Chapter 5

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We were all set up. Now, all we had to do was wait till the trial started. "Hey, Iida does Deku have a quirk" came a growl from the corner. I turned to see Bakugo giving off an intimidating aura. Tenya turned towards him with a concerned look. "of course didn't you see what he did during the quirk apprehension test?" A low growl came from Bakugo before he went marching off. I'm sure of the reason why. He had to be going after Midoriya. For some strange reason, he hates him. I don't know what his reasoning is, but midoriya seems so sweet hating him would be impossible, but Bakugo has found a way to do it. Before he could exit I shouted at "where are you going?! In case you don't know we need to work as a team here!" He glared back at me " I don't need you and glasses here to win I can do this on my own" He glowered before marching out. I sighed before looking at Iida. "He's going after Midoriya I believe" I stated. He nodded his head in understanding " I don't understand his aggression towards Midoriya after all he is a fellow student!" Tenya complained. I nodded " so I guess we guard the weapon." "That seems to be our only option" Tenya deflated.

After a few minutes on idly guarding the bomb, a few explosions could be heard from beneath the floor. That could only mean that the fighting had started. If Bakugo could hold both of them off on his own that would be impressive, but alas it was two on one so chances were that one of them would slip by him. I feel that Midoriya would be the self-sacrificial type so it had to be Uraraka that would be coming for the bomb. I could hear Tenya mumbling from the other side of the bomb. "(Y/n) we should move all the objects in here to a different room" I glanced at him and raised an eyebrow "why?" he had his hand on his chin like he's been thinking, which I know he was due to all his mumbling. "Uraraka can touch things and make those things have zero gravity causing them to float, correct?" I nodded. "then wouldn't it be best if we limited her options?" I widened my eyes in realization "You're right! You guard the weapon I'll pick up the things." he nodded in understanding as I started picking up things.

I left the room taking the items I had elsewhere. While I was moving back and forth between these two rooms the building continued to shake. Bakugo sure was going after him huh? I wonder how Midoriya is holding up. It's obvious Bakugo was out to kill him, and Midoriya seemed like the type to be intimidated by that. I wonder if he was panicking, if he was then that would give Bakugo a bigger advantage.

After moving most of the items I returned to the room with the weapon. As I entered u noticed Uraraka hiding behind a pillar seeming to try to hold in laughter. Smirking I realized she hadn't realized I was there yet. I stretched my hands and arms out ahead of me, feeling the water from the pipes in the walls, I sent a wave crashing into her. I gathered the water back around me for reuse while looking around the room for Uraraka. Tenya had noticed the commotion and turned to see what had transpired. I found Uraraka leaning against the wall near a window, panting while looking at me. "Ah-ha young hero it seems I didn't notice your entry but your plans have been foiled" Tenya shouted proudly. I glanced at the guy while sweat dropping 'he is way too into this ' I thought. Uraraka stood back up and glanced at the weapon. She made a bolt towards it so I sent the water crashing at her again. This time I noticed she went flying through the window I quickly formed a water bubble around her and gently brought her back into the building. "that was close Uraraka" I said to her while putting her down. She nodded her hand and went back into hiding behind a pillar. I shared a glance with Tenya before we both nodded. "Hero! All we have to do to prevent you from touching this weapon you have no chance if you can't get past us!" Tenya shouted proudly. "Plus Hero I already know your quirk so I had the idea to have all the items in here moved so you wouldn't have any weapons" he pointed a finger at her before trying to laugh evilly.

It seemed we were having this standoff for quite a bit til the floor suddenly shattered Uraraka immediately jumped into action "improvised move! Comet home run!" she shouted while picking up a pillar with her quirk and sending plenty of rocks at us. I shielded my face with my arms blocking any rocks from hitting me in the face. After the rocks had seemingly stopped and dropped my arms only to hear "HERO TEAM WONS" I quickly turned my head to the weapon to see Uraraka hanging onto it. How could I let my guard down like that? Of course, she would jump for it then! I was too worried about my 'pretty' face to stop her too! I sunk down to the floor groaning in frustration while Tenya helped Uraraka who was puking due to over usage of her quirk. Sighing I stood up and wobbled my way to Uraraka rubbing her back soothingly while Tenya shouted concerning questions at her. "good job you really got us there" I smiled tiredly at her. She weakly looked up and smiled before going back to throwing up. Even though I did lose, I felt like I learned something. In a way, it was pretty satisfactory. " here Uraraka let me help you get to the others" I gently picked her up and wrapped her arm around my shoulder while Tenya did the same on the other side. "yes, tell us when you feel like walking on your own again Uraraka!" Tenya shouted while we began to move.
So um i m kinda just posting these really fast so sorry if there are some mistakes

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