Raccoon Eyes

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((Goot P.O.V.))
                Once again, we found ourselves headed to another bar. I'm not complaining or anything, but it seems we spend more time at the bars than working as of late. I walked behind my allies and shook my head. Bunch of fucking idiots. Quill is depressed because Gamora wouldn't accept his flirting. Gamora is mad because Quill won't talk to her because he's depressed. Drax is confused by the two of them making the large moron moody. I want to lick all of them in the shins and tell them to get over it. Then there's Rocket. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy like a brother, but lately... I don't know, he seems off. If quill is depressed, I'd hate to know what Rocket is. He seems to try and be more alone building his gadgets or staring out in space. Lately the only person he will even put up being around is me, and I'm a baby. As I follow behind the others, I notice something out of the corner of my eye. A cloaked figure waking our way. The figure bumps shoulders with Quill as they pass. Something tells me this is going to be interesting.
   ((Quill P.O.V))
                  I swear some people don't have any manners. Here I am, being heart broken and some cloak wearing person just bumps into me without a single, sorry or excuse me! How rude is that?! I swear the nerve of some people! I went to pull out my credits to make sure we had enough, only to find they were gone! I paused and frantically searched myself everywhere in panic before realization hit me.
             "Damn it!" I shout as I began to look about trying to spot the cloaked person. "Guys, that person who bumped into me stole our credits!"
              "What?!" Drax yelled obviously upset by the news.
              "You mean you just got hit by one of the oldest tricks in the book of stealing and just noe noticed?" Gramora asked with a frustrated sigh.
                "I'm sorry! Maybe if I wasn't so distracted-!"
                 "So now you're going to try and blame this on me?!" Gamora yelled.
                  ((Rockets P.O.V))
                I sighed as I was brought out of my thoughts by Quill and Gamora yelling at one another. If they weren't yelling, they were pouting. I swear the two idiots don't know how good they have it.  At least their not alone.  I was about to say something when I felt little wooden hands tug on my own. I looked to see groot look at me and then point to an nearby. Picking up my little buddy and pulling my gun out,we headed into the shadows of the busy buisness planet.
                As we walked, I noticed the glimpse of a green cloak turn the corner. Swift but quietly I began to pick up my pace. Nobody steals from us and gets away from it!
               "I am Groot."
                "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." I grumbles putting my gun away and replacing it with my net gun. Quickly taking a turn at the corner I shot, catching the cloaked persons feet, knocking them to the ground. I made my way over angrily. They needed to know who they were dealing with!
                  "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you have some git to try and steal from-!" I paused in my lecture as the cloaked person turned to look at me. It was a woman who looked like she couldn't be older than 18 at most. She had ((H/L)) ((H/C)) hair hanging a bit in her face, ((S/T)) skin and the most beautiful ((E/C)) eyes. For a moment, I thought my body was frozen. My heart skipped a beat, my lungs stopped taking air, and I couldn't take my eyes off that face. What the hell was going on?!  I watched as she slowly turned her body a bit so she could look at me properly and I tell you what, she was beautiful. She wasn't as skinny as Gramora, but she wasn't fat either. She seemed a bit nervous as she looked between me and Groot and held out Quill's credit bag for us to take. Slowly I moved my eyes off her face to her held out hand to see man Y cuts and bruises. It was heart breaking. Slowly I walked closer and paused before I took the bag from her grip. She looked a bit pale, which was worrisom.
                "I am Groot." Groot spoke snapping me out of my thoughts again. He obviously felt bad in this situation too.
               "I know, but what can we do? It isn't like we can just take her with us." I muttered as if trying to keep the conversation private, though I have a feeling she heard us perfectly.
                "I... am Groot." He replied back to me making me sigh.
                "Really?! You're really gonna guilt trip me into doing this?!" I snapped quietly at him.
                "I am Groot!" He snapped back crossing his arms.
                 "Fine!" I snapped back glairing at my small friend. "But you get to explain what's happening to the others!" I said feeling defeated.
                 "I am Groot." He said smiling happily.
                 "Listen lady, I know you're probably really confused about what's going on." I said ad I look back about her to see the most adorable confused face I've seen in awhile. I felt myself warming up a bit under my fur but I tried to ignore it. "This little Guy is named Groot and-."
                   "I am Groot." The little tree creature spoke with an proud expression.
                  "I was about to introduce myself!" I sighed again in frustration. "But instead of letting me finish, you had to rudely interupt me!" I snapped at the little tree and in walked to the lady's legs and began to untangle them. She kept oddly quiet. Probably nervous she'd get beat up for speaking. Once I got her legs free I looked up at her again. "So, you got a name girlie?"
                She was a bot hesitant but after a moment she nodded. "M-my name is ((Y/N)). ((Y/N)) ((L/N))." She seemed to almost whisper as she sat up keeping her head low but her eyes on me. Her voice was adorable! Why the hell do I think her voice is adorable?!
                 "Well ((Y/N)), my names Rocket. My little comanion here is Groot." I said to her as she nodded. "How about you come with us and get a few drinks. Maybe a bite or two?" I said as she began to rub her arm. Nervous habit maybe? "You're not going to be in trouble. I just can't stand seeing a young lady go hungry. Besides, I could use a nice looking drinking buddy instead of the ugly mugs I have to see every day."
                   "I am Groot." The small tree being spoke with an interesting look.
                   "Shut up!" I whisper yelled at the little guy. "She doesn't need to know that!!" Suddenly I froze when I heard a soft sound. A giggle? I looked up and saw the girl using her closed hand to cover her mouth with a smile mostly hidden. I swear, if I didn't have fur, I'd be redder than ever. I get the fur on my tail stiffen a bit as she calmed down and looked at me.
                 "I am Groot."
                 " I know. Come on, ((Y/N)). Let's join the others before the cone looking for us." I said as I watched her stand up and dust herself off. I began to lead the way out of the ally, but found myself looking back ro make sure she was following. Hoe did she walk so quietly? We found the others and Quill seemed intantly calm when he saw my new friend. In fact, he seemed to turn a few shades darker. Oh, he was not going to flirt with her like he did everyone else! I will not allow it!
           ((Quill's P.O.V))
          I was so pissed off about this hole situation!! Of all the thing to happen to me. When I saw Rocket and Groot being followed by the cloaked figure, I was sure I was going to lecture and rant my heart out. Then I saw the persons face. Her face. Every ounce of my bad mood vanished. She looked so scared, nervous, and if you looked deep enough, lonely. When they stopped she hesitantly reached up with bruised wonder arms and removed her cloak hood, and I felt myself heat up. She was beautiful. She had such beautiful features.
                "Hello." I said in my smooth tone as I held my hand out to her. "Names Quill. Also known as Starlord." I said with a wink watching her face blush. Oh it was cute. "What might you're name be?" I asked.
               "Her name is ((Y/N)), and she's my drinking buddy for today!" Rocket snapped pulling her cloak a bit to have her step back. Her hand slipped from mine and glaired down asked the raccoon. "Come on ((Y/N)). We'll protect you from the player of my crew." The ring tailed rodent spoke as he pulled her along carefully. I felt deeply insulted. How dare he talk to me like that! I thought we were friends. I hear chuckles as both gamora and Drax walked past with huge grins on their faces. Does everyone see me like that?!
              ((Y/N)) P.O.V)
                 This was not how I imagined my day would go. I let Rocket pull my along by my cloak as we walked into the bar. It was busy and loud, and in many ways reminded me of earth. It had been a month since I was taken from my home planet and then tossed out like trash on this one. Nobidy showed me kindness until I ran it these guys. Rocket took a seat and patted beside him and I silently sat down. As I turn I see the others join us. They began to talk to one another about, what I think might be, parts for something and supplies, and such. I'm not sure exactly. All these things are so new to me. I silently sat there drinking a beer that was placed infront of me. Sure it tasted weird but it was better than nothing. I silently sipped it before I saw the little tree being stand on the bar table infront of me. He tilted his head and smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back. Hr held up a small flower to me and I felt so overjoyed. It had been awhile since I saw such a beautiful flower. I could feel my whole face turn red as I gently took the floor in my hand.
             "Thank you, Groot." I said softly as I looked over the flower. Groot smiled widely as he nodded with joy. I sat my hand down and he climbed on and I lifted him o my shoulder. He happily sat here sick in his cute little feet.
             "He really likes you." I hear Rocket said keeping his eyes on his drink. "You know, I think ((Y/N)) should stay with us."
              "You barely know her, and you want to bring her along with us?" Gamora asked with a curious tone.
             "Groot seems to like her." Rocket spoke up again looking past me and to his allies. "Besides, we could use another hand on the ship!"
             "Not to be offensive," gamora said looking at me making me feel a bit intimidated. "But what are you good at? Do you have any skills or anything that could be handy to us?"
              In truth, I don't really have much I'm good at. I was about to peak when I was interupted by Rocket.
              "You call that not offensive?! That was more than offensive, gamora!" Rocket snapped making me look in his direction. "That was beyond rude of you!"
              "It was not rude!" The green girl snapped back making my eyes go back to her. "It was asking a question of importance!"
               "It wad a bit rude." Quill spoke up nervously getting everyone's attention on him. "I mean, it could have been said a lot nicer."
               "I am groot." Groot spoke making everyone look in our direction.
                "I agree with Groot!" Rocket spoke up again. "She seems like the sis it I've type!"
                "I didn't mean for it to sound rude!" She growled gripping her alcohol.
                "It's okay." I said quietly though by the sound of the new agreement that had broken out about what was rude and not, I probably wasn't heard. I felt nervous again and began to sip my beer again. Suddenly while the others argued, a bug guy leaned over to me. I looked into his odd eyes. "Y-yes?"
                   "You don't like that drink too well do you?" He asked as I looked down. I didn't want to seem rude.
                   "It's fine." I said softly. "Though I personally like more fruity sweet drinks." I said in almost a whisper. He obviously heard me ad he loudly ordered me a new drink.
"B-but I haven't finished-." I was cut off as he took the cup of beer from my hands and chugged it down. My eyes widened as I watched. My face turned bright red. Did he know that was indirectly kissing me?!
                "Dude! That was not cool!" Quill spoke out at Drax.
                 "How is that not cool? She didn't like it but didn't want to waste it." He said as he sat the glass down.
                  "You just drank after her! You're practically kissing her!" Quill spoke up knowing why I was so red. I sat there shyly drinking my fruity drink. Oh it was better than the last one.
                "How is finishing her drink kissing her?!" Drax said in confusion. "Our lips never touched!"
                Oh God, make if stop! At this rate IL be as red as a tomato.
                "It's indirectly kissing you moron!" Quill snapped again as he face palmed.
                  "Sorry for the noise." Rocket spoke up getting my attention. "It's always like this." He said as he noticed Gamora joining in on the conversation. "I know we're all a bit like jackasses, but would you like to join us?" He asked me curiously.
                 "I don't know how useful I would be." I said softly. "I'm not very good at much of anything."
                 "How about you help is out with Groot?" He asked motioning his head to the little guy on my shoulder. "He's a bit of a handful but he's still very young. At times we go to missions and we worry the entire time if he's alright." He spoke as I gently tickle the small tree guy's stomach hearing him giggle. "it would help us out a lot." Rocket said getting my eyes back on him. "Also, when we have down time, I'm sure anyone of us would teach you anything you like." He added in with added smirk.
                I thought over his words for a moment before I smiled. "Only if Groot is okay with having me as a babysitter." I said softly.
                "Then it's settled!" Rocket said happily. "Welcome to The Gardians of the Galaxy, ((Y/N))!" He cheered out loud as he tapped our glasses together, getting everyone's attention back to us again.
                  "I got one more question since you seemed determined to bring her with us." Gamora spoke up getting everyone's attention.
                  "Better not be a rude one." Rocket snapped.
                  "We're is the going to be sleeping? We don't have any empty rooms. Then silence filled the group.
                  "I have an idea." Drax spoke out getting both confused and curious looks from everyone at the table.

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