New Beginnings

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             ((Drax P.O.V))
           I don't understand why everyone looks at me like it's a miracle I can come up with ideas. We headed back to the Milano with
((Y/N)) following us close behind. She is a quiet girl, I'll give you that. Once on board I went to our storage closet and opened the door with a smile. Everyone looked inside before looking at me again. This time the looks were as if I were stupid.
              "Drax," Quill spoke up. "That's a storage closet."
               "Yes." I said in reply with my big grin. I was so proud of myself. This idea was a good one, bet by the look on everyone's face, they didn't seem to get it. The new girl looked at it curiously but then she looked up at me and smiled.
              "I think I get what you mean." She said softly. At least someone seems to understand.
              "You do?" Gamora asked curiously.
               "Yes, but I don't want to be a bother." She spoke up again. I'd be fine sleeping anywhere." She said softly.
               "Nonesence!" I spoke up happily knowing she at least got me. "It would be easy to move all this stuff to the storage below. We don't kneed two places. Besides, most of this is junk." I said as I looked to her with a big smile.
               "It's too late to begin cleaning this out now." Quill caught on with a smile and pat me on this he back for my idea. "We'll start cleaning this he his up in this up in the morning."
              "Then, where should she sleep. For tonight?" Gamora asked looking about at the guys.
              "Well, she could sleep with-!"
              "Over my dead body, Quill!" Rocket snapped stepping infront of the poor girl. One thing for sure this would be interesting.

           ((Gamora ' s P.O.V))
              I sighed as I listened to everyone starting to bicker. The poor girl stood there quietly listening to them. I couldn't let this go on. She looked tired and this fighting wasn't helping. I walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder getting her t OK look at me. "How about you go take a shower while we talk this out?" I spoke up.
                "But I don't have any-."
                "I'm sure I can find something for you to wear." I spoke up again. I could tell the bickering was stressing her by the he look in her eyes.
                 "Thank you." She said softly to me as I directed her to the bathroom. As she disappeared I turned my attention back to the boys again.
               "I get you guys are all excited because we got a new female member and all, but none of you are noticing how much your bickering is stressing the poor girl." I snapped getting everyone's attention. I notices Groot run to join us. She must have gotten to the shower room now. I knelt down and picked up groot in my hand and gave him to Rocket. "For tonight, she is sleeping in my room. I will not listen to any complaints about this. Also, we will need to find something for her to sleep on that will fit in that room."
                   "I'll do better than that." Rocket spoke up. "Building a bed in the room would be easy." He said proudly. "I could even build little drawers on the base of the bed so she could keep her stuff in, maybe a few shelves. It would be a roomy little private space."
                     "That's a good idea. But we also need to get her stuff." I spoke up again. "She obviously was homeless. Probably doesn't have anything other than the clothes on her back."
                 "I am Groot!" The small wooden guy spoke up happily.
                 I couldn't help but smile at the little guy. "I could take her shopping while you guys clean and fix her room. Groot will come with us and help me keep an eye on her so we don't end up getting seperated."
                I lost track talking with everyone when I heard a quiet voice down the hall. "Um... I'm done. C-can I have some clothes to wear please?" My eyes widened. I forgot to get etc her clothes! I notices how the others looks and quickly rushed to get her something to wear.
        ((Y/N)) P.O.V))
                 I put on the clothing Gamora lent me. The shirt was obviously one of Quill's because the first shirt she handed me didn't git at all and this one was so. Baggy. The shorts were stretchy, thank goodness, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to git them. I always felt akward wearing shorts. My legs, like most of me, was always covered. It was something I would be able to put up with for now. I walked out with my wet hair slicked back out of my face and a towel laying draped over my shoulders. I blushed noticing everyone staring. Rocket more or less pretended not to, though I noticed. Did I look gross or something? I couldn't help but feel subconious.
                   "So ((Y/N)), for tonight you'll be seeing in my room." Gamora spoke up getting my attention. "Tomorrow we are goug shopping for sullied for the ship and a few things for you." She spoke up as I nodded. "Then once we are stocked up, we'll be leaving this planet. Be ready."
                  "Yes ma'am." I spoke getting an odd look from her.
                   "At least someone had manners on this ship." Gamora said with with a smirk. "Say goodnight to everyone and come to bed, okay?"
                  "Okay. Thank you." I said with a smile as she nodded and left before me. I looked to everyone. Good night everyone. Thank you for everything." I said softly.
                 "Goodnight." Drax said as he passed me tapping my shoulder. Most likely heading to his room to sleep.
                 "Good night, ((Y/N))." Quill said with a charming smile. "If you have a nightmare or Gamora is being mean, you can always near into my room." He said with with a wink making me giggle a bit. Out of habit I covered my mouth mouth bit and nodded. With that he walked past me heading to his room.
                  I looked to see Rocket sitting in a chair at the comand deck. He must be on night sift tonight. I walked over to him and stood beside him as he looked over some things. He paused for a moment and looked over slightly seeing me standing there.
                 "Waiting for me to say Goodnight too?"He asked in a teasing manner.
                  "I wanted to thank you." I said softly as he worked. "You could have done a lot of things to me before, but you didnt." I said looking down at my feet. "Instead of beating me or turning me in, you brought me and drink and even a meal. Not many would do that for a thief that just stole from them a few minutes ago." I said as I glance up to see him staring at me. "Is owe you a lot, Rocket. You and Groot. I could never thank you enough. I said as I leaned down, making sure he wouldn't mind, and hugged him carefully. I felt him tense up and bit but then relax a little. After a moment I slipped away from him and smiled as he silently stared at me. "Goodnight, Rocket. If there is anything I can do to help you, don't be and frail to wake me, okay?" I said softly as I headed to gamora room.

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