Operation Stalk Rocket's A Go!

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((Y/N)) P.O.V))
                I woke to the sound of someone moving about the ship. Sitting up I rubbed my tired eyes remembering what I was to do today. Quickly I got undressed from the clothes I had been sleeping in and pulled on a pair of black leggings, black combat boots, a black tank top and on top of it, a big baggy white shirt that said 'Badass Bitch'. It was a gag gift from Quill but you liked it.  Without a second to lose, you peaked out of the your room to see Rocket leaving. Quickly Turing to grab the credits from your bedside table, you began the chase. Of course, you took Groot with you. You were supposed to keep an eye on him after all.
                Groot and I made our way down the to the market, just far enough to not be seen but close enough not to lose track of him. At first he went about getting food and medical supplies. Normal stuff. Nothing really caught his attention it seemed. In fact, he seemed bored. After that, be began to go somewhere else entirely.
                  "Where is he going?" You asked your little partner in crime as you followed the target quietly.
                 "I am Groot." He whispered back.
                 "The Black Market?!" I whisper screamed. "What would he possibly get there?!"
                 "I am Groot." He patted the side of my face.
                 "I see. I guess that makes since." I muttered as he kept following. Once there I felt very uncomfortable. Even so, I didn't let it stop me. I would find a way to make Rocket happy again! He finally stopped and began to talk to an owner. Then I saw his face twist almost like he was in pain. It took everything I had to not rush over and check on him. Then, I saw why he made such a pained expression. He traded off his favorite gun for a bunch of stuff! Groot and I looked at one another before we looked back to Rocket. I couldn't allow this. The moment he was away from the store I rushed over to the stand.
               "So, I saw that weird little Raccoon guy gave you something interesting." I said as I looked at the shop keeper. God, he wad frightening to look at. Even so, I had to get that gun no matter what.
               "Oh? Maybe he did. Maybe he didnt." The hidious man said looking at me curiously. "Why would it concern you?"
                Oh god I knoe that look! He'd undressing me with his eyes! Inside I felt like throwing up but I couldn't show that. I had to make myself seem sexy and alluring as possible. Maybe I could talk him into selling it to me if i do.
               "Well, I was hoping I could buy it off of you." I spoke as I leaned a bit forward to allow him to see a little bit of clevage. I don't have much but I found its enough to draw attention. As I suspected, his eyes looked right where I had hoped. God I felt dirty. After I get that gun back, I would have to take a long deep cleaning shower.
                 "I'd might be able to sell it to you for a.... nice price." He practically growled his longing making me throw up a bit in my mouth, but I hide it well. "How about...."he seemed to think it over for a moment. ".. for such a hot little thing, one thousand credits?"
                 God, that's almost every credit I have! I won't be able to get anything for myself at all! "Deal." I said as I handed the guy the credits and hen handed me the gun. As I went to pull away, he jerked my white shirt down and I gave the guy a death glaired before I walked off. What an asshole. I hid the gun and Groot and I made out way back. Getting on board I saw Quill.
                "How did it go?" He asked curiously.
                 "wonderful." I said in a cheerful tone.
                "I am gro-" I panicked as I covered groot mouth to try and make him keep quiet.
                "Did groot just say you're broke?" Quill asked raising his eyebrow.
                "No!" I answered a little too quickly. Then he looked at me and a felt a bit guilty. "Maybe..." I said in a smaller voice. Then  I sighed. "Yes he did." He muttered quietly.
                "((Y/N)), you really spent all of it?" He questioned in shock didn't you have a bit saved back for emergancies?"
                "Not anymore." I said quietly after making sure nobody was around. "Is spent pretty much every bit of cred it I had." I said feeling a bit akward now.
               "Did you at least by yourself something? One thing?" He said as he gently took ahold of my shounders. I bit my bottom lip and he sighed. "Rocket went to put everything ip. If you hurry you can hide it in his room and get to yours."
                "Thank you Quill!" I said as I rushed to Rocket's room. Carefully I looked about till I found a ice of paper and pen and wrote a quick note before placing the note and his gun on his bed. Smiling, I geld Groot and rushed back to my room.
               We had a simple dinner that night. Rocket hadn't been able to get to his room yet but I could tell he was depressed for having to sell his gun. We ate and chatted like normal. I tried to talk to Rocket but barely got a reply. Wait till he got to his room he'll be so thrilled. At least I hope he will. Sadly, after dinner I found out he had first night duty. That ment he wouldn't be in his room for awhile. I was already dead tired. I said goodnight to everyone like always and went to bed with and warm smile on my face.

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