Outlines/other things

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This will be your road map and is vital to a smooth writing process.

Write down

basics of each scene

what purpose the scene serves

what characters are in the scene

what they are thinking/ feeling, etc.

Every minuscule detail of the sequence of the events should also be written down for each scene.

This is the best way to prevent crippling writers block as you can still cover the basics of a scene, even if you may not feel that it is not perfect.

Yes lists are writers best friends write down anything that inspires you.

More like character lists- I just jot down the things that I usually forget like the names and eye color, etc nothing too detailed.

Study the lives of a writer

read interviews with writers and see what they say.

Listen to them talk about certain things

how they became authors feel about writing and how they write.

write what your passionate about, care about very deeply.

I absolutely get inspired from other people's work. I learn what to do and what not to do i absorb what works for me as a reader and try to incorporate it into my work. If they're really good at suspense or dialogue, I learn the tricks that they use and apply them to my own work.

Ther are no rules when it comes to chapter length have a mixture of both long and shot chapters and wattpad pages are different lengths then actual books. It boils down to everything that you write has to have a point to it should either move the story along or help develop the characters.

You can't just add filiter to lengthen your character. Nobody wants to read filter. But if your write continuously seems to get stuck and you are constantly finding yourself looking for more too add then I'd venture to guess that your plot needs to be looked at and fleshed out before you can't go on. Good stories have arcs, they have fully developed characters who grow and change through the story line they have jumped plots and sub plots and minor characters, that feel as realistic as the main characters.

You might need to open some rime revisiting your plot if your incontinent search of what to say next.

Editing means you go back through your writing and fix grammar mistakes or make it better so you should go back and look for descriptions and try to fix them if that is what your focused on.

stick notes are a great flipping tool to use they can help u with notes or rearranging them for plot, or characters, or something about the story.

see a word you dont understand or think you could use you look up the meaning and jot it down to develop a vocabulary list

write whenever you have time just do it in fact some writers keep a notebook but their table in case they get ideas.

It's your story write what you believe should happen what you believe the characters should be named, etc.

Reread story each time your bout to work on it and add parts delete some and rearrange some working,

Writers block is one of the biggest enemies, for a writer. Try taking a break from your writing and come back with a fresh mind. Try to think of the many ways a story could go. You could also just skip it.

If you want a writing schedule sit down for an hour at least uninterrupted and stick with it.

Scenery isn't just about what the character sees. A convincing scene will make sure to take note of any important or noticeable scenes the character might be experiencing. A way to practice this is is by writing a brief sequence without any mention of scene what so ever dont say where it's taking place or anything, just explain the action that is happening. When you've written a few sentences go back and add all the visual details the character would notice. Repeat with sound, smell, taste, and touch (one at a time) Try to have at least a few instances of each scene in the final paragraph. This can help you focus on other senses besides just sight. When you actually go to write a non practise piece you don;t have to use all the senses every time you desrcibe a scene but make sure to switch it up from more than just sight and sound.

Another thing to help with scenery is practicing emotional importance. Obviously certain characters will notice certain things about whatever piece they're in while overworking others.

You can never edit a story completly, and no story will ever be perfect, so dont worry about making it good enough. Just worry about fixing mistakes. Expanding vocabulary is an important part of writing so I do recommend that.

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