Chapter 8

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Two weeks passed and Nelson had managed to get all the materials that Henry required to repair the rocketship. It was well on its way to being functional. Nelson also noticed on their rides in the mornings and evenings that Henry also seemed to be gaining more and more sanity by the day. He had even started shaving. It seemed to Nelson like losing his passion had tipped Henry over the edge of a very slippery slope and getting it back was helping him to climb back up. He wasn't sure what would happen to Henry when the task was finished, as it inevitably would be.

Nelson knew that he had to talk to Jonan.

"Bertie?" called Nelson.

"Yes, sir?" Bertie shuffled into Nelson's office, his hair standing up in all for as it always did.

"I need to talk to Jonan about something. It is fairly important. Could you please ask him when I could meet with him? The sooner the better." Nelson took a deep breath. He hated the thought putting the couple in the position he had to, especially because they were planning on adopting a child. That only made it that much worse in his mind.

"Jonan has actually been asking me to invite you to dinner. We want you to meet our daughter. Her name is Thando and she is just this beautiful little spark of light."

"She sounds wonderful. I didn't know that you were successful in finding someone to adopt?" Nelson's heart sunk a little further. His job had just become even more difficult.

"It's still a work in process but I don't see any reason why we shouldn't get her. She is five years old. Her dad died in the war and her mum killed herself shortly after. She couldn't deal with the pain of losing him." He gave a sad little sigh and shrugged his shoulders. "I can't believe she would leave a little girl all alone like that. I really can't. It's dreadful to think of. I can't believe how happy she is with all that she has gone through in her short little life."

"That is horrible!" Nelson exclaimed. He continued in a softer voice. "At least she has you two to make up for that. I would love to meet her. I also do need to speak to Jonan though. Preferably within the next fortnight. Of course if it's an inconvenience I can try make another plan."

"No. It's not an inconvenience at all. We love it when you come visit. What about Saturday night? I would offer Friday but the Adoption Officer is coming for an inspection. Jonan will be so glad that you want to meet Thando. I swear that he love her more than he loves me!"

"Saturday is perfect. Must I bring anything?" Nelson scribbled a note on a scrap of paper on his desk and looked up expectantly.

"If you could bring some vegetables that would be fantastic. There haven't been many on the market lately. If you can't get any it's not a bother but Jonan would like to make his spectacular roast chicken and it's not the same without vegetables. Just getting a chicken was difficult enough. Do you know why there has been so little on the market lately?"

"As I have reported many times, the drought is having a negative effect on food production," replied Nelson slightly irritatedly, wondering how long the half-truth would be believed.

"I do hope we get some rain soon. Food is becoming increasingly difficult to afford and even just to find." Bertie frowned deeply.

"I hope so too, Bertie..." muttered Nelson as he stared off into space.

"I'm sure Thando won't be able wait to meet you when I tell her you are coming on Saturday. She will love you." Bertie said in an attempt to cheer up Nelson.

"Tell her that I look forward to meeting her too."

"I will do that, sir."

"Bertie," said Nelson in an agitated voice. "we've known each other for a long time now. Sir just seems too formal. Call me Nelson."

"Of course, sir- I mean Nelson. Well, as much as I love talking to you I have some work to do."

"So do I, Bertie. I am looking forward to Saturday. We can always change the day if it's an inconvenience to you. Just let me know."

"You are never an inconvenience, sir. We always love having you."

Bertie walked back to his desk and both men sat down, smiling at the thought of Saturday and what it would bring. Nelson's smile faltered slightly as he thought of what he had to ask of Jonan and as the fear of his potential refusal grew, especially now that he had a traumatised daughter to take care of.

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