Phase 4

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It was around about lunch the next day when I finally encountered Lavi and Allen, I informed them of my success once again. "So, you actually wore a short kimono and I didn't get to see it?" Lavi asked in a rather loud voice. I followed this statement by 'gently' waking him against the head with the pan I was currently drying. "You're such a pervert Lavi!" my eye twitched in anger, "Perhaps Kanda was right I should be more careful." With that said you handed Allen a large plate of fries for him to begin devouring whilst I finished cooking his order with Jeryy. "So what's todays plan?" Allen asked between mouthfuls of fries. "I'm helping Jeryy out in kitchen all day so today's phase begins when Kanda comes down for lunch." I grinned childishly at Allen. "Stick around long enough and you can watch me work." I state handing Allen another plate of food and handing Lavi ; who had now regained consciousness and was standing; his lunch order, carefully I balanced several plates of food on various parts of my upper body and followed Allen and Lavi to their table so that Allen didn't have to make 4 different trips back to the food window to collect his whole order.

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It wasn't long before Kanda appeared at the window and Jeryy called me over, happily I walked over to the window. "Hello, Love. Go find yourself a table and I'll bring both our meals out, I'm due a break." With that Kanda walked away to find a table a light blush dusted his face. I smiled before turning back to mine and Kanda's lunch. Jeryy already knew that I planned to educate Kanda on several rather embarrassing topics and actions, and had already prepared several maintenance crews to fix up the damage even Lavi and Allen were prepared to run for their life should the need arise, I however was fully prepared to stay my ground hoping that if Kanda did become that angry he would aim his anger at the objects around me rather than attack me. Silently I said a quick prayer to god; even though I however did not believe in god; before I headed over to Kanda both our meals in hand. Gently I slide into a seat directly across from him and place his soba in front of him as I began eating my (F/F), we ate in silence for several minutes, but it became harder for me to do so when I felt what I assumed to be Allen and Lavi's expectant gaze boring holes into my back. I sigh and begin my plan, I lean over with my chopsticks in hand and steal some of Kanda's noodles. Now usually this wouldn't bother him because I would normally ask and not lean over the table to retrieve them, I knew that he was uncomfortable with this kind of situation. Slowly I brought the chopsticks to my mouth and as sensually as I possibly could consume them, Kanda's face now had a light blush on his face as I licked my lips to clear the soup from my lips. I cringed a little at what I was about to say but I went through with anyway, "this taste's good...but not as good as you." I stated seductively. I stifled a laugh as Kanda's blush became a little darker, I heard Lavi and Allen stifling their laughter to at Kanda's reaction. Now the hard part playing my comment off so he didn't suspect I was fishing for a reaction, so smoothly I picked up some more food from my bowl with my chopstick and ate it normally. Kanda just stared at me still blushing, I looked up and met his eyes, "what is there something on my face?" I ask trying to seem clueless. Kanda shook his head and took another mouthful of his soba noodles, trying to regain his composure. God, I was struggling to come up with these embarrassing words and actions, I really just needed to channel my inner Lavi. Taking a deep breath, I looked up again, "Kanda, do you want to hear something adorable, Yu and I." I heard Lavi and Allen chuckle as they took cover under there table, I also noted that Jeryy had a rather large Wok in his hand protecting himself. I couldn't blame them, not only had I just said something incredibly embarrassing I had just used his first name openly in public. I could see his face visibly darken and his grip on his chopsticks become dangerous, 'oh god this could be bad' I thought as I waited to see what would happen.

Hesitantly I reached my hand forward and touched his cheek in hopes that maybe he'd calm down...he didn' fact he grabbed my hand and stood up. He stood beside me with my hand still firmly in his grip, he didn't have to say anything I knew that he wanted us to leave. I however, was not about to give up that easily just yet, "But I am still hungry!" I protested. However, this protest fell short as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and exited the food hall, several people flinching away from him as he passed them. Oh god have I just signed my death certificate? Had I finally found my boundaries with him? Oh god...I don't want to die. I felt him put me down and I opened my eyes and peered at him, we were now in our room.

"Are you feeling okay, (Y/N)?" Kanda asked. I nodded in response to scared to actually speak. "Alright...just please don't use my first name in public like that again." He muttered. "...and don't try so hard to seduce me. You do that just fine without having to force yourself to do it." He stated his face now cherry red. I blinked a couple times and before throwing my arms around Kanda's throat and burying my face in the nape of his neck. I had done it I had gone undetected again, I'd call today a success. I released my arms from around Kanda's neck and turned to walk back out the door. Kanda raised his eyebrows at me, "what! I'm still hungry I'm going to get more food and then I'll be back." I smiled at him reassuringly. 'plus I should probably let Allen and Lavi know that I'm still alive' I thought a smile still on my face.

Kanda x reader-how to irritate Yuu and get away with it!Where stories live. Discover now