Chapter 4

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That was how the last class of the day started. With All Might yelling those lines. It was quite comical, but the people around me were to excited that it was THE All Might about to teach our class. Murmurs of excitement were all around even Midoriya looked like he was about to pass out.

     All Might walked to the front of the class to tell us our activity. He held up a card that said "BATTLE". The class was pumped to do some actual hero stuff finally. "FUCK YES" Katsuki shouted from beside me. I looked at him and dang he looked more exited than anyone else in the room. He was smirking to himself and honestly it gave me the chills.

I sharply turned my head away from him and looked up front. "And of course you will be wearing your costumes"  The class became even more excited. All might headed for the door, but before he did he looked at us all once more. "And from now on you are all heroes" he still had that big smile and a huge thumbs up for us.

     My costume was made of the same material a wet suit would be made of. Black sleeves going all the way to my wrist. On top it was a short blue top, which showed my stomach. I wore blue shorts which had black leggings underneath which disappeared into my black leather boots. I also had a utility belt on, which held capsules full of water to keep me hydrated if needed. I had on blue fingerless gloves to complete the look.

     We were all walking out of the tunnel with a lot of confidence. Wearing our costumes made us feel good and look good. Taking a look at my classmates around me I noticed how cool everyone's costumes looked. While inspecting everyone costumes, I couldn't help but notice how well Katsuki's costume showed off his arms. They were extremely built, and honestly probably the only arms I will ever find myself drooling over. I shook my head and felt heat coming to my cheeks from my thoughts. "Y/n!" I heard a voice shout to me. I turned around and saw Momo walking towards me waving. "Wow! You look great!" She complimented me. "U-um y-yea you too!" I replied stuttering a bit. Her costume took me by surprise since it had a hole in the middle that revealed a bit but not too much, but she did indeed look good. "You hesitated" she gave me a look that I've never seen before. "Are you lying?" She asked, leaning forward. "No! It just caught me off guard! Honest!" I shouted out raising my hands in defense and backing up a bit. "Well alright!" She giggled and backed up.

"So class we will be splitting up into teams of heroes and villains,we will be drawing lots to see which team you get, and we will be battling inside this area." All might explained. "Most hero fights are seen out in the open but most wrong doing are done indoors like this, so any questions" after explaining he was still grinning, but that quickly faltered when he heard all the questions thrown at him. It scared him in a way. After all he barely knew how to teach. "Lets just get started with drawing lots hehe" all might scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He could only hope they'd let their unanswered questions slide, which they did.

We were all drawing lots to see our teams, and I was last to draw. I reached my hand in but felt nothing. I assumed it would be a little difficult, because there was only one piece of paper left. I kept moving my hand around in there frantically. I got tired and peeked inside, and saw nothing. "Um all might,sir?" I looked up at him. "Yes young (L/n)?" He looked down at me confused. "There aren't any left" I replied. "Ah! I see there are twenty one of you after all!" He pointed his finger and closed his eyes. He started moving his finger while chanting 'inny mini minny mo'. His finger stopped and he opens his eyes. "Looks like you are with young Iida, young (l/n)!" He gladly pronounced. I nodded my head and walked up to Iida. "Hello I'm (l/n) (f/n), but since we are teammates please call me (f/n)" I asked him, holding out my hand. He grabbed it, shook it, and then bowed. "Iida Tenya please call me Tenya" he stood up and we nodded at each other. "Soooooo" he looked at raising an eyebrow. "Whose our other teammate?" I asked looking at me. "I believe it Bakugou" he gave me serious look so their was no way id take it as a joke. I sighed and nodded " well let us try our best even with this set back" I breathed out. He nodded his head sharply. "Excellent way to look at things (l/- um I mean (f/n)!" I nodded at him smiling. " All right the first battle will be between hero team A and villain team D!" All might announced. I looked at Tenya "is either of those us?" I asked. He nodded his head "as much as I don't like it we are the villain team." I have him a small pay on the back "it's fine we will still do our best" I offered a small. He noises his head, then we approached the building to get ready with the weapon. Bakugou was following us behind as we walked into the building. I could feel the anger radiating off of him. Oh man, i really hoped things won't get out of hand or anything. Looking forward to see Tenya's back I had felt a bit of confidence come back. He seemed easy to reason with and probably had a good head on his shoulder. Alright (Y/n) you can do this.

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