Phase 2

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I had reported to Lavi and Allen after the first day had gone surprisingly well, now it was time to up my game a little. I didn't want to piss Kanda off but I was truly curious how many of his buttons I could get away with pushing. This time it was time to irritate him whilst gardening, his favourite way to pass time and relax after a particularly difficult mission. That's right I was about to make this gardening session hell, all in the name of discovery. I laughed quietly to myself at the thought of Lavi and Allen finding out about this pass time of his, of course I was going to keep this to myself I only planned on telling them that I had ruined his activity. As for whether I would get away with it or not was another thing.

Kanda looked down at me and gave me a questioning look at the grin that was plastered on my face, but I just looked up at him continued to smile. We were currently on our way to his garden that was kept on the roof of the order. Happily, I roped my arm around his and walked in a comfortable silence to the roof, it was cold out on the roof and I was instantly thankful that i had worn a thick kimono today not that the cold bothered me all that much. Kanda unhooked your arm from his and walked over to a patch of small blue flowers and began tending to them, whilst I tended to the patch of forget-me-nots watering and feeding them. Once I had done this I started to put the second phase into action, I dropped the watering can that I was holding onto the floor and sighed this caused Kanda to look over at me with raised eyebrows but soon returned to the flowers. I let out another board sigh and walked over to a miniature apple tree and began inspecting the fruits that were beginning to form on the tree, I made sure not to pull at the unripe fruit but I still made an effort to look very board at the task before me.

"Kanda I'm cold..." I muttered so that he could only just here me. I knew he was now looking at me but I refused to make eye contact I just continued to look boredly at fruits. I heard Kanda rise and walk toward me, he took of his jacket and wrapped it around me and placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Thanks" I said as he walked back over to the next set of flowers that needed tending. It was working he was definitely starting to become irritated by my whining behaviour. Personally, I don't mind gardening with Kanda it's rather relaxing, but for the sake of this mission I must continue.

I waited a few more minutes before I wandered to a cluster of flowers that were directly in front of the ones Kanda was currently attending. I made sure to water and feed the plants and weeded the garden bed in front of me; I didn't want to kill the flowers just irritate Kanda; before I looked to the side and glared at the sky. Letting out another sigh I release another complaint, "I'm bored...and the clouds are starting darken." Kanda continued to stare at the plants he was tending to as he tried to keep a cool demeanour about him, but it was quite obvious that he was becoming more and more agitated to me. "Can't we go inside and do something more entertaining! Like read or go find the other exorcists." Kanda looked directly at me this time and I couldn't help but look back at him whilst pouting, he stood up "No, we most certainly will not be going to find the others." Kanda said annoyance laced through his voice. He was now stood in front of me and I looked at him from my crouching position on the ground, "but we can still go, inside right??"I asked questioningly. "If it'll make you happy." Kanda said irritation laced throughout his voice. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him and let out a small cheer as I did, Kanda sighed and slowly relaxed becoming less irritated as he gently pulled me off of him and led me back through the door that we had come through earlier.

He walked down several flights of stairs my arm now linking with his and then opened the door to our room allowing me to enter first. I reluctantly shed his jacket and shuffled over to the bed where I sat and Kanda joined me, he laid down and I used him as a pillow and picked up my book and began to read aloud so that Kanda could enjoy the book with me.


A little while later I had read five chapters and decided that now was a good time to go and find Lavi and Allen and report my success to them. I placed the book on the table beside me and then got to my feet. "'m going to get myself a drink and a light snack, can I interest you in anything love?" I asked calmly. He shook his head and then shut his eyes, "Go get something for yourself and then we can finish this book, I'll be here when you return." I grinned at him and wandered down to the cafeteria where I found Lavi and Allen; who was stuffing his face; and began to debrief them.

Until next phase....

Kanda x reader-how to irritate Yuu and get away with it!Where stories live. Discover now