The Breaking Chain

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((Y/N)) P.O.V.))
               It's been a few weeks since I started living here with everyone. It's never boring to be honest. Everyone has been pretty friendly to me. Quill expecially. We usually end up singing some of the songs together on his mix tape and joking about. He's a pretty cool guy, though some of his jokes are a bit odd.
         Drax is an interesting guy. He seems so innocent at times. A lot of the jokes tossed about between the crew seems to confuse him and the few times he does get it, he laughs so hard I can't help bit worry he'll pass out from lack of oxygen. He also keeps saying how I have nice thighs. They're a bit thick to me, but the compliments always helps me not feel completely hidious.
            Gamora has seemed to have gotten quite fond and protective of me. She says I'm too innocent and naive to be left alone with guys like Quill, but I don't understand what she's talking about. He seems like such a chill dude. Sometimes watching them, I feel like they have a hidden thing for one another buy refuse to accept they have said thing. I almost feel like locking them in a small too together until they get their sexual frustrations out and just start dating.
                 Groot is growing up little by little. The cute little thing is starting to really rub off on me. Lately I've began to understand what he's saying. I don't have to go to the rest of the team to have someone translate anymore. The little guy keeps giving me all kinds of beautiful flowers and saying I'm pretty. He also found out that I'm actually really depressive and have bad low self a steam. I guess that's why he doesn't like to leave my side much unless we're a mung the rest of the crew. The little cutie seems to think he's supposed to be my guardian Angel instead of me being his babysitter.
              Then there is Rocket. When I first joined the team I figured we would be very close. He always picks fights with Quill when he does one of his odd jokes with me and keeps himself shut off in his room unless he was absolutely needed. The few times we meet up he avoids eye contact and rarely addresses me. I wonder if I did something to upset him. Acrually, it's been hard on me that Rocket seems ignore me. Even so, I keep hit hidden the best I can and keep smiling and acting like everything is okay. Maybe I did something and didn't know it? It's settled! I'm going to try and find a way to make things right so we can be friends like at the beginning!
                I ran down the hall of the Milano and knocked on Quill's door rapidly until he opened it. To my surprise, he was shirtless. I will admit, Quill is quite an attractive guy. Breath takingly so, but I see him as more of a best friend than a love intrest.
              "((Y/N))?" Quill said sounding a bit surprised before he leaned against the doorframe all sexy like. God, if he wasn't already madly in love with Gamora I might have considered him a possible caidate as possible boyfriend, but nope. Not happening.
                "Quill, I need some advise." I admitted as twitted my thumbs together nervously and looked down at my feet. They seemed quite interesting at the moment for some odd reason.
               "Well then, you came to the right place." He winked and oh my God I wanted to run hiding.
                "I noticed Rocket's been a bit down lately. Distant maybe..." I said quietly as I glanced up at him. "I wad wanting to try snd get him something to try and cheer him up, but I have no clue want to even think of getting him..."
                Quill seemed a little disappointed it was about Rocket but he'll be fine in a few hours. He seemed to think it over before he smiled. "Tomorrow, Rocket has to go to the market district to get a few things for the ship and his weapons. Why not follow him and see what he seems interested in?!" He said with and playful smirk.
               "I don't know... isn't that a lot like stalking him?" I asked quietly. "I don't want him to think I'm a weirdo or something.." I said shyly.
                "Don't worry about it." Quill said happily. "I mean, you're worried about him right? That's enough of a reason to not be taken as a weirdo. Also, I got your back." He said with a charming smile.
                 "Thank you, Quill!" I said happily as I hugged him. I heard him laugh as he hugged me back.
                  "No problem!" He said happily as he pulled away. "Wait right here!" He said as he went back into his room and returned giving me so credits. "You may need this if you see something he likes. Think of it as a work bonus."
                  "Thank you again Quill. You're an awesome guy." I said sweetly before running to my room to get ready for tomorrow.
                  Once in my room I put the credits in one of my drawers on my bedside table and laid down in the bed. Rocket had done so much for me. I couldn't wait to do something back for him!

        ((Rocket's P.O.V))
                 I was about to leave my room when I saw ((Y/N)) hugging Quill. They both seemed so happy. God it pissed me off! Why was it always HIM?! Then again, avoiding her probably isn't helping much. Groot had been lecturing me on how I wasn't treating her right and upsetting her, but then again she was always smiling. How could I know if she didn't even seem to falter?! Now here i am seeming like a jackass because i feel stranfe with the thought of her liking Quill. GOD FUCKING QUILL!!!  That's it! I'm putting one of Drax terds in that bastards pillow!
                 Sighing I lay down on my bed and curled in on myself. I go from nervous, to akward, to mixed up, to pissed, and now depressed!!! What else is going to happen?! I felt something small slip into my arms and I open my eyes to see Groot trying to comfort me from my unknown mood. I felt a weak smile pull on my lips. At least I know no matter what happens I always have him.

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