How To Sleep

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How to Sleep

Everyone loves sleep! If you wish to know how to carry out this luxurious activity, here are the steps to do so!

1)      Find something to sleep on. We like a nice, soft, bed which is designed to be slept on. J However, if you prefer a hanging upside down position… We say, Well, to each their own. We do not recommend sleeping while sitting because it makes you more tired.

2)      Next, lie down on chosen object. The tutorial of how to lie down is the one before this, so if you are unclear on how to do it, go check it out. ( and vote! )

3)      Make yourself comfortable.

4)      RELAX, only moving to make yourself comfortable.

5)      Reeellllaaaaxxxx.

6)      Try not to think too much about relaxing. Just let it happen as naturally as a fart. Yeah. Just let your mind wander. ( Not literally of course. We do not take responsibility for lost minds. Heh. Lost minds.)

7)      Soon you will drift off into a black unconsciousness known as sleep. You may dream to make your sleep more interesting. J You may also learn how to lucid dream to make things more interesting.

8)      CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE S--- oops! *whispering* I mean, congratulations! *pulls blanket over sleeping reader* Sleep tight, sweet dreams, don’t let the bed bugs bite! J

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