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hazza started following you.

      Out of curiosity, she clicked on the profile, having never heard of this hazza. The profile picture was of a huge sunflower and the background was a garden. Into gardening, are we? Lovie thought with a slight smirk. The bio said:

I like music, guitars, ukuleles, gardening, "Monty Python," Formula One racing, and a lot of other rubbish.

I'm a vegetarian! Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends.

My stories are mostly about things no one cares about, but if you like it, good for you!

      Aw, that's cute, she thought and started to scroll through hazza's works. Whoever it was had written a lot about music and "Monty Python" fanfiction. God, there were ten stories about it! Lovie supposed he had followed her because of his interest in ukes. She had mentioned before that she knew how to play them.

      She clicked on the 'follow' button and went about what she was doing for the rest of her day.

* * *

hazza: John, I've just found the girl of my dreams.

givepeasachanceman: Brigitte Bardot?

hazza: No, you like Bardot.

hazza: I found someone who likes classic rock and she says she plays ukulele! :)

givepeasachanceman: How do you know this person is a "she" and not a fifty-year-old creep who poses as a teenage girl?

hazza: She acts like a teenage girl.

givepeasachanceman: That doesn't say anything! There are some people out there who are really good at faking it!

hazza: Well, I followed her.

givepeasachanceman: You just don't go about following just anybody, George. You have to be choosy and pick wisely.

hazza: This is why you have zero followers.

givepeasachanceman: If I wait, they'll come to me.

hazza: You have to be following a few people if you want someone to find you easier!

givepeasachanceman: You're the one that's going around following fifty-year-old weirdos.

hazza: Do you think I should message her?

givepeasachanceman: No.

hazza: Why not?

givepeasachanceman: Let "her" come to you.

hazza: Stop putting quotations marks around 'her.'

givepeasachanceman: You just did it too!

hazza: No, those are apostrophes. Didn't you pay attention in English?

givepeasachanceman: No.

hazza: Of course -_-

hazza: I'm messaging her.

givepeasachanceman: Whatever you do don't give "her" your address.

hazza: Why would I do that?

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