So who's the adult here?

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Essena's POV

Finally. My car from the city is finally back. I squealed with delight the moment I saw it waiting at the entry of my driveway. Perfect timing, the game was tonight. I promised Jake I would go..

Yeah, it was immature trying to indirectly use Jake's advances toward to me spark jealousy in Max; but I couldn't help myself! Max infuriates me, the way he acts like we were nothing at all. Maybe making him jealous will work. I shrugged off my thoughts and ran upstairs to get ready.

Being home late already (Yeah, I stayed an hour or two after school at its library. Guilty as charged. That, and I also am completely unable to focus to any of Max's lesson's on Shakespeare and I have some catching up to do), I didn't have much time to primp myself for tonight. The moment I walked through the door of my room my phone was strongly vibrating in my back pocket. I sighed and picked up immediately once I saw it was Jake.

"Hey Essena! I'm on my way to the game, where do you live? I remember you said your car is being held hostage back home," Jake said through the end of the line.

"Oh yeah, well I got it back today!" I beamed.

"Oh..So is that a no on the ride to the game? I saved you shotgun and all.." he said, with his voice dropping to a lower tone.

I heard his friend Aaron scream in the background "He's got me in the back of this shit he calls a car! This better not be for nothing!" I couldn't help but laugh at his remark. "No, of course not, come on over," I began telling him. After I gave him clear instructions to my house he told me to be downstairs in two minutes. Sighing at my attire that was plain and simple, I quickly slid on a pair of purple heels and ran downstairs. Well, Carrie Bradshaw always put shoes above everything. A great pair of shoes is bound to make up for my lack of formality..

At the game the crowd was yelling, and Jake's eyes were on me for half the time. I smiled and zipped my jacket up. It was chilly out, and I was chewing minty gum. The minty gum not only opened up my airways completely, but caused every breath I took to feel like I stuck my head in a freezer. I shivered and scanned the area for Max. Damn, no sign of him. I looked to my left, right, up, down, but he was nowhere to be seen. "You lost, new girl?" a voice next to me proclaimed. I looked to my left and saw that same girl Emily from English class. I scowled and felt the urge to get up.

To my pleasure, just as I was about to proceed, I heard the crowd roar. Jake had apparently just scored a touchdown, and he was making his way towards me. In moments he lifted me up and wrapped my legs around me, pulling me into a kiss. His lips hungrily breathed into my minty ones. He bit down on my bottom lip, hard. Pulling me closer by the back of my jeans, he slid his tongue in my mouth and roamed his hands around me. Although we got quite a few stares, I could care less. Besides, I was looking for a specific stare. From a specific person. From Max.

As we broke apart I could see a dazed look in his eyes. "Wanna get out of here?" Jake suggested. Feeling eyes burning in my back, especially Emily's. I shrugged and followed him, not knowing what I was getting myself into.

When we got into his car he wasted no time in igniting the engine. "Where to, princess?" he said, raising his eyebrows at my cleavage, although it was hidden. "Um, downtown?" I offered. "As you wish. Drinks on me" He stated, driving off.

We arrived at the parking lot of a bar. It was a cute, quaint little bar. It was built with little bricks, with a reddish tint to them and illuminated by the street lights around it. The last time I was in a bar was with Max.. I shook the thought away and looked up at Jake. Shit. What was I doing? It's not like Max was here. Why was I doing this, why was I even with him? I heard Max's words in the back of my mind "Normal teenager". Still, it felt wrong.

Jake parked with one swift movement and grabbed me the moment the car halted. He pulled me on top of him and slid his tongue in my mouth. Like a serpent, he slithered his way through the cavities of my mouth like it was his territory. I felt captive, in the most negative way. I tried inching back a little, but that only caused him to pull me in closer, and dig his nails into my back. "Mm-Jake-" I tried to say through muffled breaths. 

"Mm princess, I love it when you say my name," Jake cooed. Feeling agitated and lost, I was completely paralyzed. It was when he slid his hands up my shirt to unhook my bra that I felt lucid. It reminded me of when Max did it.. Oh and did I forget to mention I was wearing the same bra? What a coincidence. I quickly pushed him away, and looked at him shocked.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Jake shouted, grabbing me by the wrists. "I barely know you Jake. Don't you think this is a little fast?" I managed to whisper. "You know what's fast? The speed my car will be driving away when you get your little ass out of it!" He yelled, pushing me off him. As my eyes began burning with tears, I slammed the door open and ran off. He shut it in moments and blasted his radio, rolling the windows down, apparently an attempt to deafen me with the blast coming from his stereos. 

Well I did pretty much leave him high and dry. But I did have a reason. Didn't I?

Feeling completely broken, I proceeded to the bar and ordered some drinks. I guess they were lenient in San Jose too, because I didn't even get questioned for an ID. I sighed and ordered a vodka on the rocks. And another one. Maybe it was two, or three? I couldn't remember when I started getting dizzy and the room felt like a sauna. As my breathing became heavy, I slouched down deeper and deeper into my chair. I just felt like disappearing. Maybe Max is just like Jake. Maybe they all are, and he just used me too. And this is why I don't believe in love..

As I frowned, I looked around the room. Dizzy as I was, I managed to make out a familiar face at the other end of the bar. You have got to be kidding me. Max? Again? At 4AM? At a bar? "Priceless!" I exclaimed, slamming the money for my drinks on the counter and getting up. To my dismay, I stumbled down in moments. Because I was so immersed in that mortifying moment,  I was surprised when I felt a familiar grip trying to catch my fall. I looked up and saw a pair of twinkling, green eyes. Max was holding me.

He looked angry, truly upset with me. I felt a pang in my chest. He looked disappointed. "Lets get you out of here," Max kept telling me as he carried me out of the bar. And that's the last thing I remember from that night. 

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