Chapter 1

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Today was the day! (Y/n) was going to be taking the entrance exam to get into U.A. Putting on a tank top and some shorts she gathered her bag, made sure she had tons of water and left.

The thing with (Y/n)'s quirk wasn't exactly the quirk itself. The thing that made it deadly was the way she could use it. That and it's accessibility, Of course, water could be drawn from anywhere if you think about, including the human bloodstream. The last one is a good reason why she should stay hydrated, especially while using her abilities. (Y/n) at first, thought her skills weren't as destructive as she liked until she witnessed a power presser in action. Seeing it blow a hole in her old above-ground pool inspired her trick to increase the water pressure to make it more dangerous.

     The exam was in full swing. The heroine had around 48 points and was on the hunt for more. Two robots came from both sides of the street she was currently on one a three-pointer and the other a two-pointer.

(Y/n) POV
I threw my arms up and formed a water blade slicing them. With that, I now have 54 points.  Three more came rushing all but one was a three-pointer. I used a water whip this time still using that water pressure thick to destroy them. That left me at 62 points.

Rumbling and crashing could be heard looking towards the source low and behold it was the zero-pointer. All the other examinees were running from it, quickly took a glance behind me to see if anyone was in danger. Seeing no one I joined the crowd and sprinted away. The exam soon came to a closing.

     It had been a few weeks since the exam and I was still waiting for my letter. My mother kept assuring me it would come soon though, so I kept my hopes up. I had been worrying about it for a while so today I decided to take a nice stroll at the beach to settle my nerves. The beach was always a nice place to go for me since I felt strong here. With all that water so close no one would be able to beat me.

     After about ten more minutes I decided to head home. When I got there my mom was grinning I asked her what's up and she smiled brighter handing me a letter and ushering me to my room. I noticed it was the letter from U.A and eagerly opened it. A weird small object fell out and when it landed it started projecting something. On the projection, a shabby-looking man showed up. "You may not know who I am but I'll tell you. I'm Eraserhead a hero who works at this school" he was right I've never heard of him before. " don't worry kid. You definitely passed but I like your wits, you must be pretty smart to use your quirk like that, honestly, I never knew water could be used like that." I smiled at his compliment. " I'm not supposed to have a favorite especially before the year even starts but I look forward to seeing a lot out of you, welcome to U.A kid." and with that, the projection ended. I smiled with a few tears running down my cheeks, not only had I got in but I managed to impress a pro-hero aswell. "I did it!" I shouted. My mother opened the door and hugged me "congratulations sweetie"  she murmured before kissing my cheek.

     I was walking to U.A it was my first day and I was in class 1-A. My quirk is hydrokinesis. Of course, to use it I have to be well hydrated so I always carry a lot of water with me in my bag. I can get water from life around me, the air, and even my own body if the air around doesn't have enough.

As I walked into the classroom two loud voices could be heard over the rest. Some guy in glasses was yelling at another guy with pretty explosive hair. I sighed watching the argument "these guys are my classmates? Seriously?!" I thought. I decided to let them be while heading to my seats.

I usually like to sit next to the wall but all those seats were taken so I got as close as I could. Right next to the explosive kid. He and the other guy have not stopped arguing yet so I was reluctant to sit down but I figured it'd get better so sat down anyway.

I put my head down since class hadn't started yet, but I was disturbed by a loud voice yelling " it's you!" I lifted my head to look and saw glasses guy making his way over to a guy who just entered the classroom. The guy looked kinda nervous while the other boy in glasses proudly introduced himself as Tenya Iida.
I put my head down ready to relax again, but an even louder voice then last time tore into my eardrums "DEKU!!" I lifted my head up with a jolt and glared at the perpetrator. "HEY MR. TUFFLES KEEP IT DOWN WILL YA?!" I yelled at him. He turned to look at me with pure disbelief in his face "huh? And who are you to be telling me what to do?!" He asked in a quiet but yet deadly tone. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n) and I bet I can kick your ass!!" did I really say that to this dude. He had a look on his face that screamed pure anger "WHY YOU LITTLE PEST!! DIIEEEE!!!" His hands started sparking but before he could swing a voice came from the door. "If you came here to make friends or whatever you're doing I suggest you leave" a bored tone came from the door. We all turned our heads to see a man with a bored and tired expression on his face. It was the man who was in my acceptance video and said he had taken a liking to me. But the funny thing is he was wrapped in a sleeping bag on the floor glaring at us. I would've laughed if not for how serious that glare looked.
     The man crawled out of his sleeping bag and said: "put these on and go outside."
Aizawa seems to already like the reader. I wonder how that plays out? Lol me trying to be a cunning Author

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