Extended Ending-Telling Him

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"Hey Kanda when you get back this afternoon, can you meet in the food hall...." I asked nervously too my boyfriend via her golem which was attached to a phone line in town. "Fine, I'll be back in a couple of hours." He stated before hanging up on his end of the phone. I let out a sigh as I put the phone back down on my end as well, I'm pretty sure Kanda was secretly angry with me after yesterday as he had refused to let me come on the mission we had both been assigned. So instead I had run out of the order to pick up a few groceries for Jeryy as we were currently low on several supplies, thanks to Allen's fabulous food habit's. So, I picked up the large brown paper bags that I had placed on the floor earlier and headed back to the order which was roughly a 15-minute walk away. It looked like it was going to rain and even if I had brought an umbrella with me I didn't have any hands to hold it, and so reluctantly I picked up my pace and prayed that I would beat the rain.

I made it back to the order in about 10 minutes which was great because if I had been a minute longer I would currently be stuck in this monstrous rain that was currently hammering down outside. I couldn't help but worry about the flowers currently suffering in the rain so I quickly dropped the groceries in the kitchen for Jeryy to sought through and then ran to the roof grabbing a rain jacket on the way past my room. As I opened the door I grabbed the tarps laid under the cover of the roof and frantically covered the flower beds with them, hopping to save them after Kanda had worked so hard to plant them 6 days ago, I sighed as I covered the last of the flower beds and ran back under cover. I had wasted a considerable amount of time outside and knew that Kanda would be arriving soon and heading to the designated meeting zone. Carefully I made my way down several flights of stairs silently praying I wouldn't slip because of the water on the bottom of my shoes. When I reached the food hall, it came as no surprise that Kanda was already sat at our usual table. I hurried over to him and apologised frantically before taking a seat. "you're the one who asked me to meet you here and yet you're the one who's late... what were you doing?" Kanda questioned dully. "I'm sorry I didn't want the flowers you planted to get damaged in this storm and so I went and covered them all." I said as I twirled my index fingers around each other as my face flushed. He clicked his tongue, "that would explain why your soaked, you should have just left them." He shook his head before giving me his exorcist jacket which was surprisingly dry and warm. I snuggled into a enjoying his scent briefly forgetting about why I had called Kanda down here. "What did you want to talk about?" Kanda questioned.

"SO...you know how all week I've been particularly irritating over the last seven days...." I looked up slowly and watched as he nodded his head whilst staring at me waiting for me to inform him of why I had asked to speak to him. "Well it was sort of all a big old joke...," I nervously chuckled before continuing, "you see Lavi and Allen approached me and said that it would be a good idea to see how far I could push you...and so I devised seven different plans to see if I could make you snap...it worked...kind of...you weren't mad at me, just everyone else who got involved...so...." I trailed off as I nervously looked down at my shoes frightened at my boyfriend's silence. "Don't be mad Kanda, I didn't mean any harm...forgive me." I asked innocently as I looked him directly in his eyes. "I'm not angry at you more the idiots that influenced you." His gaze snapped up to glare at Allen and Lavi who were sat at a table in a corner. Slowly Kanda got to his feet, he drew Mugen and approached Allen and Lavi who were currently frozen in their seats. I sprang into action as I ran over to Kanda who was already holding his blade in an incredibly threating manner as he silently cursed at Lavi and Allen for putting ideas in my head. I threw my arms around him from behind him and wrapped my hands around his arms attempting to stop Kanda from actually killing someone. It was going to be difficult to get Allen and Lavi out of this one.

Kanda x reader-how to irritate Yuu and get away with it!Where stories live. Discover now