Lovers' Quarrels and Perfect Parenting

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It had been a week since our return to the beach. Mori had been even more watchful than usual. It didn't bother me. He wasn't hovering over me or anything. My well being had become a top priority to an extreme. It almost got in the way of entertaining his guests. Almost. He's still the strong and silent host, so he didn't let his worries show. It set the hosts and I on edge, though.

I had decided to continue to trust the other ten girls from the group. Today was one of the days we got a separate table instead of sitting with our hosts. Benio even joined the club on some of those days. I'm sure that by taking the high road I made Mori happy, but I also think it's driving his protective instincts insane. When I asked him if he was okay, he told me he was happy for me and the friends I was making.

By the end of the day, some of the guests had noticed his nerves. They saw through all his silence and smiles. He visibly relaxed when I grabbed his arm after they'd all left. I pat his shoulder and took a deep breath. "Babe maybe you should take a break from being a host for a few days."

He jerked in my grasp and turned to look at me. "Who's going to watch you then."

"Takashi," I laughed in a huff, "I'm a strong girl, and I'm in familiar territory. I can-"

"No, (Y/N)!" He turned all the way around, taking both of my wrists in his hands. All the hosts were looking now. He.... yelled at me?

I smacked his hands away from my own. "Look, I love you and I know what happened scared you. I understand you want to protect me, but you've got another thing coming if you think I'm gonna let you put me on a leash." I could feel the tears starting at this point.

"You could have died, (Y/N)." He sounded defeated, but I was still angry.

"You know what? I'm grateful that you saved me, but I was scared too. Hell, I was the one drowning, I was fucking terrified! But I've moved on! Maybe it is stupid that I'm continuing to trust those girls. But that is my choice. Not yours. If it messes with your job so much, I'll stay away from the host club for a few days!" I turned around to grab my bag, holding back tears. I ignored the hosts that had been shocked into losing their shading. Even Kyoya's mouth was hanging open.

I ran out of the door, trying to get out before the tears really started flowing. I heard one last thing before I made it outside.

"Senpai" Haruhi asked, "this isn't like when Hunny had his cavity, is it?"

"No." He whispered. "She's really mad at me. I... how do I fix this?"

When I got home, Sophie answered the door. My father was with her. Which was a problem because I was still crying. I lunged into his arms, and he rubbed small circles on my back. "(Y/N), darling, what happened?" Shit. What do I tell him? He doesn't know anything real about the host club, the bullies, or what happened during the beach trip. I guess...

"Dad, Takashi and I had I fight. I'm so mad at him, but I also feel so guilty." It was muffled into his shirt, but he took me by the shoulders and looked into my eyes with a sad smile.

"You know you can tell me anything. If you want to, that is." He smiled up at Sophie, who was standing there as stiff as a board. "Sophie, be a dear and bring some tea back to the study for (Y/N) and I." She mumbled a quick yes sir while my father walked me down the hall. When we got there, Mom was already seated. Dad explained the situation to her while I sat on the couch across from them. Sophie came in with the tea and my father gestured forward. "Whenever you're ready, darling. You tell us as much as little or as you like.

I decided to start at the beginning. I've lied to them for so long. I'll just leave out the gritty details. Like park benches and movie nights. "Takashi and I had been dating for almost three months before you and Mr. Morinozuka decided on our engagement." They listened. They didn't seem shocked. "He walks me home from kendo instead of having Lewis come pick me up. And the host club is well, it's weird. There's all these girls fawning over these boys that call themselves hosts. Takashi and Haruhi are two of them. You didn't meet the others at the sleepover. It was chaos when people found out Takashi and I were dating and then engaged. Practically the entire female population of the school hated my guts. So now there are all these bullies, and I told them off like the strong girl you guys raised me to be. It got worse during the beach trip though. Takashi and I found out we have our own fan club. They were going to set up a beach date for us." My mother awwed at that. "Three of the girls turned out to be haters of ours though. They threatened to tie me up, so I ran out into the ocean. I got... I got swept under the waves and Takashi almost didn't get to me in time. The girls were caught and lectured by the Ootori Police Force. Takashi has been really overprotective ever since that trip. It was suffocating, and I yelled at him." The tears were flowing freely.

"Well" my father spoke, "that was certainly more than we were expecting."

"Aren't you angry?"

"Angry?" Mom chided. "You're a teenager. We raised you well. We expect you to have secrets and be strong and get into trouble. We just didn't think there was this much trouble. So, no, we aren't angry, sweetheart, we're worried for you."

"Please don't make me switch schools again."

They both laughed and shook their heads. "The only other place we approve of is St. Lobelia, and we know that as much as you love Ms. Amakuza, your heart is with Morinozuka and Ouran Academy." I hugged them both and thanked them for letting me vent and for understanding.

"(Y/N), would you allow us to visit this host club of yours?"

I nodded. "Of course, I've put myself on probation for the next week though, so it will have to wait." They both said okay and then sent me off to my room. Sophie met me there and strangled me in a hug when she saw I was still crying. Everything came pouring out. I hadn't even told her about the beach trip because I was afraid she'd tell my parents. She would've had good reason, but still. Sophie held me and pet my hair until the tears subsided. "You want to know the best part?" I laughed. "My parents want to visit the Host Club. This is going to be a disaster."

For the next week, I only saw Mori in class, but I ignored him as much as I could during those days. It was the hardest thing I'd done in my entire life. Especially after what he'd said. She's really mad at me. I... how do I fix this? I think we're both in the wrong on this one, I just, I can't stand the idea that he thinks I'm helpless. I could tell he was crumbling. I wanted so badly to kiss him and tell him it would be okay, but I was also very stubborn. So when I started going back to the host club, I sat with Haruhi, who felt very awkward between this. The whole room was tense. The hosts kept staring between Mori and I.

Then Friday came, and with the day, so did my parents. I tried not to make a big deal out of it, but two adults in a room full of teenagers in uniform stood out, a lot. Mori stood so fast that his chair got knocked over and away.

"Yo, Senpai! Are these your parents?" The twins ran up to greet them. "I'm Hikaru, and this is Kaoru. We're the Hitachiin brothers.

"Yes," Kaoru echoed. "It's a shame we didn't get to meet you at the sleepover. Thanks for having us."

All the girls in the room exploded. "(Y/N) GOT TO GO TO THE HOST SLEEPOVER!?"

My father raised his hand to quiet them all. "I must apologize, but who recieved invitations was not my decision, but my daughter's. Besides, I'm not sure we could have housed all of you."

"And," my mother pointed to my club's table in the back, "we only invite people who are polite, so you ten may come next time." The whole room was in a riot and I was cackling with the twins. My parents high fived.

This time my mother rose her hand and then gestured at Mori. "And you, young man, come here." Mori walked from his table almost like a robot. "We have raised our daughter so she can take care of herself when we can not. Your need to protect has drowned our little girl almost as much as that beach." All the hosts looked like they were going to drop to their knees. "I believe you have something that you need to say. You too, (Y/N)." I looked at her pleadingly. Me too? In front of all these people?

Mori wasted no time in pulling me into a tight hug. He bent down to put his forehead against my own. He whispered, so only we could hear. "You scared me so much. I couldn't stand the thought of anything else happening to you, no matter how small. I'm sorry. You worry me as much as I love you." He laughed quietly.

"I can be kind of stubborn sometimes." I whispered. He gave me a look. "A lot of times. I just want you to know that I worry about you too. You can depend on me because I'm not helpless. I'm sorry too." He kissed my forehead and smiled, pulling back up.

My mother and father turned towards the door and waved. "I believe our work here is done. We will see you at dinner, (Y/N), and we expect to see Mr. Morinozuka there as well. Bye!" When they were out of the door, all the hosts and I laughed.

"(Y/N)-chan, your parents seem like a lot of fun!"

"I can see the resemblance now." Kyoya commented. "Women who don't take no for an answer. It's a family trait."

"Well, yes," I started smiling at Mori, "but it never hurts to have a strong, loving man by your side."

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