Epistle 5

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comment if you read the authors notes lol

Epistle 5

Dear Carolina,

As I said in the last letter, I would check the address to which I'm sending these letters to. It was the correct one you sent me, so I'm still hoping you've received these. Its bugging me I can't be there with you.

Chester is quieter than usual. He's just laying in his bed. I'm worrying about him, Carolina.

Nothing much has happened, really. Harry and Zayn went clubbing and got beyond wasted (no surprise) and I had to pick them up and bring them back to their flats. Lou and Eleanor are living together, not too good. Louis isn't very pleased with his ‘living quarters.’ It makes me laugh, really.

I hope you're doing awesome with your authoring out there (is that even a word?). I miss you very, very much, and you must realize that by now. I hope we can meet again soon, my love.

Lots of hope and wishes you've read these by now,

~ Niall

Larry or Elounor in the story? you guys choose!

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