Chapter Tweny Nine

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Lisa gulped as she stared at the person sitting behind the desk in front of her

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Lisa gulped as she stared at the person sitting behind the desk in front of her. Lisa always found Mr. Song, the school's principal very intimidating. The two boys who were each by her side looked uncomfortable under his presence too.

Mr. Song was highly respected by everyone. Despite, the school worshipping the rich, he never looked at the student according to their wealth. Rather, he would see their behavior and school performance. That was how Lisa got in Mirae. He was highly impressed by Lisa's high level of knowledge.

'So, care to explain why you three are here?' He said with his deep voice.

Lisa gulped as she quickly glanced at the two boys who had now bruises forming in their faces.

'Have you guys gone mute?'

'We are sorry. To answer your question, uh, there was a misunderstanding between the two and they got into a slight fight.' Lisa answered.

'Doesn't look like that was a slight fight.'

She just gave out an awkward chuckle. Mr. Song looked at the two boys who both had their heads hung down. The both of them looked like they had walked through a tornado. He then rested his eyes on Lisa who looked nervous. She had her two hands intertwined and was playing with her thumbs.

'What were you doing with them, Lalisa? Were you fighting too?'

Lisa quickly shook her head.

'Oh, no, no, no. Honestly, I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I was told to come to the nurse office and-'

'So, you weren't involved in this?'

'No.' Lisa answered with nervous sweat breaking out from her hands.

'But the red finger marks on your face say otherwise.' He said.

Lisa stared at him wide eyed as she brought her hands up to her cheeks. It was stinging but didn't think it would have bruised or anything. Must have been the tight grasp. Damn you, Junhoe!

'Uhhh... I, uh-'

'Okay, I'll give you three, one minute to explain yourselves. If you can't, I have no other option but to call your parents and take disciplinary actions.' He said as he glanced at his watch.

'Your one minute starts now.'

Lisa just sat there staring at her hands wide eyed. Tell him, Lalisa. Tell him how you were harassed. Tell him how you see them bullying Jihoon everyday. Show him the picture.

Junhoe took in a deep breath as he heard Mr. Song. His father was going to kill him. He clenched his fist as he thought of what his father was going to do to him.

Lisa looked at Junhoe who looked uncomfortable as hell.

He was ready to hit you, Lisa. Why are you sympathizing with him? You can't let mom know about this. She will have even more reason to take you back to Thailand. Get yourself out of this mess.

'5.... 6....'

'Lisa had nothing to do with this, Sir. She really was at the wrong place at the wrong time.' Hanbin suddenly spoke.

'Your teacher told me you left for the nurse room after a minute of Lisa heading there. You must have known what was happening. You don't think I would believe Lisa just happen to be there, do you?'

Hanbin stayed quiet.

'Alright, one minute's up. All three of your parents will be called. You are not allowed to go to your classes today. After your parents come here, you'll leave with them.'

The three of them sighed at the same time.

'For now, go back to the nurse room. She will tend to your wounds. You shall wait their until your parents arrive. You are dismissed.'

The three of them stood up and bowed at Mr. Song before walking out of the room. After Lisa slowly shut the door behind her, Junhoe grabbed her by the collar.

'Why didn't you tell him? Why didn't you show him the video? What are you planning?' He growled.

Lisa stared at him.

'Get your hands off of her, Junhoe.' Hanbin pushed him away.

Why didn't you, Lisa?

'I just realized getting you and your so called 'friends' expelled will not change anything. Your parents will send you off to another country and enroll you in their prestigious school. Where's the suffering in that? You think they are your real friends, right? Keep on believing that. I'll just satisfy myself by watching you and your thick skull getting played the whole time.' Lisa said.

That's not why.

Junhoe glared at her.

'And I don't know what video you are talking about. I only have pictures. Pictures of your two friends only. I only had proof of them.' Lisa added before walking away.

Junhoe watched her retreating back. Hanbin too slowly started walking the direction Lisa went.

'You came to the nurse room right after Lisa was called.'

Hanbin stopped.

'You were extremely agitated over her.'

Hanbin turned around to look at Junhoe.

'Does Sana know?' Junhoe smirked.

'Is that a threat?' Hanbin glared.

'Threat for you? I don't know. Maybe? But, threat for her? Yes. Sana will destroy her.'

'And I'll destroy whoever dares to.' Hanbin retaliated.

Junhoe stayed quiet.

'You took it too far today, Junhoe. I am done trying to mend our friendship. From now, I'll not look at you as a friend. Go against Lisa and I will go against you.'

He chuckled in reply.

'Of course, you'd do that. Girls over friendship always, right? Just like how you chose Sana over Jungkook.'

Hanbin clenched his jaw.

'Whatever. I already stopped looking at you as a friend a long time ago. You do what you can to protect her and I will do what I can to destroy her.'

The both of them glared at each other. Hanbin just turned around and walked away with his hands in his pocket. Like he had thought, he would only bring her trouble.

 Like he had thought, he would only bring her trouble

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