Phase 3

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Late yesterday Komui had handed me a piece of paper with instructions for a mission both Kanda and I would have to attend today. Kanda was already awake and preparing himself and I had managed to get myself out of the warm and comfortable sheets of my bed. I walked over to him and placed a gently kiss upon his lips, "Morning, I'm going to use the shower so don't wait up for me." Kanda grunted in response as I collected my clothing for the day and wandered into the bathroom, when the door shut and locked I hung the short kimono up on a coat hanger on towel rack and grinned. Today was the day phase 3 came into play, I was planning to wear this short kimono out on today's mission. I knew that Kanda would be annoyed with me the minute he saw me in this outfit, which is why I sent him ahead of me to ensure that by the time he swore my outfit he couldn't send me back or refuse to take me. All that was left for me to do was actually put the kimono on.

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I hurried down the stairs of the black order hurrying to the front entrance were Kanda would probably still be waiting for me. The doors opened at a painfully slow pace as I waited in anticipation for Kanda to get his first look at what I was wearing. I grinned when Kanda was facing in the opposite direction to me, which meant I could exit the building and by the time he saw what I was wearing it would already be too late because the doors will have shut. I walked silently towards the tall man, I counted to three in my head before I launched myself at him glomping him from behind. I was met by a grunt of disapproval but nothing else which I giggled happily about, I did however peel myself off of him when I realised by weapons were dangerously close to falling on the ground or worse slicing Kanda's leg open.

Without looking at me Kanda began walking, "we're already running behind let's get moving." He mumbled to himself. I grinned and walked closely behind him, he still hadn't seen my current attire and boy was it going to be fantastic when he finally did because it would be far t0o late to send me back to the order to change. I mentally laughed menacingly at the current success of my plan, I carefully placed my fan back in its respective place. Gently I opened my wagasa and resented the long stem against my right shoulder as I hummed quietly to myself. This continued for a number of hours before eventually Kanda began to become irritated, as this was the fourth time I had hummed Sakura Sakura. It was a beautiful tune and normally Kanda didn't mind it but after hearing it repeatedly for several hours was getting to be too much and he dealt with Lavi so this was indeed saying something. Kanda turned and looked directly at me and I smiled innocently, "Could you perhaps..." he didn't finish his thought as he finally got his first look at what I was wearing. "what are you wearing?" Kanda asked as his face flushed and he averted his eyes. "Clothing?!?" was my only response as I pulled out my fan and held it so that is covered my lower face, it was providing as a good cover for the massive grin currently plastered on my face. "I can see that, but why are you wearing such a short Kimono?" A small chuckle left my mouth as I tried to respond innocently without giving myself away too much. "I do not see a problem with my current attire, it is no shorter than Lenalee skirt and it covers my thighs. It only shows from my knees down." I grinned again behind my fan once again at the seriousness my words had held. When Kanda didn't respond I lowered my fan, "well... if you had objected earlier perhaps I could have changed but now you will have to act like a mature human being and finish this mission." With those words, I continued walking leaving Kanda behind as I battled the onslaught of giggles that threatened to spill out of my mouth. Reluctantly Kanda caught up to me and walked closely by my side, it wasn't long however before we encountered a town over run by Akuma.

I scanned the area looking for any sign of the innocence we had been sent to collect, I let a relieved sigh leave my lips when my own innocence reacted to the piece located behind a small building located behind the hoard of Akuma. When they noticed us they all shifted from their human skins and variety of level 1 through to 3 Akuma floated and stood before Kanda and I. Kanda had already begun his assault against the Akuma all that was left was for me to join the fight, without words I knew that I was to deal with the Akuma who were unable to fly. So once again I pulled out my fan and tightened my grip upon my wagasa before activating both pieces of my innocence. I held my fan open in front of me before I gently began twisting it with my right wrist, "disasters gale wind." I shouted as a fierce wind cut through the crowed of Akuma heading towards me. Kanda landed on the top of my wagasa and I gave him a boost back into the air before I spun around "pin needle rain storm." A shower of needles flew through the air from within my wagasa, wiping out a number of Akuma.

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It wasn't long before Kanda and I had cleared the mass of Akuma, we were now heading for the building that contained the innocence. Although we were definitely not expecting to find a small girl hidden under a rather large basket, although we could tell she was the accommodator we were informed by the finders that it was a piece of innocence without an accommodator. Kanda glared at the girl frightening her causing her to get up and run towards me. She hid behind me clinging to my legs, I managed to turn myself around and kneel at her level. Gently I smiled at her, "young one, it is ok we mean no harm. Kanda and I are going to take you to a safe place." With that I scooped the child up in my free hand, "Now child what is your name?" hesitantly the small girl responded, "I'm Sakura."

Sakura appeared to visibly relax once she had spoken, "Well Sakura, I am (Y/N) and this grumpy man beside me is Kanda. We are here because we were told that you had something magical!" the gentleness in my voice never once wavering as I spoke. Sakura nodded happily as she pulled out a small bei-goma and held out happily, it had an intricate design that would set it apart from all the other bei-goma. It was clear that it was clear that it was innocence as it had a faint glow whenever I brought her umbrella closer to it. "why don't I look after that for you." Kanda said reaching forward trying to snatch the innocence away from the child. Sakura quickly retracted it and snuggled closer into me, I grinned I could use this to my advantage as well. "Now Kanda, this no ordinary bei-goma! This is a magical bei-goma! Isn't that right Sakura?" Sakura nodded her head happily. "So, I have a wonderful idea why don't I look after it so that it doesn't get lost and in return you can look after my very special fan. It's got magical powers to" I say holding my fan up so that Sakura could see it, she happily handed over her bei-goma and took my fan. Her eyes lit up as she opened it and revealed its pattern. Kanda was clearly annoyed in the fact that a child had stopped him from obtaining the innocence, and it was obvious he was still not happy that I was in a short kimono. I couldn't help but grin as he turned and started walking back in the direction of the black order without a word.

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Once we had arrived back at the order I had tasked Leenalee with looking after Sakura for a while and traded her bei-goma back for my fan. Then I made my way back to my shared room, I smiled when I opened the door to find Kanda holding out one of my Kimono's out to me. It was adorable how flustered he currently was over my clothing choice, so much so that he wanted me to change. I took the kimono from his hand and placed it on a chair located behind me, before wrapping my arms around his neck and delivering a gentle peck upon his lips. "You seem stressed perhaps you should relax and let me brush your hair." I say leading him over to the bed, he takes a seat at the edge of the bed and I kneel behind him and take the ribbon holding his hair in place and tied it around my wrist. Gently I began guiding the brush through his soft hair, "I like wearing this short Kimono it is easier to fight in when dealing with close combat. Perhaps I'll wear them more often." Kanda sighed and relaxed a little before he responded, "Please don't it is incredibly irritating because I worry idiots like Allen and Lavi will be ogling you." Gently I placed the brush down on the bed and wrapped my arms around him and rested my forehead upon his shoulder. "Alright, thank you for worrying about me so much. It brings me much happiness to know how much you care." Kanda turns around without removing my arms and gently hold me within his arms. "You know I love you." He stated before gently kissing me. Mentally I screamed at the success of today but even that soon dulled down as the kiss became more demanding. Oh well Lavi and Allen would just have to wait until later.

Until next phase...

Kanda x reader-how to irritate Yuu and get away with it!Where stories live. Discover now