you're safe with me (part 2)

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Magnus holds alecs hand as they walk through the park. They sit on a bench and watch the people around them.

"How about some hot chocolate?"  Magnus asks,  kissing alecs hand.

"Ok?"  Alec answers, looking around in a panic.

"Hey."  Magnus says, putting his hands on alec's face.  " I will right over there. You will be able to see me the entire time."

"Ok."  Alec says as magnus walks away.

"Well well well."  A voice says from behind alec. "If it isn't alec lightwood."

Alec turns around, breathing rapidly.

"Aren't you going to say something?"  He says, rubbing alec's cheek up into his hair.  "I think it is time you came back."  He says, pulling alecs hair.

"You need to take your hands off him."  Magnus says.

"Who are you?"

"My boyfriend."  Alec whispers.

"Boyfriend?  I can't believe anyone else would want to date you."

"Date him?"  Magnus laughs. "I want to marry him."

Alec looks up at magnus, smiles at him then stands up and kisses him.

"As touching as this is, you can't be serious about this, it has to be just a sympathy thing."  He says, laughing.

Alec looks at magnus, seeing seeing nothing but love. Magnus looks at alec and sees a fire in them he has never seen.   Before any of them can react, alec turns around and punches him in the jaw.  The guy picks himself up and runs off.

Magnus takes alecs hand, kissing it,  "did you hurt your hand?"

"Yeah but it was worth it."  Alec says, kissing magnus. "You want to marry me?"

"Yes.  If you want to?"

"Yes."  alec says, taking magnus's  hand as they start to walk home.


"You two seem awfully happy this morning."  Magnus's neighbor says when they get in the elevator the next morning.

"Yeah. Me and alec got engaged yesterday."  Magnus says as they kiss.

"Wow. I can't believe our resident playboy is going to settle down.  Didn't think I would ever see that."

"That's what happens when you find your soul mate."  Magnus  says, looking deep into alecs  eyes.

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