Chapter 5

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Nelson sat slumped over his desk. Two nights of getting to bed after midnight hadn't done him any good at all. He could barely keep his eyes open, let alone think.

There was a knock on the open door and Bertie stuck his head around it and into the office. "I brought you a Rebooster Pod. When I saw you come in this morning I thought you looked like you needed one. Sorry it took me so long to go out and buy one. I was busy all morning."

"Thank you, Bertie. Don't ever forget how much I appreciate you. A Rebooster Pod is just what I need. How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing at all. You gave me the afternoon off yesterday to spend with Jonan. That is worth so much more than a Rebooster Pod. I got you a chocolate one. I remember you saying that they are your favourite."

"They are indeed. Thank you, Bertie. I hope that you had a good afternoon with Jonan."

"I did. We decided to adopt a child. We will be going to the Orphanage this afternoon after work to start the process. We have been discussing it for quite a while now and we are finally ready. I am greatly looking forward to it."

"Sounds wonderful. I envy the lucky child. With all the children who lost their parents in the war, I'm sure you'll find exactly the kind of child you're looking for. You and Jonan are honestly probably the two best people I've ever met. At times I wish that you had been assigned a better job. Maybe something with plants. I know how much you love them. But then I selfishly remember that then I wouldn't have such a fantastic secretary."

"Oh, sir. Plants are just a hobby. I am honoured to work for you. Here is your chocolate Rebooster Pod. I should probably go. I'm keeping you from your work. I'm sure you have a lot to do."

Bertie placed the capsule on the table and Nelson marvelled at how such a small piece of carefully blended ingredients could contain as much energy as what three cups of what used to be called coffee did. And the energy kept a person going the whole day. It was a pity that they were rationed so strictly. He could really do with them more often.

Bertie strode out of the room just as Nelson's phone started ringing. Nelson cursed being one of the privileged few to have one as he picked it up. He often resented that his job came with a phone. The people who wished that they could have one clearly didn't understand the frustration that came with owning one. He didn't want people to be able to contact him whenever they wanted to.

It was Gerald. Again.

"What is it this time, Gerald?" Nelson snapped. He pinched the bridge of his nose to try soothe his headache.

"We have a bit of a problem, Nelson. It turns out that there was a leak in the bomb shelter. The button is unusable." Gerald's voice was fast and quite unlike his usual deep and calm one.

Nelson swore into the phone. "What do we do now? Was my ten hour long meeting yesterday a complete waste of time? If it was my Underleaders will rebel. They won't stand for it! I won't stand for it."

"No. Luckily the pods can be manually released. That requires us to repair a rocketship. It looks like we will need to tap into the emergency rations.

"My father is just the man for the job. Not only was he a Rocketeer, but he also studied the Ancient Ways. If anyone can fix it, he can.

"I'll leave you to get in touch with him. He can have whatever resources he needs. This is a global emergency. If he can't fix it those resources will never be used. Do you know where he lives?"

Gerald recited an address only a few blocks away from Nelson's office.

"Do we put our plans on hold then?" Nelson put down his own and stared at the address written in his untidy scrawl.

"Until the pods come down, yes. And be fast. The earth doesn't have time for this. I'll leave it in your hands now."

Gerald hung up and Nelson rushed out of his office, hurrying to go see Henry, Rebooster Pod forgotten in the rush.

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