Chapter 12

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Chapter dedicated to Dragonrat703 for all your support. I greatly appreciate it.

Nelson walked into Rocketeer Centre, Henry by his side. Gerald was just climbing out of the rocketship. He wiped his greasy hands on his starched black pants.

"I had to do one last check. It all seems to be in order. Now we just need to wait for our brave young pilot- Ah, look. There he comes."

Indeed, Jonan walked in, hand in hand with Bertie, Thando jumping around them. She smiled her wide smile when she saw Nelson. Her smile faded into shock when she saw the well-known face of Gerald. She stopped bouncing and slipped behind Bertie, uncertain of what she should do.

"Poppa," she whispered, "is that really the World President?"

"Yes, dear. It is. Do you want to say hello?"

Thando shied back further and stood in the shadow of some large piece of machinery.

"Ah, Jonan is it?" asked Gerald.  When he continued his voice was significantly colder. "And Bertie. We've met."

Bertie nodded in his direction as he tried to calm Thando. She hadn't believed him when he had told her that Gerald would love to meet her. He kneeled down in front of her and squeezed her hand gently.

Jonan walked over and held out his hand. "A pleasure to meet you, sir."

"No, no. The pleasure is all mine. And that is my father. He repaired the ship for you. He seems to have done a good job, especially as he had so little time." Gerald gave a small smile and narrowed his eyes. "I believe you've worked together before. I hope that this mission goes as well as the previous ones did."

"I'm sure it will," replied Jonan confidently, pulling his hand away from Gerald. "I believe we launch tonight?" He wiped his hand on his loose shirt.

"I see no reason to delay." Gerald glanced over at the large rocketship, shadowy in the dark Rocketeer Centre. "Are you ready?"

"Of course I am. I just need to get dressed and say goodbye to my family. It won't take too long. My old uniform should still be in that room over there. If it is, that will make the process that much simpler." He walked to the back of the Rocketeer Centre and disappeared through a door.

He walked over to a rack and smiled. He pulled off the a plastic cover and carefully examined his old uniform for tears or weaknesses. He wasn't going to take any chances, not with what was at stake.

He pulled on the heavy space suit, its loose material snagging on his knees and elbows. He glanced down at his name tag, smiling at the memories of better times.

Bertie walked in, Thando riding on his narrow shoulders. She slid down his back. As soon as she was safely on the floor, Bertie rushed over to Jonan. Thando stared at him, scratching the skin next to her ear.

Bertie helped Jonan pull up the space suit, planting a kiss on his cheek as he pulled the shimmering silvery-white material over his shoulders. Jonan pulled him into a hug, one that Bertie gladly accepted.

"I'll miss you. I know it will only be a few hours, but you will be thousands of kilometres away from me." Bertie sighed deeply, resting his head on the cold material covering Jonan's chest.

"Bertie, I'll be back soon. I used to have to leave for far longer than this. Do you remember those days? I always came back to you safely and I will this time too. You'll see." He gently pushed Bertie an arm's length away and looked him in the eyes. "I'll be back. I promise."

Bertie looped his arm around Thando's slender back and pulled her into the hug. The three stood there in a silent bundle of love until a voice started calling from the main hall of the Rocketeer Centre.

"Jonan? Are you ready to launch yet? We don't have all day!"

Jonan sighed. "I should probably get going. I love you both." He crouched down and kissed Thando on the forehead before pulling Bertie into his arms once more and giving him a slow kiss. "I'll be back before you know it."

Bertie held onto Jonan's hand until it was out of reach. He transferred them to Thando's shoulders and slumped his back slightly. Both stood watching him as he picked up a helmet from the shelf and started to examine it for any cracks. Satisfied, he left the room.

Bertie pushed his hand deep into his pocket and closed his fingers around the meteor fragment in it. It had been a present from Jonan after one of his earlier missions. Now he anxiously rolled it between his fingers as he walked back into the main hall, Thando by his side.

Jonan shook Gerald's hand, his helmet under his left arm. He raised his hand and gave a last wave to his family before pulling on his helmet and entering the spaceship.

The door slowly closed and sealed shut with a woosh of air and a sucking sound. Jonan got into position, curling up his tall body in the cramped space.

He took his end of the radio receiver in his hand. "Ready for take off." He shuffled his legs to move them into a more comfortable position. He appreciated that they had taken the last Space Conversor out of storage for the occasion, although he wasn't sure what else it would have been used for.

"Thank you, Jonan," said Gerald. "All of humanity owes you a great debt. We all appreciate your great sacrifice."

"I'll be back soon, Bertie, you'll see." His voice crackled through the hall. "I love you." Gerald flinched.

Bertie squeezed Thando's hand. "Your dad's going to be a hero. Won't that be something lovely to tell everyone at school in a few weeks?" They made their way into the reinforced glass launch box.

"Yes, poppa. When will dad come home?"

"He'll be back in a few hours. Wave to him before he goes." Both Thando and Bertie waved enthusiastically as Henry started the countdown. He had taken a last look at the outside of the ship to make sure that it was safe and ready to be launched.

A loud roaring filled the air and the ship shot upwards in a flurry of flames and sound.

Jonan was on his way up to space. Up on his way to save humanity.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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