Chapter 10

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Jonan walked into the kitchen just as Bertie and Nelson were finishing up. They were working in a comfortable silence.

"I finally got her to go sleep. She was far too excited this evening."

"Thanks, Jon," said Bertie in a soft voice filled with emotion.

"Any time, Bertie," he replied. "You shouldn't have helped to wash up, Nelson. Bertie, I said that I would do it later."

"I insisted. Besides, we are nearly finished now," said Nelson.

"Can I offer you anything to drink?"

"Some tea would be nice if you have some and enough water to spare."

Jonan nodded and walked over to the stove. He light a small fire and put a kettle of water on it and put some herbs into it.  When the water boiled he poured some into two cups.

"Would you like some, Bertie?" he asked.

"Do you even need to ask?"

Jonan laughed lightly as he poured some more hot tea into a third cup and handed the least chipped of the three to Nelson.

Nelson took the cup and held it in his cold hands. They immediately started to feel warmer. He  couldn't believe that in the past people would still be sitting outside in nothing but a short sleeve shirt and shorts. The environment sure had changed over the years.

"You said that you needed to talk to me? Let's go sit in the living room. It will be more comfortable there."

Bertie lit a fire as the other two made themselves comfortable. When the wood caught alight he sat down next to Jonan and curled up next to him, his head on his broad shoulders and his hand in his boyfriend's larger one.

Jonan sighed in contentment. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Before I say anything I need the two of you to make a promise. What I say to you is of global importance and deeply confidential. What I tell you stays between the three of us, no matter what Jonan decides."

"I promise," chanted Jonan and Bertie in unison.

"Good. Then let's get started. As you know the world is in a critical state at the moment. There is only one solution to solve out current predicament and save mankind."

"Then why don't you just do it?"

"That is where Jonan comes out. That solution is in space. I hate to ask this of you now that you've got a daughter, but you are the best person for the job. You are however allowed to say no."

Bertie grasped harder at Joanan's hand and shot him a worried glance.

"What do I need to do?"

"Have you heard of Henry Locco, the Rocketeer?"

"I have. I've worked with him before. He was the Head Rocketeer of the first shuttle I flew."

"He is busy repairing and remodelling a spaceship. We need someone experienced to fly it out into orbit, press a button to release what we need and then return."

"I'll do it," said Jonan with a note of finality in his voice.

"But, love, isn't it too dangerous?" Bertie lifted his head and looked lovingly into Jonan's eyes."

"Besides you, Henry is the person I trust most. He has kept me safe many times before. I know that his work will get me home safely. This is my chance to make a difference."

"But, Jonan. What if something goes wrong? Think about Thando." Bertie clasped Jonan's hand tightly in both of his own.

"You don't have to decide now," said Nelson quickly. "You have until Gerald arrives."

"No. I've made up my mind- don't look at me like that, Bertie- I miss it. I want to do this. I trust Henry to get me home safely. Nothing bad will happen to me. When do we launch?"

"As soon as Henry is finished and Gerald arrives."

"I can't wait," said Jonan, purposefully avoiding looking at Bertie's worried and upset expression.

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