Phase 1

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It had been a long day for Kanda and it showed on his face when he walked into the room he shared with (y/n). Said girl looked up from the book she was currently holding and gave a welcoming smile as she shuffled across to her side of the bed.  She sat in one of Kanda's shirts, it fell just bellow her thighs. 
Kanda didn't pay much mind to this and sat down on the plush bed and rested his head against her chest. Instinctively she wrapped her arm around his shoulder placed a gentle kiss on top of his head.  He let out a sigh as his body visibly relaxed against hers. He hadn't bothered to go and see a medic before coming to her, the large scratch running along his arm and the array of wounds was proof of that. 
She grabbed the medical supplies that were located on the dresser next to her side of the bed with her free hand.  She gently laid him down on the bed, before she got up and began reading to his arm. Knowing full well that she only needed to perform basic first aid as Kanda healed much faster than most other exorcists.  Once that was done so began changing his bandages, before she sang him a quiet lullaby and he fell asleep.
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~(y/n)'S pov~
I got back to my feet and grinned at his now peaceful form on the bed.  I pulled the soft blanket over him and then sighed. I almost felt bad for initiating Lavi's and Allen's plan, but it was to late to look back,  from the moment Kanda had walked into the room the plan had gone into motion.
"Hey (y/n), you wanna help Allen and I with something?" Lavi asked as he got to the front of the cue for the canteen. I had opted to help Jeryy during my free time in the kitchen. 
"Depends on what that something is. Last time you too talked Lenalee into trying to kiss Kanda just to see how he would react."  I shook my head in disbelief, "poor Lenalee nearly had her throat sliced and I nearly pit her in a wall. She still terrified of me and is incredible jumpy around Kanda. " I say placing Lavi's usual meal in front of him. Allen scratched his head at the memory knowing full well the end result of that experiment had nearly resulted in an early grave for him as well. "Well this time it's not as extravagant as that. But it does still involve Kanda." he stated with a grin on his face. "you've peaked my curiosity,  go take a seat over there and I'll bring Aleen's food over and we can talk. " I turned around and helped Jeryy with making Allen's ridiculously large request.  Once this task was completed I skilfully balanced Allen's mini banquet and headed over to there table.
"Let's get down to business shall we! What is this plan of yours and how am I involved." i say with a board look on my face.  "Well fair lady your aware how low Kanda's tolerance level is extraordinarily low towards anyone and everything, except you. " I raised my eyebrow as I was curious to see were this was going.  Allen continued were Lavi left off, "so we figured we'd see how much of a tolerance he actually has for you by pushing his buttons." This was a truly curious proposition,  I wanted to know more,  "so what do I have to do?" I asked.
This time Allen grinned and Lavi responded, "you know all his pet hates and the things that he would normally attempt to decapitate People for. We want you over the course of a week do something that will push a different button."
This time it was my turn to grin,"so I should start simple and ramp it up as the week progress. " Allen and Lavi nodded there bead in union. "Alright I'm in, I'll start as soon as he vets back today. " I informed them before getting up and walking back to our shared room. I normally wouldn't do this I hated irritating Kanda but I was I intrigued as to what might happen,  so I began with one of his smaller pet hates.
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I heard Kanda stirring which meant the first phase of seven was about to begin.  I still wore his shirt but not my hair was held up by one of his precious hair ties, he only used this hair tie and the one he currently had in his hair and he hated it when anyone other than him touched them let alone used them, which made this the perfect place to start.  I heard him stand HP and wander over to the room divider I was stood behind.  "oh Kinda!" I exclaimed as he walked around it to see me. "I hope you don't mind but I borrowed your other hair tie mine have vanished. " I say calmly as I look directly into his eyes.  I watched as his eyes wandered down to my current attire. I neglected to mention how much he disliked anyone touching or wearing his his formal shirts, as they were a  lot harder to clean and we're a pain for him to find if they ever got damaged. His eyes narrowed slightly before he looked back up at my beaming face and he looked away a slight blush had crept up onto bus face. He wrapped his arms around my waist but I could still sense his irritation.  This was clearly working even if he was only slightly annoyed. I'd call this phase a success I thought as I leaned back into his arms and rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad your home."I muttered. To which he responded with a soft grunt.

Until next phase....

Kanda x reader-how to irritate Yuu and get away with it!Where stories live. Discover now