meg alot? Once, he didn't want to leave so Mr D had to send him away by using one of his pet leopards to chase him back to Olympus. It was in the middle of the night but I stayed up to watch the whole fiasco.

I got up from kneeling on the hot sand and strode back to where I last saw Annabeth. She was still there, having a nice, normal friendly chat with Aphmau and I think his name was Aaron.

"Oh, hey there Percy! Were you talking with someone?" Leo asked, his eyes glued on the small contraption that was previously a beach ball.

"Uh, yeah."

"So then who?" He fiddled with a screw then screwed it in. "YES!"

"Some satyrs back at camp. Woodrow in particular," I answered.

"Why? Met some demigods?" He looked up. "Or need some help with something?"

"Option one."

"Ooohh! Who?" Leo piped up.

"How about their presence being a surprise? You'd find out soon if you use your Hesphaetus noggin."


"Then tell me later," I ditched Repair Boy and walked ahead, finding Annabeth nibbling on the frosting of a cupcake. I collapsed by her and folded my legs.

"Wait- You have friends who can cast spells and brew potions?" Annabeth asked, with a surprised look.

"So what did I miss? Wha- who?" I'm surprised. A little too surprised.

"Her name's Lucinda. She's a witch," Aphmau added.

"Interesting.." Annabeth nodded as a sign for her to continue. She had a look of concetration displayed on her face as if making mental notes on every word that comes out of Aphmau and Aaron's mouth. "Go on.."

"She can cast lots of potions and she claims that divine magic is hard and draining."

"What do you mean by 'divine magic'?" Annabeth pressed on.

"Like healing."

Immedietly, I thought of our Egyptian magician friends. Carter and Sadie Kane who helped us back in Brooklyn to fend of the evil guy named Setne. They spoke of 'divine words' which 'drain' their magical 'reserves'.

"Does she do Egyptian ma-" Annabeth quickly clamped her hand over my mouth with no insurance.

"Ignore what he said!" My girlfriend smiled awkwardly and shot me a death glare. "Now, call your friends over because we need to talk one-on-two."

"Emm.. Why?" Aaron asked warily, slightly narrowing his eyes.

"We'll talk to you, too. Soon." She said, adding. "You'll find out. Then, we'll get you somewhere you'll be safe."

"Safe?" Aphmau's eyes widen. "Why? Who's after us? Don't say it's Ein."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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