Chapter 15: Devasted

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Are we ready to go" Kiriko asked as they all stood outside. Everyone nodded and began to walk off Alice got on her bike and started to ride smiling at Miyonji. Saya looked to her side to see Miyonji glaring at Hakami who wasn't paying him any attention. "What he do this time?" She asked Miyonji just glared and closed his eyes as they continued to walk. "Nothing it's not important" he replied. She just shrugged it off not trying to pry it out of him "Okay if you say so" She replied.

"How long do you think it will take us to get there?" Saeko asked. Takashi looked at her "If we move quickly it should be no more than 30 minutes but that's if we don't run into any of them on the way there" He explained. As soon as he said that, as if on cue, two zombies had appeared which brought joy to Hakami. He quickly dashed forward and sliced off the zombies heads and sheathed his swords as if it were nothing. The group headed down the road making sure to be on their guard.

There weren't many zombies after them it seemed like the walk to the Elementary school would be easy. Kohta looked around and smiled "I can't believe it we've only seen two zombies." He stated. Shiko smiled "Well isn't that a good thing I mean after all we are trying to get to the school with no problem this is good for us" She replied.

When they had finally reached their destination Police cars were parked in front of the school the shined down showing the tall building. "So we finally made it" Miyonji said as they walked towards the school. An officer showed them inside, once they got in they looked around the school hallway.

"Takashi, Rei!"

Everyone turned to see a woman with long black hair that went down to her back. She had blue eyes and her skin color was the same as Rei's. "Mother" Takashi stated which made everyone smile. She hugged Takashi and smiled at Rei "Did you look after him while I was away?" She asked Rei smiled and nodded. She then looked at Miyonji and smiled "Miyonji it's been too long how have you been?" she asked Miyonji smiled. "I've been fine Mrs. Komuro" He replied. She then looked at Saya "It's been awhile Saya have you and Miyonji made up yet?" She asked. Saya nodded and smiled "Yeah we did although it's tougher than it was before to look after him" she stated. Miyonji gave her an annoyed look "You make it sound like you're babysitting me or something" Miyonji pouted. "I might as well be with everything you've put me through" Saya replied.

"Rei is that you?"

Rei turned around to see a man with black spiky hair that went to his shoulders he looked to be 40 he had the same skin color as Rei's mom and had hazel eyes. He was wearing a police uniform "Daddy!" she squealed as she hugged her father who smiled and looked at her. "I'm so glad you're alright" He said.

Rei had tears coming down her face as she tightly hugged her father "Tadashi so you were here this whole time?" Kiriko asked. Tadashi smiled and nodded "The police station wasn't safe especially when we had to hold an inmate there" he explained which made everyone look down to the ground. Tadashi at Rei and raised an eyebrow "What's wrong Rei?" He asked. She looked at Miyonji and then back at her father "That inmate is dead now" she replied. Kiriko looked at Rei "How would you know that?" she asked.

"Yeah I'd like to know that myself"

Everyone turned to see Saya and Miyonji's parents walking towards them "Mom, daddy! You guys are alright!" Saya exclaimed. "How do you know that the man is dead?" Souichiro asked knowing exactly who was at the police station. "Rei if you know something please let us know" Kento added.

"It's because I killed him!"

Everyone looked at Miyonji with a shock expression. "M-Miyonji" Hinata gasped. "But Reyori was watched by officers there's no way they would let you do something like that" Tadashi explained. "Unless they were already dead when I got there" He replied. "Miyonji I know he killed your brother and you swore revenge but I thought that getting Saya back would have changed your mind on that" Kento scolded his son. Hinata walked over to Miyonji and slapped him across the face making his head turn he looked at her with a angry expression.

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