𝚆𝚑𝚢 𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚂𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜?

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Just so you guys know, this will be up even if this barely has any reads >.> Honest to Frigg this fanfic needs some serious help.))

|| Kawaii~Chan ||

I love everything about the beach. The water, the sand, the view, the presence of my friends. But let's not forget about my Nugget.  Zane's on the beach towel beside me. He stroked my head as I purred contently. I loved it when he does that, reminds of when potions made us cats back in high school.

His nose was inches away from mine, his mask slightly pulled down to reveal his adorable freckles. Of course, we were hiding under our umbrella to avoid any sunburns. Zane hated  them.

We were lying down of course, and when I looked past his shoulder, my eyes widen.


Aaron and Aphmau were hugging! And their tails were intertwined.  I tried so hard not to scream. I got up from lying down sideways. I leaned on my elbow, their foreheads were touching. I couldn't help it. I squealed loud enough for Zane to get up in a rush and hit my head.

"Ow!" I yelped.

"Don't do that again!" He hissed rubbing his forehead. "Nana.."

He.. He said my name! I felt the blush creep up my cheeks. Although he said my name alot by now, I still liked it when he said my name. I purred in amusement. My eyes sparkled as I switched my focus from my OTP to my Nugget. 


"WHO SCREAMED?" A rather tall, tanned boy came rushing. He had messy, long dark hair which reminded me of my Nugget. He was muscular, like Aaron. 

A large, 3 foot long bronze sword sprang to life in his grip. It's metal surface gleamed, reflecting the sun's rays. A girl with long, blonde hair ran in beside him, a towel draped over her shoulder. She carried with her a sword like the boy, only it looked more pale with a simpler hilt. Her hair was still dripping wet. 

I whimpered at the sight of incredibly sharp objects they wielded. Travis let the ball Katelyn hit bounce away and destroy Garroth's sandcastle, which crumbled down like dominoes. They were all facing the armed people with shock and fear in their eyes. W-was I dreaming? I blinked twice and rubbed my eyes with my hands.

"Z-zane.." My voice trembled. "Do you se-see this? The swords.."

"Nana.." His voice was barely a whisper. His visible eye was fixed on the weapons. "I do."

Everybody was looking at the bizzare pair, Katelyn's hands were shaking and Aphmau was squeezing Aaron's arm. They've never been this afraid, I could smell the fear. I curled my tail around Zane's hand and kept my ears flattened for a defensive stance. 

The moment of silence was broke by Aaron.

"Why do you keep such weapons? What will you do with those?" His voice rang through the beach, his ears straight and alert. 

|| Annabeth Chase ||

I leaned in closer to Percy, "Percy, I think the Mist's not working."


My eyes widen in realization, "They're demigods."

Percy put the cap back on Riptide and it shrunk into pen form. Even after all these years, I still found the way Riptide grew into a sword or shrunk into a pen facinating. I got a closer look at the animal trio. The pink haired girl looked terrified, I felt sorry. I carefully crafted my words for what I would say to the grey eared wolf-boy.

"We mean no harm," I started. 

"Pfft, you two look intimidating enough. I'll shut," The blue haired girl said crossing her arms. 

"As I was saying," I lowered my drakon bone sword. "We thought there were some.. casualties going on over here.."

"We're just gonna leave now.." Percy added. "I'm sorry."

"W-wait!" We turned around. "What are your names?"

"Annabeth Chase, this is Percy, Percy Jackson." It was the purple eared girl who asked. 

"Would you like to sit with us? We have plenty space," She offered. "I'm Aphmau."

"You have a strange name, but nice nonetheless. Our friends are over there," I declined.

"Do you have cookies?"

"PERCY!" I hissed.

"Yes! Cupcakes, cookies-"

"Aph, I think-" The grey eared wolf-boy spoke.

"COOKIES!" Percy eyes widen and he looked at me. When he pleaded, he always made a face like a baby seal.

"Okay.. Get some for the guys back there. I'm sure Jason and Leo would want some."

I walked to them and knelt. I picked out several cupcakes for the rest of the demigods of Prophecy. The cupcakes had colourful frosting and sprinkles. I smiled at how happy these look.

"So.." I took a bite of a cookie. Percy had decided to camp and eat the cookies like a slob. "Have you experienced anything weird? Like.. the feeling of being watched or followed?"

"Um no, Annabeth. Well I used to have this friend who possesed me-" Aphmau replied.

"Aph, I don't think you should be going there. About the whole Ein thing," Concern flickered in the boy's eyes. 

"Oh. But.." Her eyes looked at  something distant, just like how Leo looked like when he returned. At least, according to Piper. 

"Well, that's all we need to know. Anything similair happen to your friends?" Percy pointed with his chin with a cookie crumb mustache. I stifled a laugh. Aphmau's friends had resumed whatever they were doing before, but they seemed wary of us.

"Well, there was this one time Travis spoke in a different voice and acted strangely," Aphmau continued, her eyes now fixed on the boy beside her.

"Which one of your friends is Travis?" I asked scanning her friends.

"The guy with white hair and green eyes," Wolf-boy answered. "In case, I'm Aaron."

"Nice to meet 'cha then," Percy nodded in a friendly manner.

I looked at him, and I had a feeling he would pass as a son of Hermes easily due to his visible light-heartedness. He seemed so at peace, free from all the responsibilities that comes with being a demigod. We'd be screwed if he actually was. The camp would have two Travises.  Back to the topic, it's possible an eidolon possesed him.

"We also have this other friend, Kim. She's the host for this 'ghost' who calls herself 'Ghost'."

"Mmm hmm.."

I whispered into Percy's ear, "Be useful, Seaweed Brain and call Chiron! Tell him to send a satyr instantly."

"Hmm? Kay," He wiped his mouth and pecked my nose. Percy ran off with the cupcakes and cookies for our friends.

"So about that," I began. "Does she feel like she had been hijacked from her body and was given first row seat?"

"She's never mentioned anything similair, but whoopy doo!" Aphmau giggled, raising her shoulders.

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