Destiny; ''brave is not the one who is physically strong, its the one who overcomes the fears that haunt them''
Melhotra House
Radhika lay on her stomach watching the moon lighting the dark sky, Her fingers on the switch of night lamp, lost in a deep thought she kept fiddling with it turning it on and off every moving minute. Two days back she had found a letter on her desk in University, it had a message for her; 'History will repeat itself, you will lose again. Because you are a bad luck' for that minute she had panicked looking for the source. She had tried hard all day to control her frightened and scared heart. But the fear crossed the limits when she got to know of Sam getting hurt. She recalled how her aunt would call her a bad luck and omen which destroyed the lives if touched. She rolled and turned on her back; 'This time I will save my own'
Past started flashing infront of her eyes again, her last meeting with her parents, their bloodied bodies her sister's torn clothes. She closed her eyes once and opened them to welcome all the flashes, she pushed her mind to recall all that pained her, the torture , her aunts cruelty , Saral, the family's plan to marry her off to a 50 yr old man. The nerves of her face started tightening in tension. She jumped off the bed and walked to the balcony. She recalled what happened 10 days back, suddenly a thought struck her; 'Who was the one I attacked, he never got arrested. How to find about him?'
Moving a frustrated hand through her hair she sat on the bed simmering in anger and revenge, they threatened and hurt her of years, they took all she had and now they posed the danger to her loved ones. Shaking her legs violently she forced her mind to think and it did. She pulled out a diary from the drawer and dialled a no. ; ''Uncle its me Radhika, can I get access to the room where Saral's mother is being treated? '' The replied made her smile, she threw her back on the bed again; 'Fear is a funny thing. once you are used to it, it gives you power' turning the light finally off she closed her eyes.
Sanjay's house
''Who could do this? How come someone so easily burned the house and no one got to know. Tell me the exact situation of destruction'' Sanjay's father Hardik asked him worried
''Nothing is left, whoever did it made sure that all in the house was turned into ashes.'' Sanjay replied grim, Hardik crashed on the chair; ''Oh my god!!! All my undeclared wealth was stocked in that house. I had bribed so many to to get get hidden access to that house and now I have lost everything. did you file a complaint ''
Sanjay shook his head; ''I did but they said it was a short circuit that resulted in fire. Melhotras are strong'' With shaking legs Hardik got up; ''Lets sell the land, we can make up for few losses''
''That's no more our or Saral's property, someone else hold the owner ship and we can't do anything about it'' Hardik loosen the knot of his tie, he was sweating. He didn't knew how to handle the situation. He knew Melhotra's were sitting on his neck but he had no proof against them. They had spend a hefty amount to get Saral out, which was off the records . In turn Saral had handed them the house which was ruined easily. But they didn't know that someone was aware about Saral getting realised
Mehra Mansion
Arjun smiled , if things went right he had plans to scare shit out of Sanjay. His idea was simple they tortured her using her fears. He was going to do the same. ''Bhai, busy??'' Arjun turned to the door and found Sam peeping through it; ''Don't tell me you need to see Neil at this hour of night'' Sam curled her lip making an innocent face , she threw her back on Arjun's bed; ''Bhai I am not that selfish as you think, actually was planning to teach Sanjya a lesson for putting a scar on my beautiful skin''

The Destiny's Game-DPO 2
General FictionYou believe in me or can't just ignore me....I walk with you on all your en-devours...some fear me ....some love me....a few challenge me...and the brave fight me....who am I ...your DESTINY Radhika- Destiny never favored her ....she go...