Chapter Seventeen

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I groaned as I felt my head pounding a little. I slowly sat up and massaged my temples. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and opened it. I frowned as I noticed it wasn't my room. I turned to my side as I heard someone clear their throat. I was greeted by Lalisa glaring at me with her arms crossed. I let out a startled noise as I stared at her.

'Yaah! Why am I with you?' I asked.

'Why do you think, you sulgolae?'

I glared at her.

'Mworago? Sulogolae? How dare yo-' But I stopped mid way as meomories of last night slowly came in my mind.

I gulped as I lowered my gaze.

'Do you remember now?' She asked.

I nodded as I scratched the back of my neck.

'Why would you drink if you have such low tolerance?'

I just sighed.

'Anyways, your phone's been ringing non-stop.' She pointed at my bag.

I grabbed my phone from inside it and looked at the number of missed calls. I groaned as it was all from mom. I dialed her number and after three rings, she answered.

'Kim Hanbin, where have you been?' She said as soon as she picked up.

'Oh, eomma. I stayed at my friend's place.'

'Which friend? I called Bobby, Yunhyeong and Junhoe. You weren't at their's.'

I cursed internally.

'Oh. I am at a new friend's house.' I replied.

'New friend?'


'What's his name?'

I looked at Lalisa who was preparing to cook.

'Limario.' I answered.

She sighed.

'Adeul, you should tell me before going anywhere. I was so scared especially as I got a call from your prep school that you didn't went yesterday.' {Trans: Son}

'Mianhe. I was too stressed out by all the studying. I needed some free time.' I told her the truth. {Trans: Sorry}

'Arasso. You don't have to go to that prep school anymore if that's stressing you out so much.'

I broke into a smile.

''Okay. I am going to hang up now. Come home tonight.' She said before hanging up.

I put my phone down and watched Lalisa as she hummed softly while she cooked. I wanted to ask her if she needed help but felt kind of awkward to.

'You should freshen up. The ramyun's almost ready.' She said.

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