Phase 6

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Kanda was currently doing stretches on the roof top, whilst I sat cleaning my innocence. He had left Mugen next to me which would perfectly in my favour today, that's right today involved his blade. So why am I currently cleaning a silk fan and a paper-umbrella? Well it served a purpose, it meant that I could have cleaning equipment with me without Kanda questioning me. That's right today I was going to clean his blade. Kanda hated anyone touching Mugen at any given time and up until this point I had never touched his blade without his permission or to stop him from murdering someone with it. So, what could go wrong right. Kanda came over and took a large mouthful of water before turning around and walking over to the punching bag he had set up on the roof top this morning. This was my chance carefully I placed my innocence on the floor beside me before picking up Mugen and unsheathing the blade careful not to make too much sound. Â Slowly I began cleaning the blade with the cloth being careful not to cut myself on the sharp edge, it didn't require much cleaning before the side of the blade I was cleaning gleamed in the sun. So, naturally I flipped the blade over and began cleaning the other side, I did not however notice that Kanda had turned around and was now walking towards me until his shadow blocked out the sun.

"What are you doing?" Kanda questioned. I looked up and smiled innocently as I stopped polishing the blade. "um...I was just cleaning Mugen for you while you trained. It's important to be in as good a shape as it's wielder." I stated hoping that today's phase was over before it even begun. "Whatever." He sighed before turning back to his attention back to his training. I mentally cheered before I continued cleaning, once the blade gleamed completely gleamed in the sun I silently stood up. Slowly I moved away from Kanda to a section were several logs were left and a large open area, I looked over my shoulder to make sure his back was still to me which it was. Silently I raised the blade and began swinging it in a cutting motion, the blade cut through the air in a perfect line. I did this action several more times, before I began to let my inner child out. I imagined there many foes surrounding me and began staging a fight scene, swinging the blade from left to right one by one I wiped out my invisible foes. Once I had finished this I turned around and saw that Kanda was still beating the punch bag, I fawned for a moment when I realised he was now shirtless and his back glistened with sweat...but I quickly pulled myself away from that dangerous train of thought and turned my attention to the stack of logs.

Carefully I placed Mugen on the floor and then began pulling the logs out of the stack one by one and standing them up vertically. Once I was happy with the circle I had formed around myself I picked Mugen up once again, I inspected the blade to make sure I hadn't dirtied it too much by placing it on the ground. There was not a single speck of dirt and the blade still shone in the sun light, I smiled then checked that my log moving actions had not caught the toned attractive...damn it...all that mattered was it hadn't caught his attention.... So, I got myself into a combat ready stance in centre of the circle before staring down the log that stood before me. I then flew forward and one by one I began slicing the logs in half, I could tell I had caught Kanda's attention as he began speed walking over to me. But I couldn't stop I only had one three more logs to go I swung the blade through the centre of one of the logs before knocking the one to the right down with the hilt of the blade and smashing it with my foot. The final log was stabbed directly in its centre by the blade being stuck under my arm so that I didn't have to turn around and swing the blade and waist more time. By the time the last log was split Kanda made it over to me, I stood innocently smiling holding his blade up against my shoulder. "What do you think you are doing with my blade??!!" He asked somewhat angrily. "Whatever do you mean Kanda?" I said as I hid the blade behind my back in a childish manner. A flash of frustration appeared upon Kanda's features but quickly vanished as he continued, "Those logs did not slice themselves in half, what are you doing?" Kanda stated sternly pointing at the fractured fallen logs splayed on the floor. "Oh you mean those logs...was just training so I'd be ready for all Akuma or Noah attacks..." I murmured innocently fidgeting my right foot as I spoke. "With my innocence?" Kanda questioned. I nod happily, "Yup, you always say that I should be ready for anything!" I cheered.

Kanda raised his eyebrow, "and that involves my blade how?" this was definitely asked in frustration, taking note of this I cautiously thought of my response. "Well you see what if we are suddenly ambushed by Akuma and I can't use my innocence for some reason and you unconscious...I may not be able to activate you innocence but the blades still sharp and I could defend the both of us until either you wake up or I can use my own innocence!" I smile at the end at my own creativity. There was no way Kanda could argue with that scenario right...right. "Why would I be unconscious, I have to be alert in order to protect you baka. I still don't see why you were recklessly swinging my blade around without my permission and behind my back." He said angrily, I flinched a little as he raised his hand into the air. Kanda's features softened when he saw me flinch gently he placed his hand on top of my head and ruffling my hair. "You've got to be more careful, I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you." I looked up and Kanda looked away it was obvious that he was blushing. I through my arms around his shirtless figure and hugged him, "Okay, I'm sorry." I was careful not to cut Kanda with the blade still in my hand. As I took a step back I held out Mugen for Kanda to take, he took it and the two of us walked over to Mugen's sheath. Once Kanda sheathed his blade, I gathered my fan and umbrella and together we had walked back to our room. I'd call today a success.

Until next phase...

Kanda x reader-how to irritate Yuu and get away with it!Where stories live. Discover now