Chapter 3

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Surprisingly I had made it to school on time. I let out a sigh of relief an headed to my seat. I sat down with a plop a and sunk into my seat. I can't believe I actually made it on time. It was a rough morning, my alarm clock didn't go off, couldn't find my uniform, and then I couldn't found the house keys to lock the door since my mom already left for work.

"You look uglier than usual today bitch" snarled a voice from beside me. I looked over and my face quickly distorted into disgust "if I'm ugly what exactly does that make you" I asked with a snarl of my own. "WHAT WAS THAT?! YOU WANNA GO HUH?!"he yelled but I was already distracted by the person coming through the door. "Good morning Momo" I said with a smile. She looked at me from her spot right through the door and smiled. "Good morning (Y/n)." We decided if we were gonna be friends then we should go on first name basis. "DON'T IGNORE ME" yelled Bakugou from my side. "I turned back towards him and Momo headed for her seat. "Sorry but do even know what patience means," I asked giving him a questioning look. "Or do you just really wanna talk to me" I questioned this time with a smirk. "SHUT UP AS IF I WANNA TALK TO YOU" he yelled red spreading through his cheeks either from embarrassment or anger I don't know.

After that incident, the morning classes continued as normal and it was now lunch time. I knew exactly who I was gonna sit with too. I was looking around for the specific person I was going to sit with. After I finally spotted her I made my way over, but was stopped by a tap on the shoulder. I turned and saw Todoroki standing there. "Hello (L/n)" his voice was very calm as usual. "Hello Todoroki what's up" I asked. "Oh um right...I was wondering if you would ... sit ... with ... me" he asked very hesitant. I was surprised by the question and just say there staring at me for a minute. "Umm hello?" "Oh ummmm" I had to think about it. I mean with me and Momo being I would naturally sit with her. She wouldn't get angry if I didn't right? I'm sure she wouldn't I could just explain. "Ok sure" I nodded my head with a smile. He gave me a small smile back and headed to where we would be sitting. The table was empty no one else was there, I completely understand why. I mean this was only day two. He sat down and I sat down next to him. We began eating while having conversation. We talked about a few things we liked and things we didn't like. Todoroki even cracked a joke. "You know Todoroki I don't take you as the one for jokes," I said giggling from his last joke. "Ah well I never took you for one to like stupid stuff jokes like that, oh and please call me Shouto." He said another adorable smile on his face. "Alright...Shouto" I said grinning up at him, because he was taller than me. "He ruffled my hair and looked away from me red on his face. Before I knew it lunch was over and I had to go back to class. "Looks like it's time to get back at it" he turned back to me, "wanna walk together," he asked me. "Of course lets go" I grabbed his hand and took off to our next class pulling him with me.

I was so happy I just made another friend here. Finally, we moved to using first names. That makes me really happy, but I'm sure it's just because I have another friend. I'm honestly really excited to see the future of this friendship with Shouto.

Right before we entered the classroom, I looked back at Shouto and gave him a small smile. "Can't wait to see how this friendship goes" I released his hand and went in. I sat down and a few seconds later Shouto entered looking embarrassed. I giggled thinking it was because of what I said.

-------------Normal POV------------------

Shouto sat down in his seat in the back of the room. His thoughts were going haywire. Just who was the girl that could mess up his thought process? He was letting his thoughts run wild until he remembered why he was here in the first place not to do whatever he was doing, but to be a hero! He thought about ways to fix the problem and decided on dismissing the girl, she was trying to hard to make friends anyway. With that Shouto felt a burden be lifted. As soon as those thoughts left his head the teacher walked in to begin class.


Aizawa had just dismissed class and the students were getting ready to leave. (Y/n) was packing up and humming a soft tune in her head. "Excuse me (l/n)?" Asked a voice from behind her. She turned around to face the person. "Hmm? What is it Midoriya?" She asked smiling at the nervous boy. "S-sorry I don't mean to disturb you or anything I just wanna know some things about your quirk it'sreallyamazingandiwanttoknowhowitworksandstuffsorryifimbeingcreepyor-"
(Y/n) was deadpanning. The boy was mumbling so much it was hard to understand what he was saying. "Umm sorry, your mumbling too much," she said which stopped the boy from his mumbles. "Ah! S-sorry anyway, what's your quirk called? If you don't mind me asking that is!" He stuttered nervously waving his hands. "Hmm I don't mind it's called hydrokinesis I can manipulate water but I have to be well hydrated" I explained to him. "I see thanks!" He took out a notebook scribbled something down then ran out. I was confused. What was up with that question? Maybe he was just curious? Who knows? Anyway shaking my head to get rid of the confusion I slung my bag over my shoulder and left.

Third chapter and I already have a filler aren't I lovely. I decided to not rush into the usj arc so quickly, mainly because I wanna have a good plan for it so writing this filler just gave me some ideas for it. And I think I have an idea on what I'm gonna do with it so yuuuuppppo

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