Shooting Star

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"Psst!" She motioned, clearly to me. She looked around frantically, hoping no humans would be around...
She seemed... Like me.
Like a wolf...
I could sense it.

"Come here!" She whisper shouted, and I quickly got out of the box and was right by her side before she could say another word.

"Here, let me help you. You can't stay in that box the whole time, and I'm not going to sit here watching you do it while the darn human just sits there." She explained as we walked up the stairs, onto the second floor of the building. That was where all of the others were...


"Why... Why do you want to help me?" I asked her, wanting to actually know.
No one really helps me, so this was a change... A weird one.

"Because you're like me!" She beamed. She showed me her hidden wolf ears and tail, and of course, mine were revealed too.

And so, again, I was right...
But, I just didn't trust myself...

"Here, c'mon, you can share my room. I mean, it's not much, but it's better than that box... I mean it literally said: 'unwanted' at least here, you're somewhat wanted... I hope.." She looked at the ground, but continued to walk up the stairs and finally to her room...

"L-Look, I'm sorry, I came off kinda mean when we first met-" She cut me off.

"Don't worry about it, we all get angered at that human." She said, smiling. We entered the room, quickly shutting it behind us.

"Wait, hold on, there's more of us!?" I huffed, not believing what I was hearing. She nodded,
"Well, duh! There's not a human child in sight of this building. We all hate the humans, and now they're trying to sell us to other humans as if we're normal." She clutched her fist.

"But, it's fine... Sometimes, humans don't adopt us..." She began, and I tilted my head...

"It was not too long ago... I was in the exact place and then one day, I got adopted by Markiplier. Yes, I'm not joking, I did. Mark was a wolf, just like me. He knew and that's why he adopted me. Many humans stay away from this place... There's rumors about it... So that's why it happened... One day, I was living a peaceful, normal, life. ...But then, these scientists that worked for a lab split us apart. They tried taking me, but I escaped and found myself right back where I started." She sighed, explaining the whole thing.

"So what's your story? You've gotta have an interesting one, I mean, we all do..." She asked, but I felt nervous explaining it...

"Well.. Um.. You see... I..." I tried, but found myself failing at explaining my feelings. It always happened when I tried explaining anything...
"I'm sorry I don't want to talk about it." I said, way too quickly.

She nodded, "Okay then."

I looked around the room and I saw various of posters, which, I knew everything about... We had P!ATD, FOB, MCR, EddsWorld and tons of other things... It was obvious that both her and I had one very specific taste...

"Hey, I found this bag that has your name on it... The humans tried to take it away, but I got it just in time... I didn't go through it or anything-" I gasped... My bag... My satchel... I had lost it-

"Here!" She handed me my satchel and I was just in shock. I set the satchel down, "Th-Thanks." I said, still in shock.

The rest of the day/night we spent getting to know each other and listening/watching music and YouTube videos. (She had a laptop.)

Day after day, the same darn process began: Wake up, have Crystal go eat breakfast and have her sneak some food up, (Even though we both really weren't hungry... At all...) hangout, do the same thing with lunch and dinner, then go to sleep.

Every day.
The same process...

It was boring.

I hated the orphanage and big surprise, everyone else did, too.

...But, one day, everything changed...
After breakfast, Crystal didn't come back up the stairs. I waited for her, until she did come.
Until she came.

She looked super excited...
I tilted my head in confusion.

"Shadow! I'm getting adopted by Ryden! They're coming to pick me up today!" She beamed. I was happy for her... Ryden, was Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie combined...
It was great.

"S-So you're leaving?" I asked, a little sad.. She nodded.

"Don't worry! We will still stay in contact! You've got my phone number, right?" She asked as she shoved things into her suitcase...

"Y-Yeah. Heh..."

"Well, okay then! I guess this is goodbye." She shut her suitcase and looked at me. We both hugged and just like that, she was off...

And just like that, I had no one.
And just like that, the room was plain and empty.

"Farewell, Crystal. Until our paths cross again, in Paradise."

Adopted by NatePatWhere stories live. Discover now