Nagisa x Reader

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•I'll Never Betray You•

*Y/N's POV*

I transferred to Class-E last month, along with my cousin, Kayano. We made friends with the other students and got along with them. Actually, I just made friends with ALL the girls and NONE of the boys. Well, that's because, I hate boys. I never liked hanging out with boys, they somehow, disgust me.

But, there is this one boy with blue hair, and I figured his name was Nagisa, who keeps trying his best to make me his friend.

But, I kept declining his offer, yet, he never stops. "Why?! Why do you want me to be your friend that bad?" I asked him.

"Because! Because, well, at first, I heard that you dislike boys so much. I was kinda offended by that. But! I'm a different boy. I'm not like those boys who, well, treat you bad. So, I wanted you to try being friends with me." He explained.

"Pfft, in your dreams. I don't want to be your friend, so stop trying. You know how many times I've told you this." I stated, which he replied directly.

"45 times." He said. "I didn't ask." I directly responded with a blank face.

"Whatever. But you heard me, and this is the last time you'll hear it. I. Don't want. To be. Your. Friend." I said and was about to walk back to the classroom.

But, before I could, he suddenly grabbed my hand. "Let go." I sternly said. "No, not unless you try being my friend." He responded.

I groaned, "Look," I started as I turned to him. "How about I make it clear to you? I won't, and will never, try being your friend." I said in a threatening way.

I tried to pull my hand back, but his grasp was too strong. "Let go." I said and pulled my hand again but he still held on to it.

"I said, let go." I repeated and pulled my hand with the help of my free hand. "Can't you listen to what I say?! I said, let go!" I yelled, and yet, he still wouldn't let go.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked and suddenly came up with an idea. I grasped his arm with my free arm and flew him into the air and landed on the ground behind me as he already let go.

"Well, that was easy. All I had to do was fling you into the air. Should've done that earlier." I stated and made my way back to the classroom as I walked pass by him.

"Have you ever made a friend that is a boy before?" He suddenly asked as I stopped in my tracks. "No. Not once in my whole life." I replied.

"Then, why don't you try?" He asked once again as I heard him get up. "..... I don't wanna." I responded.

"And why is that?" He asked once more. "..... Because I hate them... They.. They betrayed me." The words suddenly went out. "Betrayed you? Then, you have made friends with a boy before." He said.

"Urgh! Why do you care anyways?" I asked as I turned around to him with an angry face.

"I just wanted to know the reason. About why you don't like boys." He stated and walked towards me.

"So, if you had made friends with a boy, and he betrayed you. Then, this time, I'm the one you're going to make friends with, and I swear you this! I'll never betray you, Y/N." He said and held out his hand with a smile on his face.

"You'll... Never betray me...?" I repeated. "Yeah! I'll never betray you!" He beamed.

I glanced at his hand and hesitated for a while. "You don't need to take my hand. As long as you agree of me being your friend, I'm okay with it." He said and nodded my head after a few moments.

"But!" I started as I glanced back at him with a determined face and pointed at him. "If you ever betray me, I'll kill you for sure!!" I yelled.

"Do you really need to kill me?" He asked with a sweatdrop. "Of course, you jerk!" I said.

"Okay, okay! You have my word." He said with his hands in the air, surrendering. "Hmph!! Later!" I said and jogged my way back to the classroom.

Months had passed and it's already my birthday, Kayano invited all the girls and sone boys that aren't perverted, into a sleep over in our house. I was fine by it, because it was her decision anyway.

And of course, Nagisa came. These days, it feels fine for me to smile at him. Because, besides, he promised not to abandon me.

~Timeskip brought to you by Koro-sensei's beatle costume~

Time flied fast and it was already tine for us to sleep. (A/N: Sorry, I didn't want to mention what they did while they were having fun. I was too lazy to do it.)

Kayano arranged us and the one who I was sleeping beside was, well, Nagisa.

"Goodnight everyone." Kayano said and turned off the lights and it was all silent that time.

I glanced at my side and saw blue eyes staring into mine. (A/N: Somehow, this line is familiar. Meh XD)

"Nagisa?" I called out in a whispering way. "Hm?" He hummed. "... Nevermind. Goodnight." I said and rolled to my side and closed my eyes.

The next thing I knew, arms were wrapped around me as I felt a breath on my neck which sent shivers down my spine.

I glanced at my back and saw that it was just Nagisa. "Nagisa, what are you doing?" I asked in a whisper. "Nothing... Let's just stay like this for a while." He suggested as I felt my face getting hot.

"Nagisa...! Oy, Nagisa!" I whisper-yell and nudged my elbow at him, but he didn't respond.

'He's asleep.' I thought and just left him be. 'He's warm. I wanna stay like this... Forever.'

After that, I blacked out.

A/N: Okay! So, umm. This isn't really a romantic Nagisa x Reader but, I hope you readers enjoyed it! A friend of mine is a love expert so she can help me with love stories XD Please comment if I need to improve my writing about love stories XD

Note: Photo is not mine. All credit goes to the original artist, thank you! ^^

Author-chan~ out!

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