Hello Ouran, Goodbye Lobelia

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I didn't know what to say. I was close to bursting with excitement, lunging out of my chair to hug my father faster than you could say Ouran. "Thank you, Dad! This is such a great opportunity. I'm so excited! I'll make sure you don't regret this decision." Once again, it was my father's voice that brought me to attention.

"(Y/N). Your manners." He cleared his throat as I let go of him. I turned towards the Morinozukas, and curtsied . I can't believe what a ditz I was. Did I actually do that in front of the guests just now? Ugh... Kill me please.

"Please, forgive me. I got so excited about my new school and working with the two of you. It's- um... I don't know what came over me." Akira laughed dryly in response. He stood to take my hand in his. Why do people always have to hold part of me when they're talking deep? It's called getting personal, not getting up close and personal.

"You are fine, young lady. I am also looking forward to seeing you at the dojo next week. You should save that wild, bubbly energy for then." Oof definitely a bad first impression if he already called my energy wild. "It has been a pleasure meeting you all." He shook my hand once more before motioning to his son that it was time to leave. I followed them to the front entryway, as did Mom and Dad, to see them off. My new sensei went out the door with a quick nod in our direction. Mori made his way to me before leaving.

"I'll be waiting for you at the front gate tomorrow. To show you around." He smiled gently, and then he was gone. I stood for a moment, staring at the door where he had been. This guy is going to change my life. I can already feel it. I guess I have the rest of the school year to see what that change is. It was a nice thought. Sophie tapped my shoulder with a grin.

"I wanted to let you know that dinner is almost ready. Also, you and I are totally talking about what happened in there later tonight." I grinned back at her and walked towards the dining room. Everything was all smiles until after our meal, when Sophie and I were chatting. We were gushing about Mori as she helped me get ready for bed. He's tall and handsome. He seems gentle, stoic, and friendly. To top it all off, he comes from a good family and we already have common interests, like kendo. After five minutes of blushing, I was yawning and ready for bed.

"This is an early time for you to be tired, (Y/N). Was everything okay at school today?"

I shook my head. "I was stalked all day by the Zuka Club's fangirls because they caught me goofing off with... Benio! Oh my god, Sophie! I'm leaving Lobelia! What about Benio? I need to tell her right now." I teared up at the thought of leaving my best friend, and my hands shook as I dialed her number. She picked up immediately and realized I was upset. She told me happy, silly, ridiculous things until my tears had dried and I was laughing.

"Now, please tell me what has you all tied up in knots. I hate to see you like this. Or hear, I guess."

I sniffled again. "You're not gonna like it, Benio." She remained silent, waiting for me to get it off my chest. "It's a great opportunity for me, and I'm so sorry. I wasn't even thinking when I said yes, about the consequences it may have for me and you. Today was my last day at Lobelia. My parents have transferred me over to Ouran Academy." I heard a small gasp, and a quiet laugh. Benio sounded like she was trying to hide her own upset when she spoke.

"I'll miss my sun in Lobelia's sea of stars. We can still get together after school like usual, and I'm always a phone call away. I'll give you one tip though: I don't trust that host club, and I don't think you should either."

"Okay. Your trust has only led me wrong one of ten times. I'll be careful. Goodnight Benio." She replied with her own "goodnight", and I set my phone back down on the nightstand. I crawled in bed and burrowed under the comforters. Sleep came over me, but so did questions. Who was part of the Host Club? What was it? Why was Benio worried about it for me? I've only heard her mention them a few times.

When I woke up in the morning, I still felt kind of bad about leaving Benio, even though she said it was fine. It was a new day, though. I had things to look forward to. Aside from the gawdy yellow dress that was so frilly there was almost no way it came from a coed school. Sophie straightened out my dress for me, and she giggled at the sight of me. "Do I look like a twinkie? Because I definitely feel like a twinkie right now. I can't believe I have to wear this."

Sophie full on laughed at my comment while ushering me out the front door with my bag. "I'm sure you'll fit right in." I couldn't stop fidgeting the whole way to my new high school. And sure enough when we arrived at the front gates, there was Mori, with a short blond riding on his shoulders. Lewis wished me good luck on my first day at Ouran Academy, and then he was driving away.

Mori started to make his way towards me, stumbling only when the blond scrambled down him and over to me. As he grew closer, I saw that he was very cute, with large brown eyes that were likely his scapegoat. He was short, almost shorter than a junior highschooler, and he carried a floppy pink bunny with him. He looked like a child, but his uniform said otherwise. "Hello there! I'm a third year: Mitsukuni Haninozuka, but everyone calls me Hunny. It's nice to meet the girl that Takashi told me so much about." I laughed at his statement, and laughed a little louder when I saw how Mori averted his eyes, focused on the ground. How much could he have told Hunny? I only met him yesterday.

"Come on, (Y/N)!" Hunny grabbed my hand. "We have so much to show you." I gulped in anticipation of this very new, very big, very pink school. Mori came up, as if to test the waters, and grabbed my other hand, helping to lead me through the school. He held my hand tightly, tighter than Hunny, but his face stayed neutral. I had a feeling I'd be very distracted during the entirety of the tour.

There were a lot of grounds to cover, and the three of us almost didn't make it to our first class. Hunny hopped up and down in his seat, waiting for me to sit down. "Did you like it (Y/N)-chan? Do you like it here?" He whispered to me. I nodded in reply, trying to be respectful of the fact that class was starting. "Good," he continued, "because we saved the best for last. Right Takashi?" Looking Mori's way, he silently agreed with Hunny, and I was left to wonder what "the best" was until the end of the day.

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