Destiny; 'Don't treat others in a way you don't want get treated in your life...because life turns the wheel once in everybody's favour'
Radhika walked inside the study , Nihal smiled and asked her to take the seat. He pulled out few papers and handed to Radhika...she gave him a confused look. Nihal smiled; ''Radhika this is Dilip's property papers...his business and other are the lawful owner of them..I want you to learn and make him proud'' Radhika's hands started shaking...she wished she could do as Nihal expected...but it bought back all that she wanted to leave find. The bloodied bodies of her family...continuous whipping.. those hungry dark nights...those curses she took for her family . The blames that her father never deserved the wealth. Her mind screamed Money it all happened because they wanted her father's wealth. Radhika threw the file as if it was plagued ; ''I can't....'' Radhika got up running out...she hugged Prerna tight as Nihal followed her; ''I don't want all that ....that money took all from me. Its cursed....I can't please'' Prerna hugged her tight, asking Nihal not to persuade her more till she is ready. Prerna calmed her distracting her talking about different things....Neil closed his eyes in pain..; 'what should I make you forget make strong'
Teji's House
Four whole one week Teji went through all the details of Mishra's murder case. He studied how and under what circumstances Radhika was rescued ...after finishing all the details he wiped his eyes.His POV; 'This girl needs to face her fears again...I should speak to Sam and Kritika ....Radhika has to live her past once again...she has to scream her pain out...'
After receiving the call from Teji, Kritika informed Sam and walked out of her house . Before she could get into her car. Kritika was pulled aside with a jerk; ''Keep your voice low honey''
Kritika; ''What are you doing here Zubin'' Zubin kept looking at her face before placing a deep kiss on her cheek. He whispered on her skin; ''I missed you love....stop fighting me'' He pulled her into his arms and Kritka melted; ''If you missed me then you should know why I ignored you''
Zubin lifted her chin up; ''baby I am possessive about you, I can't see guys ogling at you''
Kritika; ''Zubin that's their problem not mine, I won't give my freedom away...why should I stop living''
Zubin could feel his nerves heating up, he pulled her close and whispered; ''You are betrothed to me, can't you keep one request''
Kritika; ''I am your Betrothed ...not wife. So you better stop acting as my husband...its my life and I will live my way. you are free to find someone else'' Zubin's patience gave up, he crashed his lips onto hers . It was a punishing kiss...Kritika struggled to move out but he was way too strong for her..she gave up. when Zubin realised she gave up he broke their kiss smirking at her; ''now you know who is the boss'' Kritika stared him with wet eyes before shoving her knee into his groin...; ''Boss, my foot you are a that again with me and Khanna family ends with you''
Kritika walked off without looking back, on the way she picked Sam up. Sam could make out she was upset. But before Sam could ask her a thing she got a message; ''Kritika Sanjay challenged Neil for a dual....its is Arena today''
Kritika; ''Sanjay is no and me both know that. He must have done his homework. Its just a way to hurt Neil...''
Sam; '' Let's cancel the meeting with Teji for now...'' Kritika messaged Teji postponing meeting for a day.
Meditation Centre
Radhika took her meditation session and walked off to her car. ''How come you are alone today'' Came a husky voice. Radhika stopped , took a deep breath and turned around to face the source of voice.

The Destiny's Game-DPO 2
General FictionYou believe in me or can't just ignore me....I walk with you on all your en-devours...some fear me ....some love me....a few challenge me...and the brave fight me....who am I ...your DESTINY Radhika- Destiny never favored her ....she go...