How To Jump

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So we're finally updating this book! We're entering this in the Wattys. It is hopefully a good desicion and we REALLY hope to win. Anyways, hope you guys will laugh as much as you laughed on the earlier chapters. Enjoy! Don't forget to




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How To Jump

1. Find a suitable surface to 'jump' on. Rocks and glass-covered surfaces are not recommended. Try a mattress.

2. Bend both your legs at your knees. The general rule is: the lower you bend, the higer you will end up jumping. (A/N If you still do not know what a 'jump' is by now, Google awaits your presence.)

3. In one quick movement, push yourself off the surface you are standing (see 'How To Stand') on using your feet. ( you should know what 'feet' are now) If you want to jump really high up, use your toes to push yourself more.

 IMPORTANT! Jumping generally consists of two parts (unless you happen to control gravity): the jump and the landing. So you must read all these instructions before attempting a jump. (Now that I think about it this warning should have been in front of the first step) If you do not 'land' properly, you may hurt yourself.

4. Once you are up in the air, a strange, invisible force called gravity will immediately start to pull you down again. Do not fight this Force. Let it carry you back towards Earth, which will be very, very, very quick.

5. As a basic rule, land on something soft. Also, land legs-first. As your legs hit the ground, BEND the knobbly joints in the middle of your legs-- your knees. This will make things a lot easier.

6. Keep your balance as you land, then slowly go into 'Standing' position. If you still don't know 'standing', go check out it's tutorial!

Congratulations! You have successfully completed a 'jump'! This is a skill you will appreciate and use all your life! If you have failed, remember! Practice makes perfect! 

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So there it is! :D Really hope you guys support us in the Wattys. We truly believe this story has the potential to win!!! :D So please? You'll receive a cookie in your dreams tonight if you do! Via Dreamland Express! xD

You know you want to. *attempts to wink but fails and ends up closing both eyes*

Maybe we should do a how-to on Winking...


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