Chapter 16 part 1

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Hey guys! I know it's been forever and a day since I updated and I apologize for that. My mom-n-law has been fighting lung cancer for 4 years now and this last two months her health took a nose dive. She got progressively worse, and then passed in her sleep on the 14th of last month. So, as you can see I have had my hands full helping my wife get things together and ready for her memorial...which went wonderfully. Soooo, as you can see, I really did have an excuse. This is another long chapter, I hope it is worth the wait...please vote and comment and let me know your thoughts!


Opening her eyes to a small ray of sun shining in through the bedroom curtain, Dylan immediately felt Devon's body snuggled up against hers as they lay in a spoon position with Dylan facing Devon's back.

Inhaling the fragrance of her silky hair, Dylan slid her hand up her thigh to rest on her hip and felt a slight cramp in her wrist from being tied up last night. Smiling to herself as she thought back on the evening and the way Devon had touched, kissed, and in the end licked her to an explosive orgasm, she took a long deep breath and felt her body stiffen with a soreness in muscles she hadn't even known existed as she tried time after time to loosen her binds and return Devon's touch but to no avail.

Devon had taken extreme pleasure in her torture as she teased Dylan's body relentlessly until she had begged for her release, in which, could only be described as rapture. Then, and only then, did Devon unloose her binds and let Dylan touch her. Which she did, over and over again until early this morning.

Feeling Devon stir beneath her hand, Dylan knew that she was waking up, so leaning up a little, she kissed her soft creamy shoulder tenderly.

"Mm, goodmorning." She responded, her voice still thick with the passion from last night and the sleep of the morning.

"Good morning to you beautiful." Dylan replied, still kissing her shoulder softly.

Turning over onto her back, Devon reached up and brushed her fingers through Dylan's hair, "What a wonderful way to wake up." She sighed happily.

"You make it wonderful."

"Mm, you always know what to say." Devon murmured pulling Dylan's head down to meet her lips.

Feeling her lips part under hers, Dylan slipped her tongue inside her cool mouth and felt her own body flush with warmth.

"As much as I love you darling, I don't think I can go again so soon." Devon stated putting a French tipped nail to up to Dylan's lips with a warm smile.

Laughing lightly, Dylan rolled over and replied, "Not every kiss means I want to make love."

"Then don't kiss me like that..." She retorted with a smile, and then added, "And since when"?

Laughing again, Dylan rolled over on her side to look in Devon's eyes, "Since you tied me down and depleted my body of any natural resources, not to mention working muscles I never knew I had."

"Oh, you poor baby, " Devon said with a pouty look on her face as she leaned down to rub her chest lightly, "Shall I draw you a bath"?

Wrinkling her nose, Dylan said, "Geez, you make me sound so old."

"No, my love," She sighed, "I just understand because I know how I feel after you've had your way with me." She smiled.

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