Chapter 5

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Well um... that was weird. I normally don't have people come into my sad excuse of a room to tell me to leave or I'm going to die but hey! Weird stuff happens sometimes. Maybe I shouldn't have skipped breakfast, I'm feeling kind of hungry now. But if I leave then I'll be giving in. Telling the Voldemort of nurses that she won. I really don't want that to happen. If you couldn't tell, I'm probably too stubborn for my own good. I guess that's what happens when you're in and out of different families for your entire life. You develop a hard shell and eventually stop listening to what adults say. But who needs adults anyway? Not me! Well I need my Mum and Dad but that's it! All that other adults have done for me is mess up my life. But I could really do with a sandwich right now... or a cookie... maybe they'll have fudge... mmm. Stop it Bella! You're not hungry! There are more important things than that mouthwatering grilled cheese right now. Like... well... maybe I'll go down later when Count Nurse-ula isn't waiting outside my door. Yeah, that's exactly what I'll do...

Authors Note: I have 31 views!! Thank you all so much for reading Insane, it means a lot to me. Anyways bye!!

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