Run Out of Town

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"Lady Benibara!"

"Lady Benibara!"

That's all you ever hear at this no good love fest of a high school! It's all because of that damn Zuka Club! They're so annoying and have the entire academy melting in the palms of their hands.

Looking over at the clock, I sigh seeing as it's about lunch time. I love breaks from classes as much as the next kid, but I doubt demon fangirls plague every school. All the girls in my class are shaking in their seats. I can see our teacher sweating in anticipation of all the lunchtime casualties. I watch as the clock ticks toward the end of the class, and proceed to hide under my desk. With a deep breath, and a wave to my teacher who had the same idea I did, I made my way to the cafeteria.

There are a few hallways that can get you to the cafeteria, that are quicker, and less crowded. You only need to avoid the hallways that have red carpet laid out on them for the three monarchs of Lobelia. There's the princesses: Hinako Tsuwabuki, and Chizuru Maihara. Then there's my best friend, the queen: Benio Amakusa.

Don't get me wrong, I despise the Zuka club. I adore Benio though, although not like any of the other girls at school. I love her, but like a sister. She is the only student at this godforsaken school with a sense of calm. Or a brain, for that matter. When I was a first year and she was in her last year of junior high, she'd hit on me relentlessly. She told me I was different and special because I wasn't a mess like the other girls at my academy. Nice to know someone else noticed. I eventually gathered up the courage to tell her I liked her as a friend. I was in no way going to be playing any of her games. She seemed relieved to have someone who was actually a friend and not a follower. The rest is history.

I actually managed to get to the cafeteria before anyone else, which was a miracle. It was peaceful as I found myself a seat and opened up my lunch box. Rice balls in the shape of hearts. Thanks Mom. Mom always insisted on making my lunches, even though she messed up a lot. She claimed that the maids couldn't do everything. She had to do something to stay connected and take care of me, so homemade lunches it was. I was halfway into it when I heard the clicking of heels, something only Zuka Club members were "allowed" to wear. "(Y/N)? Why do you insist on eating alone? You could spend time with me. You always avoid me at school."

"Well, isn't that the price of being popular, Benio? If I'm seen too close to you, I risk being hanged or eaten by the wolves out in the hallway. You know I would love to sit with you, but I just don't fit in with that crowd. I couldn't handle the pressure of being in or with the Zuka Club." I sighed into my hands and gave the best smile I could muster.

Benio gasped and struck a dramatic pose. "Why, Darling! There is no way I'd let that happen to my dearest maiden! You should always have time for people. Without another's warmth, how can our hearts ache for what we want? And if not together how can you ever truly experience the emptiness that comes with lost love?" At the end of her spiel, she opened her eyes to look at me, and we both burst out laughing. Benio was too much sometimes and she knew it.

"Oh, Lady Benibara!" I got up from my table and fell back into her arms. She dipped me as I threw my head back dramatically. "Whatever shall I do? I am so deprived of your presence. How will I ever survive without your glowing godessness?" We continued laughing until we realized we had an audience. I almost fell on the floor trying to get out of her arms, and both our eyes were watery from laughing so hard.

I turned sheet white next to Benio. It looked like I was about to be cut up into pieces and shoved in the gutters. Instead, the cafeteria echoed with loud squeals. Benio grabbed me and pulled me close so she could whisper into my ear. "You should eat somewhere else. I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable."

"Thanks, Lady Benibara." I snickered pulling away from her, and ran away to an empty classroom with my lunchbox.

I got dreamy gazes and heated glares sent my way for the rest of the day. Oh, the pressure was on. I almost started panicking. I couldn't focus on my classes, and it was getting harder to avoid the fangirls in the hallway. They were following me now. Some of them had cameras! Is that even necessary!? By the last class of the day, there was only one thought running through my head: I need to get the hell out of here.

At the last bell, I ran out the door faster than I'd ever run before. I don't run a lot though, so I don't actually know how fast that is. I reached my chauffeur, Lewis, and the limo in record time. Lewis seemed shocked to see me out of breath and hurriedly helped me into the car. "You okay, Miss (Y/N)?"

I took a moment to catch my breath and huffed out, "Benio's fangirls. You know how that is, Lewis."

"Of course." He laughed.

The ride home was short, and I caught Lewis checking on me through the rear view mirror several times. I jumped out of the limo almost before he'd come to a full stop in the driveway. "Thank you, Lewis! Same time tomorrow?" I chided. He tipped his hat in my direction while I walked up the front steps. Sophie, my other best friend and personal maid, met me at the door.

"How was school today, (Y/N)?" She took my school bag as she spoke.

"Exhausting. Where are Mom and Dad?"

"They are in your father's study, meeting with a fine gentleman and his son. I believe they're talking about you."

"Thanks Sophie! See you later." I slipped off my shoes and made my way to the study. I knocked on the door. It's my own house. Why do I have to knock? Etiquette is weird..

"Is that you, (Y/N)? Please do come in, I have some people I'd like you to meet.." I stepped into the room and looked at the guests. The older man had piercing eyes and a sharp nose. He had neat hair and a goatee. His son had messy hair, and his eyes were calm and welcoming. I also noticed he was wearing black slacks with a blue blazer. I recognized it as the Ouran Academy boys' uniform.

"I am Akira Morinozuka, and this is my son, Takashi Morinozuka." They both shook my hand, and I curtsied in return. I sat down in a chair across from them, and waited for someone to speak. "Now, Miss (Y/N), I understand you are a very skilled Kendoka, and that you are looking for a new dojo. I have spoken with your parents, and my son and I would be very happy to observe your skills and welcome you into our dojo."

I tried my best to pay attention, but I spent most of the conversation nodding along distractedly. Takashi held my attention, only by sitting there. He smiled at me, and I blushed a little, realizing my ignorance and the fact that I'd been caught staring. I returned to attention at the sound of my father's voice. "(Y/N), your mother and I believe it's best if you changed schools. You need more advanced classes for your last year, and it would be closer to Mr. Morinozuka's dojo. As of tomorrow, you will attend Ouran Academy, with Takashi as your guide.

I glanced toward the teen, and he nodded. "Please," he said, "Call me Mori."

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